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0001 # PYTHON configuration file.
0002 # Description:  Example of dijet mass plot
0003 #               with corrected and uncorrected jets
0004 #               for various jet algorithms
0005 # Author: Kalanand Mishra
0006 # Date:  22 - November - 2009 
0008 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0010 process = cms.Process("Ana")
0011 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
0012 #############   Set the number of events #############
0013 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0014     input = cms.untracked.int32(1000)
0015 )
0016 #############   Define the source file ###############
0017 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0018     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
0019     '/store/mc/Summer09/QCDFlat_Pt15to3000/GEN-SIM-RECO/MC_31X_V9_7TeV-v1/0000/FABD2A94-C0D3-DE11-B6FD-00237DA13C2E.root')
0020 )
0021 process.source.inputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring("keep *","drop *_MEtoEDMConverter_*_*")
0023 #############   Include the jet corrections ##########
0024 process.load("JetMETCorrections.Configuration.L2L3Corrections_Summer09_7TeV_ReReco332_cff")
0025 # set the record's IOV. Must be defined once. Choose ANY correction service. #
0026 process.prefer("L2L3JetCorrectorAK5Calo")
0028 #############   User analyzer (calo jets) ##
0029 process.DijetMassCaloJets = cms.EDAnalyzer("DijetMassCaloJets",
0030     # Uncorrected CaloJets
0031     AKJets           = cms.string('ak5CaloJets'),
0032     ICJets           = cms.string('iterativeCone5CaloJets'),
0033     SCJets           = cms.string('sisCone5CaloJets'),
0034     KTJets           = cms.string('kt4CaloJets'),
0035     # Corrected CaloJets                                          
0036     AKCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetAK5Calo'), 
0037     ICCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetIC5Calo'), 
0038     SCCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetSC5Calo'), 
0039     KTCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetKT4Calo'),
0040     # Name of the output ROOT file containing the histograms 
0041     HistoFileName = cms.untracked.string('DijetMassCaloJets.root')
0042 )
0044 #############   User analyzer (PF jets) ##
0045 process.DijetMassPFJets = cms.EDAnalyzer("DijetMassPFJets",
0046     # Uncorrected PFJets
0047     AKJets           = cms.string('ak5PFJets'),
0048     ICJets           = cms.string('iterativeCone5PFJets'),
0049     SCJets           = cms.string('sisCone5PFJets'),
0050     KTJets           = cms.string('kt4PFJets'),
0051     # Corrected PFJets                                          
0052     AKCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetAK5PF'), 
0053     ICCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetIC5PF'), 
0054     SCCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetSC5PF'), 
0055     KTCorrectedJets  = cms.string('L2L3CorJetKT4PF'),
0056     # Name of the output ROOT file containing the histograms 
0057     HistoFileName = cms.untracked.string('DijetMassPFJets.root')
0058 )
0061 #############   User analyzer (gen jets) ##
0062 # ak5GenJets are NOT there: First load the needed modules
0063 process.load("RecoJets.Configuration.GenJetParticles_cff")
0064 process.load("RecoJets.JetProducers.ak5GenJets_cfi")
0065 process.DijetMassGenJets = cms.EDAnalyzer("DijetMassGenJets",
0066     # Uncorrected GenJets
0067     AKJets           = cms.string('ak5GenJets'),
0068     ICJets           = cms.string('iterativeCone5GenJets'),
0069     SCJets           = cms.string('sisCone5GenJets'),
0070     KTJets           = cms.string('kt4GenJets'),
0071     # Corrected GenJets  == Uncorrected GenJets                                        
0072     AKCorrectedJets  = cms.string('ak5GenJets'), 
0073     ICCorrectedJets  = cms.string('iterativeCone5GenJets'), 
0074     SCCorrectedJets  = cms.string('sisCone5GenJets'), 
0075     KTCorrectedJets  = cms.string('kt4GenJets'),
0076     # Name of the output ROOT file containing the histograms 
0077     HistoFileName = cms.untracked.string('DijetMassGenJets.root')
0078 )
0081 #############   Path       ###########################
0082 process.p = cms.Path(process.L2L3CorJetAK5Calo * process.L2L3CorJetIC5Calo * process.L2L3CorJetSC5Calo * process.L2L3CorJetKT4Calo * process.DijetMassCaloJets)
0083 process.p2 = cms.Path(process.L2L3CorJetAK5PF * process.L2L3CorJetIC5PF * process.L2L3CorJetSC5PF * process.L2L3CorJetKT4PF * process.DijetMassPFJets)
0084 process.p3 = cms.Path(process.genParticlesForJets * process.ak5GenJets * process.DijetMassGenJets)
0086 #############   Format MessageLogger #################
0087 process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 10