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0001 #
0002 # FFTJet pileup analyzer configuration. Default is the PFJet
0003 # "MC calibration" mode. Here, we collect FFTJetPileupEstimator
0004 # summaries and do not collect FFTJetPileupProcessor histograms.
0005 #
0006 # I. Volobouev, April 27, 2011
0007 #
0008 import math
0009 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0011 fftjetPileupAnalyzer = cms.EDAnalyzer(
0012     "FFTJetPileupAnalyzer",
0013     #
0014     # Label for the histograms produced by FFTJetPileupProcessor
0015     histoLabel = cms.InputTag("pileupprocessor", "FFTJetPileupPFStudy"),
0016     #
0017     # Label for the summary produced by FFTJetPileupEstimator
0018     summaryLabel = cms.InputTag("pileupestimator", "FFTJetPileupEstimatePFUncalib"),
0019     #
0020     # Label for the MC pileup summary
0021     pileupLabel = cms.string("addPileupInfo"),
0022     #
0023     # Labels for fastjet rho and sigma
0024     fastJetRhoLabel = cms.InputTag(""),
0025     fastJetSigmaLabel = cms.InputTag(""),
0026     #
0027     # Label for the energy discretization grid
0028     gridLabel = cms.InputTag("fftjetpatreco", "FFTJetPatternRecognition"),
0029     #
0030     # Label for the collection of primary vertices
0031     srcPVs = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0032     #
0033     # Cut on the nDoF of the primary vertices
0034     vertexNdofCut = cms.double(4.0),
0035     #
0036     # Output ntuple name/title
0037     ntupleName = cms.string("FFTJetPileupAnalyzer"),
0038     ntupleTitle = cms.string("FFTJetPileupAnalyzer ntuple"),
0039     #
0040     # Settings for the types of info we are collecting
0041     collectHistos = cms.bool(False),
0042     collectPileup = cms.bool(True),
0043     collectOOTPileup = cms.bool(False),
0044     collectNumInteractions = cms.bool(True),
0045     collectFastJetRho = cms.bool(False),
0046     collectSummaries = cms.bool(True),
0047     collectGrids = cms.bool(False),
0048     collectGridDensity = cms.bool(False),
0049     collectVertexInfo = cms.bool(False),
0050     verbosePileupInfo = cms.bool(False),
0051     #
0052     # There is a bug somewhere in the module which builds
0053     # PileupSummaryInfo (it shows up in some events with OOP pileup).
0054     # The following kind-of helps avoiding crazy energy values.
0055     crazyEnergyCut = cms.double(2500.0)
0056 )