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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # This object modifies the csc2DRecHits for running in Run 2
0005 # parameters for CSC rechit building
0006 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCRecHitD.cscRecHitD_cff import *
0007 import RecoLocalMuon.CSCRecHitD.cscRecHitDProducer_cfi as _mod
0009 csc2DRecHits = _mod.cscRecHitDProducer.clone(
0010     #
0011     #    Parameters for strip hits
0012     #
0013     CSCStripPeakThreshold = 10.0,
0014     CSCStripClusterChargeCut = 25.0,
0015     CSCStripxtalksOffset = 0.03,
0016     #
0017     #    How to find SCA peak time?
0018     #                              
0019     UseAverageTime = False,
0020     UseParabolaFit = False,
0021     UseFivePoleFit = True,                       
0022     #
0023     #    Parameters for wire hits
0024     CSCWireClusterDeltaT = 1,
0025     #
0026     #    wire time window used for reconstruction
0027     CSCUseReducedWireTimeWindow = True,
0028     CSCWireTimeWindowLow = 5,
0029     CSCWireTimeWindowHigh = 11,
0030     #
0031     #    Calibration info:
0032     CSCUseCalibrations = True,
0033     #    Pedestal treatment
0034     CSCUseStaticPedestals = False,
0035     CSCNoOfTimeBinsForDynamicPedestal = 2,
0036     #
0037     #    Which digis:
0038     #
0039     #  When using data from unpacker
0040     wireDigiTag = "muonCSCDigis:MuonCSCWireDigi",
0041     stripDigiTag = "muonCSCDigis:MuonCSCStripDigi",
0042     #  When using data from simulation
0043     #    wireDigiTag = "simMuonCSCDigis:MuonCSCWireDigi",
0044     #    stripDigiTag = "simMuonCSCDigis:MuonCSCStripDigi",
0045     #
0046     # Use dead channels information 
0047     readBadChannels = True,
0048     readBadChambers = True,
0049     #                          
0050     # Do we use the chip and chamber and L1A phase corrections when filling the recHit time?
0051     #
0052     CSCUseTimingCorrections = True,
0053     #
0054     # Do we correct the energy deposited for gas gains?
0055     CSCUseGasGainCorrections = True,
0056     #
0057     #    Parameters which are not used currently
0058     #
0059     CSCDebug = False,
0060     #  To be set once wire digis have proper timing info:
0061     CSCstripWireDeltaTime = 8,
0062     #
0063     #    Parameters for coordinate and uncertainty calculations
0064     #    Data and MC parameters are (still) different
0065     #    Needs tuning
0066     #
0067     **cscRecHitDParameters
0068 )
0069 ##
0070 ## Modify for running in Run 2
0071 ##
0072 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_common_cff import run2_common
0073 run2_common.toModify( csc2DRecHits, 
0074      readBadChannels = False,
0075      CSCUseGasGainCorrections = False )