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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.CSCSegmentAlgorithmSK_cfi import *
0004 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.CSCSegmentAlgorithmTC_cfi import *
0005 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.CSCSegmentAlgorithmDF_cfi import *
0006 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.CSCSegmentAlgorithmST_cfi import *
0007 from RecoLocalMuon.CSCSegment.CSCSegmentAlgorithmRU_cfi import *
0009 cscSegments = cms.EDProducer("CSCSegmentProducer",
0010     # Define input
0011     inputObjects = cms.InputTag("csc2DRecHits"),
0012     # Choice of the building algo: 1 SK, 2 TC, 3 DF, 4 ST, 5 RU, ...
0013     algo_type = cms.int32(5),
0014     # std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>
0015     algo_psets = cms.VPSet(
0016         cms.PSet(
0017             CSCSegAlgoSK
0018         ), 
0019         cms.PSet(
0020             CSCSegAlgoTC
0021         ), 
0022         cms.PSet(
0023             CSCSegAlgoDF
0024         ), 
0025         cms.PSet(
0026             CSCSegAlgoST
0027         ),
0028         cms.PSet(
0029             CSCSegAlgoRU
0030         )
0032      )
0033 )