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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



Warning, /RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 #include <cuda.h>
0002 #include <cuda_runtime.h>
0003 #include <inttypes.h>
0004 #include "DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h"
0005 #include "RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/HGCalCellPositionsKernelImpl.cuh"
0007 __global__ void fill_positions_from_detids(
0008     const hgcal_conditions::HeterogeneousHEFCellPositionsConditionsESProduct* conds) {
0009   unsigned int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
0011   for (unsigned int i = tid; i < conds->nelems_posmap; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
0012     HeterogeneousHGCSiliconDetId did(conds->posmap.detid[i]);
0013     const float cU = static_cast<float>(did.cellU());
0014     const float cV = static_cast<float>(did.cellV());
0015     const float wU = static_cast<float>(did.waferU());
0016     const float wV = static_cast<float>(did.waferV());
0017     const float ncells = static_cast<float>(did.nCellsSide());
0018     const int32_t layer = did.layer();
0020     //based on `std::pair<float, float> HGCalDDDConstants::locateCell(const HGCSiliconDetId&, bool)
0021     const float r_x2 = conds->posmap.waferSize + conds->posmap.sensorSeparation;
0022     const float r = 0.5f * r_x2;
0023     const float sqrt3 = __fsqrt_rn(3.f);
0024     const float rsqrt3 = __frsqrt_rn(3.f);  //rsqrt: 1 / sqrt
0025     const float R = r_x2 * rsqrt3;
0026     const float n2 = ncells / 2.f;
0027     const float yoff_abs = rsqrt3 * r_x2;
0028     const float yoff = (layer % 2 == 1) ? yoff_abs : -1.f * yoff_abs;  //CHANGE according to Sunanda's reply
0029     float xpos = (-2.f * wU + wV) * r;
0030     float ypos = yoff + (1.5f * wV * R);
0031     const float R1 = __fdividef(conds->posmap.waferSize, 3.f * ncells);
0032     const float r1_x2 = R1 * sqrt3;
0033     xpos += (1.5f * (cV - ncells) + 1.f) * R1;
0034     ypos += (cU - 0.5f * cV - n2) * r1_x2;
0035     conds->posmap.x[i] =
0036         xpos;  // times side; multiply by -1 if one wants to obtain the position from the opposite endcap. CAREFUL WITH LATER DETECTOR ALIGNMENT!!!
0037     conds->posmap.y[i] = ypos;
0038   }
0039 }
0041 __global__ void print_positions_from_detids(
0042     const hgcal_conditions::HeterogeneousHEFCellPositionsConditionsESProduct* conds) {
0043   unsigned int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
0045   for (unsigned int i = tid; i < conds->nelems_posmap; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
0046     HeterogeneousHGCSiliconDetId did(conds->posmap.detid[i]);
0047     const int32_t layer = did.layer();
0048     float posz = conds->posmap.zLayer[layer - 1];
0049     printf("PosX: %lf\t PosY: %lf\t Posz: %lf\n", conds->posmap.x[i], conds->posmap.y[i], posz);
0050   }
0051 }
0053 //eventually this can also be written in parallel
0054 __device__ unsigned map_cell_index(const float& cu, const float& cv, const unsigned& ncells_side) {
0055   unsigned counter = 0;
0056   //left side of wafer
0057   for (int cellUmax = ncells_side, icellV = 0; cellUmax < 2 * ncells_side && icellV < ncells_side;
0058        ++cellUmax, ++icellV) {
0059     for (int icellU = 0; icellU <= cellUmax; ++icellU) {
0060       if (cu == icellU and cv == icellV)
0061         return counter;
0062       else
0063         counter += 1;
0064     }
0065   }
0066   //right side of wafer
0067   for (int cellUmin = 1, icellV = ncells_side; cellUmin <= ncells_side && icellV < 2 * ncells_side;
0068        ++cellUmin, ++icellV) {
0069     for (int icellU = cellUmin; icellU < 2 * ncells_side; ++icellU) {
0070       if (cu == icellU and cv == icellV)
0071         return counter;
0072       else
0073         counter += 1;
0074     }
0075   }
