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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 zdcreco = cms.EDProducer(
0004     "ZdcHitReconstructor",
0005     correctionPhaseNS = cms.double(0.0),
0006     digiLabelhcal = cms.InputTag("hcalDigis"),
0007     digiLabelcastor = cms.InputTag("castorDigis"),
0008     digiLabelQIE10ZDC = cms.InputTag("hcalDigis:ZDC"),
0009     Subdetector = cms.string('ZDC'),
0010     correctForPhaseContainment = cms.bool(False),
0011     correctForTimeslew = cms.bool(False),
0012     dropZSmarkedPassed = cms.bool(True),
0013     recoMethod = cms.int32(2),
0014     lowGainOffset = cms.int32(1),
0015     lowGainFrac = cms.double(8.15),
0017     # Set Time Samples of all digis to be saved in aux word
0018     # ZDC would like the ability to store non-contiguous digis
0019     AuxTSvec = cms.vint32([4,5,6,7]),
0021     #Tags for calculating status flags
0022     # None of the flag algorithms have been implemented for zdc, so these booleans do nothing
0023     correctTiming = cms.bool(True),
0024     setNoiseFlags = cms.bool(True),
0025     setHSCPFlags  = cms.bool(True),
0026     setSaturationFlags = cms.bool(True),
0027     setTimingTrustFlags = cms.bool(False), # timing flags currently only implemented for HF
0029     saturationParameters=  cms.PSet(maxADCvalue=cms.int32(127))
0030     ) # zdcreco