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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:25:58

0001 {
0002   char *file_name = "cscHists.root";
0003   string  nameOfTheHisto= "InefficientALCT_dydz";
0004   bool excludeChamberList[36];
0005   for(int iCh =0;iCh<36;++iCh){
0006     excludeChamberList[iCh] = false;
0007   }
0008   //  write here which chanmbers to exclude (numbers from 1) 
0009   //excludeChamberList[14-1] = true;  
0011   int endcap = 1;// + is "1", - is "2"
0012   int station = 2;
0013   int ring = 2;
0014   std::cout<<" Adding all "<<nameOfTheHisto<<" histograms from a E/S/R = "<<endcap<<"/"<<station<<"/"<<ring<<" and plotting the result..."<<std::endl;
0015   TFile *f1=
0016     (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(file_name);
0017   if (!f1){
0018     TFile *f1 = new TFile(file_name);
0019   }
0021   //gStyle->SetOptStat(1110);
0022   //gStyle->SetErrorX(0);
0023   //gPad->SetFillColor(0);
0024   //gStyle->SetPalette(1);
0026   TH1F *data_p1;
0027   TH1F *sum_histo;
0029   char * charName;
0030   string histo;
0031   int iterations = 0;
0032   for(int iE=1;iE<3;++iE){
0033     if(iE!=endcap) continue; 
0034     for(int iS=1;iS<5;++iS){
0035       if(iS!=station) continue; 
0036       for(int iR=1;iR<4;++iR){
0037         if(iR != ring) continue;
0038     if(1!=iS && iR>2){
0039       continue;
0040     }
0041     else if(2==iR && 4==iS){
0042       continue;
0043     }
0044     for(int iC=1;iC<37;++iC){
0045           if(excludeChamberList[iC-1]) continue;
0046       if(1!=iS && 1==iR && iC >18){
0047         continue;
0048       }
0049       histo = Form("Chambers__E%d_S%d_R%d_Chamber_%d/%s_Ch%d",iE,iS,iR,iC,nameOfTheHisto,iC);
0050           //std::cout<<" histo name = "<<histo<<std::endl; 
0051       charName = histo.c_str();
0052       data_p1 =(TH1F*)(f1->Get(charName));
0053       if(!iterations){
0054         sum_histo=(TH1F*)data_p1->Clone();
0055       }
0056       else{
0057         sum_histo->Add(data_p1);
0058       }
0059       ++iterations;
0060     }
0061       }
0062     }
0063   }
0064   sum_histo->Draw();
0066 }