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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # HcalSeverityLevelComputer:
0004 # short instruction: severity levels are defined to grade a problem indicated through flags
0005 #
0006 #  The algorithm works from the highest level down. For each level, it determines whether any of the
0007 #  bits that is defined for its level is set. If yes, then - regardless of the setting of the other bits -
0008 #  it gives back the corresponding severity level, if no, it continues with the next lower level.
0009 #  If a defined bit vector is empty, the corresponding flag is not checked.
0010 #  This means that the highest level that has two empty vectors will be always the default level.
0011 #
0012 # RecoveredRecHitBits: this is a mask for the determination of whether a particular RecHit is recovered
0013 #                      empty mask means that no flag is assigned to the recovered status
0014 #
0015 # DropChannelStatus: this is a mask for the determination of whether a digi should be/is dropped
0016 #                    during reconstruction because of the channelstatus of its cell
0017 #                    empty mask means that no digi should be/is dropped
0018 #
0019 # Modified 21.09.2010: a level consisting only of invalid definitions will be ignored
0020 # Any errors in definition of severity levels come through LogWarning
0022 essourceSev =  cms.ESSource("EmptyESSource",
0023                    recordName = cms.string("HcalSeverityLevelComputerRcd"),
0024                    firstValid = cms.vuint32(1),
0025                    iovIsRunNotTime = cms.bool(True)
0026 )
0028 from RecoLocalCalo.HcalRecAlgos.hcalRecAlgos_cfi import hcalRecAlgos
0030 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_HCAL_2017_cff import run2_HCAL_2017
0031 run2_HCAL_2017.toModify(hcalRecAlgos,
0032     phase = 1,
0033     SeverityLevels = {
0034         2 : dict( RecHitFlags = ['HBHEIsolatedNoise',
0035                                  'HFAnomalousHit']
0036             ),
0037         3 : dict( RecHitFlags = ['HBHEHpdHitMultiplicity',  
0038                                  'HBHEFlatNoise', 
0039                                  'HBHESpikeNoise', 
0040                                  'HBHETS4TS5Noise', 
0041                                  'HBHENegativeNoise', 
0042                                  'HBHEOOTPU']
0043             ),
0044         4 : dict( RecHitFlags = ['HFLongShort', 
0045                                  'HFS8S1Ratio',  
0046                                  'HFPET', 
0047                                  'HFSignalAsymmetry']
0048             ),
0049     },
0050     RecoveredRecHitBits = ['']
0051 )