0076   printf("ERROR: The cell was not found!");
0077   return 99;
0078 }
0080 //returns the index of the positions of a specific cell
0081 //performs several geometry-related shifts, and adds them at the end:
0082 //   1) number of cells up to the layer being inspected
0083 //   2) number of cells up to the waferUchunk in question, only in the layer being inspected
0084 //   3) number of cells up to the waferV in question, only in the layer and waferUchunk being inspected
0085 //   4) cell index within this layer, waferUchunk and waferV
0086 //Note: a 'waferUchunk' represents the first dimension of a 2D squared grid of wafers, and includes multiple waferV
0087 __device__ unsigned hash_function(const int32_t& l,
0088                                   const int32_t& wU,
0089                                   const int32_t& wV,
0090                                   const int32_t& cu,
0091                                   const int32_t& cv,
0092                                   const int32_t& ncells_side,
0093                                   const hgcal_conditions::HeterogeneousHEFCellPositionsConditionsESProduct* conds) {
0094   const unsigned thislayer = l - conds->posmap.firstLayer;
0095   const unsigned thisUwafer = wU - conds->posmap.waferMin;
0096   const unsigned thisVwafer = wV - conds->posmap.waferMin;
0097   const unsigned nwafers1D = conds->posmap.waferMax - conds->posmap.waferMin;
0099   //layer shift in terms of cell number
0100   unsigned ncells_up_to_thislayer = 0;
0101   for (unsigned q = 0; q < thislayer; ++q)
0102     ncells_up_to_thislayer += conds->posmap.nCellsLayer[q];
0104   //waferU shift in terms of cell number
0105   unsigned ncells_up_to_thisUwafer = 0;
0106   unsigned nwaferUchunks_up_to_this_layer = thislayer * nwafers1D;
0107   for (unsigned q = 0; q < thisUwafer; ++q)
0108     ncells_up_to_thisUwafer += conds->posmap.nCellsWaferUChunk[nwaferUchunks_up_to_this_layer + q];
0110   //waferV shift in terms of cell number
0111   unsigned ncells_up_to_thisVwafer = 0;
0112   const unsigned nwafers_up_to_thisLayer = thislayer * nwafers1D * nwafers1D;
0113   const unsigned nwafers_up_to_thisUwafer = thisUwafer * nwafers1D;
0114   for (unsigned q = 0; q < thisVwafer; ++q)
0115     ncells_up_to_thisVwafer += conds->posmap.nCellsHexagon[nwafers_up_to_thisLayer + nwafers_up_to_thisUwafer + q];
0117   //cell shift in terms of cell number
0118   const unsigned cell_shift = map_cell_index(cu, cv, ncells_side);
0119   const unsigned shift_total = ncells_up_to_thislayer + ncells_up_to_thisUwafer + ncells_up_to_thisVwafer + cell_shift;
0120   return shift_total;
0121 }
0123 __global__ void test(uint32_t detid_test,
0124                      const hgcal_conditions::HeterogeneousHEFCellPositionsConditionsESProduct* conds) {
0125   unsigned int tid = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
0127   if (tid == 0) {
0128     //printf("Nelems: %u\n", static_cast<unsigned>(conds->nelems_posmap));
0129     for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
0130       HeterogeneousHGCSiliconDetId did(detid_test);  // 2416969935, 2552165379, ...
0131       const int32_t cU = did.cellU();
0132       const int32_t cV = did.cellV();
0133       const int32_t wU = did.waferU();
0134       const int32_t wV = did.waferV();
0135       const int32_t ncs = did.nCellsSide();
0137       const int32_t layer = abs(did.layer());  //remove abs in case both endcaps are considered for x and y
0138       const unsigned shift = hash_function(layer, wU, wV, cU, cV, ncs, conds);
0139       //printf("id: cu: %d, cv: %d, wu: %d, wv: %d, ncells: %d, layer: %d\n", cU, cV, wU, wV, ncs, layer);
0140       printf("id: %u | shift: %u | x: %lf y: %lf\n",
0141              conds->posmap.detid[shift],
0142              shift,
0143              conds->posmap.x[shift],
0144              conds->posmap.y[shift]);
0145     }
0146   }
0147 }