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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Behavior of "Method 0" depends on the following top-level
0004 # HBHEPhase1Reconstructor parameters:
0005 #
0006 # (bool) tsFromDB
0007 # (bool) recoParamsFromDB
0008 #
0009 # and on the following parameters inside the "algorithm" parameter set,
0010 # defined as m0Parameters below:
0011 #
0012 # (int) firstSampleShift
0013 # (int) samplesToAdd
0014 # (bool) correctForPhaseContainment
0015 # (double) correctionPhaseNS
0016 #
0017 # The role of "tsFromDB" parameter is to specify whether the
0018 # "sample of interest" (SOI) should be taken from the data frame
0019 # (in case tsFromDB is False) or from the database (tsFromDB is True).
0020 # Once SOI is determined in this manner, the time slice for starting
0021 # the ADC charge summation (TSS) is determined by adding SOI and
0022 # "firstSampleShift". "firstSampleShift" can be negative, and if
0023 # TSS = SOI + firstSampleShift ends up negative, TSS is reset to 0.
0024 # If you want to start summation from time slice 0, just set
0025 # "firstSampleShift" to some negative number with large magnitude.
0026 #
0027 # In the old reco code, it used to be possible to configure the TSS
0028 # using a parameter value. This is no longer the case for Phase 1
0029 # reconstructor.
0030 #
0031 # The values of the remaining M0 parameters, "samplesToAdd",
0032 # "correctForPhaseContainment", and "correctionPhaseNS", will be
0033 # taken from the configuration file only if "recoParamsFromDB"
0034 # is set to False. If "recoParamsFromDB" is True, the config
0035 # file values of these parameters are ignored, and these values
0036 # are instead taken from the database. The "samplesToAdd" parameter
0037 # defines how many contiguous time slices will be used to calculate
0038 # the charge. TSS + samplesToAdd should not exceed the number of
0039 # time slices in the data frame, otherwise M0 will still work but
0040 # the results will be unreliable.
0041 #
0042 # Parameter "correctForPhaseContainment" specifies whether
0043 # a correction should be made for incomplete HPD signal collection
0044 # inside the summed time slices, and "correctionPhaseNS" specifies
0045 # the delay (in ns) of the HPD signal w.r.t. the ADC digitization
0046 # clock edge. That is, in the reco code, increasing correctionPhaseNS
0047 # moves reco window to the left w.r.t. the signal (AFAIK, the behavior
0048 # of PhaseDelay QIE11 configuration register is the opposite).
0049 #
0050 from CalibCalorimetry.HcalPlugins.Hcal_PCCUpdate_cff import *
0052 m0Parameters = cms.PSet(
0053     firstSampleShift = cms.int32(0),
0054     samplesToAdd = cms.int32(2),
0055     correctForPhaseContainment = cms.bool(True),
0056     correctionPhaseNS = cms.double(6.0),
0057     applyFixPCC = PCCUpdate.applyFixPCC
0058 )