File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:25:28
0001 # PYTHON configuration file. 0002 # Description: Example of analysis pythia produced partons & jets 0003 # Author: R. Harris 0004 # Date: 28 - October - 2008 0005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0006 0007 process = cms.Process("Ana") 0008 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi") 0009 ############# Set the number of events ############# 0010 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( 0011 input = cms.untracked.int32(10000) 0012 ) 0013 ############# Define the source file ############### 0014 #process.load("RecoJets.JetAnalyzers.QCDgen_cfi") 0015 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource", 0016 duplicateCheckMode = cms.untracked.string('noDuplicateCheck'), 0017 fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring( 0018 'file:/uscms_data/d2/rharris/CMSSW_3_3_2/src/PYTHIA6_QCDpt_120_inf_900GeV_cff_py_GEN.root') 0019 ) 0020 ############# User analyzer ##### 0021 # Jet Algorithm: which jets to use for making histograms and ana root tree. 0022 # HistoFleName: name of file which contains histograms and ana root tree. 0023 # debug: set true for printout each event 0024 # NJets: Currently only the value 2 is supported for dijet ana. 0025 # eventsGen: Number of events generated, or will be generated, per pt_hat bin. 0026 # anaLevel: Analysis level string which steers analysis choices 0027 # "PtHatOnly": only get PtHat and make PtHat histos. FAST. 0028 # "Jets": do analysis of jets, but not partons. 0029 # Input file only needs to have GenJets. 0030 # "all": do analysis of everything and make histos and root tree 0031 # Input file needs to have GenParticles as well as GenJets 0032 # "generating": prior modes all assumd we were running on file. 0033 # This mode assumes we are generating pythia here. 0034 # Analysis of everything, make histos and root tree 0035 # xsecGen: Generator cross section. 0036 # Just one value if analysis level is "generating" 0037 # Multiple values if analysis level is "all" 0038 # ptHatEdges: Edges of ptHatBins that correspond to xsecGen values above 0039 # 0040 # 0041 process.gen = cms.EDAnalyzer("GenJetAnaPythia", 0042 JetAlgorithm = cms.string('ak7GenJets'), 0043 HistoFileName = cms.string('TestQCDhistos.root'), 0044 debug = cms.bool(False), 0045 NJets = cms.int32(2), 0046 eventsGen = cms.int32(100000), 0047 anaLevel = cms.string('all'), 0048 xsecGen = cms.vdouble(3.439E+10, 1.811E+07, 5.469E+06, 7.391E+05, 4.321E+04, 2.200E+03, 1.080E+02), 0049 ptHatEdges = cms.vdouble(0, 15, 20, 30, 50, 80, 120, 9999) 0050 ) 0051 ############# Path ########################### 0052 process.p = cms.Path(process.gen) 0053 ############# Format MessageLogger ################# 0054 process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 1000 0055
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