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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:25:36

0001 {
0003   gSystem->Load(""); 
0004   FWLiteEnabler::enable();
0005   TChain chain("Events");
0006   chain.Add("evtgen_jets.root");
0007   chain.Add("evtgen_jets2.root");
0008   chain.GetEntry(0);  // This works and is pretty easy
0009   //TFile file("evtgen_jets.root");  //This works, but is too difficult.
0010   //gROOT->GetClass("CaloJet");  //This works but only for CaloJet
0011   //gROOT->GetClass("vector<CaloJet>");  //This does NOT work.
0012 }