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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Configuration parameters for Method 2
0004 m2Parameters = cms.PSet(
0006     applyPedConstraint    = cms.bool(True),
0007     applyTimeConstraint   = cms.bool(True),
0008     applyPulseJitter      = cms.bool(False),
0009     applyTimeSlew         = cms.bool(True),           #units
0010     ts4Min                = cms.double(0.),           #fC
0011     ts4Max                = cms.vdouble(100., 20000., 30000), #fC # this is roughly 20 GeV, HPD, siPMdepth1, siPMdepth>1
0012     pulseJitter           = cms.double(1.),           #GeV/bin 
0013     ###
0014     meanPed               = cms.double(0.),   #GeV
0015     meanTime              = cms.double(0.),   #ns 
0016     timeSigmaHPD          = cms.double(5.),   #ns 
0017     timeSigmaSiPM         = cms.double(2.5),  #ns
0018     ###
0019     timeMin               = cms.double(-12.5),#ns
0020     timeMax               = cms.double(12.5), #ns
0021     ts4chi2               = cms.vdouble(15.,15.),  #chi2 for triple pulse
0022     fitTimes              = cms.int32(1)      # -1 means no constraint on number of fits per channel
0024 )