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0001 # PYTHON configuration file.
0002 # Description:  Example of applying L2+L3+L4 jet corrections.
0003 # Author: K. Kousouris
0004 # Date:  02 - September - 2009
0005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0007 process = cms.Process("Ana")
0008 process.load("FWCore.MessageService.MessageLogger_cfi")
0009 #############   Set the number of events #############
0010 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0011     input = cms.untracked.int32(100)
0012 )
0013 #############   Define the source file ###############
0014 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0015     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('/store/relval/CMSSW_3_1_2/RelValQCD_FlatPt_15_3000/GEN-SIM-RECO/MC_31X_V3-v1/0007/9E83A122-E978-DE11-9D04-001D09F23C73.root')
0016 )
0017 #############   Define the L2 correction service #####
0018 process.L2RelativeJetCorrector = cms.ESSource("L2RelativeCorrectionService", 
0019     tagName = cms.string('Summer09_L2Relative_SC5Calo'),
0020     label = cms.string('L2RelativeJetCorrector')
0021 )
0022 #############   Define the L3 correction service #####
0023 process.L3AbsoluteJetCorrector = cms.ESSource("L3AbsoluteCorrectionService", 
0024     tagName = cms.string('Summer09_L3Absolute_SC5Calo'),
0025     label = cms.string('L3AbsoluteJetCorrector')
0026 )
0027 #############   Define the EMF correction service ####
0028 process.L4JetCorrector = cms.ESSource("L4EMFCorrectionService", 
0029     tagName = cms.string('L4EMF_IC5'), # IMPORTANT: the L4 correction was derived from IC5 but it is the same for all algos
0030     label = cms.string('L4EMFJetCorrector')
0031 )
0032 #############   Define the chain corrector service ###
0033 process.L2L3L4JetCorrector = cms.ESSource("JetCorrectionServiceChain",  
0034     correctors = cms.vstring('L2RelativeJetCorrector','L3AbsoluteJetCorrector','L4EMFJetCorrector'),
0035     label = cms.string('L2L3L4JetCorrector')
0036 )
0037 #############   Define the chain corrector module ####
0038 process.L2L3L4CorJet = cms.EDProducer("CaloJetCorrectionProducer",
0039     src = cms.InputTag("sisCone5CaloJets"),
0040     correctors = cms.vstring('L2L3L4JetCorrector')
0041 )
0042 # set the record's IOV. Must be defined once. Choose ANY correction service. #
0043 process.prefer("L2L3L4JetCorrector") 
0044 #############   Plots of corrected Jet collection ####
0045 process.plots = cms.EDAnalyzer("CaloJetPlotsExample",
0046     JetAlgorithm  = cms.string('L2L3L4CorJet'),
0047     HistoFileName = cms.string('L2L3L4CaloJetCorExample.root'),
0048     NJets         = cms.int32(100)
0049 )
0050 #############   Path       ###########################
0051 process.p = cms.Path(process.L2L3L4CorJet * process.plots)
0052 #############   Format MessageLogger #################
0053 process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 10