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Warning, /RecoLocalMuon/DTRecHit/doc/DTRecHitProducer.doc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 /*!
0002 <!-- Substitute RecoLocalMuon and DTRecHit with the proper names! -->
0004 \page RecoLocalMuon_DTRecHit Package RecoLocalMuon/DTRecHit
0005 <center>
0006 <small>
0007 <a href=>Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@)</a> - 
0008 <a href=>Administrative privileges</a>
0009 </small>
0010 </center>
0013 \section desc Description
0014 <!-- Short description of what this package is supposed to provide -->
0015 This package contains the EDProducer of 1D DTRecHits. The producer module access the various reconstruction
0016 algorithms through Seal Plugins Factories.
0018 \subsection interface Public interface
0019 <!-- List the classes that are provided for use in other packages (if any) -->
0020 \subsubsection  recalgo Reconstruction Algorithms
0021 - DTRecHitAlgoFactory: Seal Plugin Factory for the access to reconstruction algorithms
0022 - DTRecHitBaseAlgo:  base class of all reconstruction algorithms which defines their interface.
0025 \subsubsection syncmodules Synchronization Modules
0026 - DTTTrigSyncFactory: Seal Plugin Factory for  the access to synchronization plugins
0027 - DTTTrigBaseSync:  base class for the plugins
0030 \subsection modules Modules
0031 <!-- Describe modules implemented in this package and their parameter set -->
0033 The EDProducer of 1D DT RecHits is the module DTRecHitProducer.
0035 The available plugins for reconstruction algorithms are:
0036 - DTLinearDriftAlgo: reconstruction using constant drift velocity
0037 - DTParametrizedDriftAlgo: reconstruction using the GARFIELD parametrization
0039 The available plugins for synchronization are:
0040 - DTTTrigSyncT0Only: for subtraction of t0 from pulses only (from DB)
0041 - DTTTrigSyncFromDB: for subtraction of t0 and ttrig read from the DB
0042 - DTTTrigSyncTOFCorr: designed for the simulation, this class define the offsets for RecHit building
0043  coherently to the digitization realized with the DTDigiSyncTOFCorr module.
0046 An example of configuration parameters for this module is:
0047 \verbatim
0048  module  dt1DRecHits = DTRecHitProducer {
0049                 untracked bool debug = false
0050                 InputTag dtDigiLabel = muondtdigi      
0051                 # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
0052                 string recAlgo = 'DTLinearDriftAlgo'
0053                 PSet recAlgoConfig = {
0054                         # The module to be used for ttrig synchronization and its paraemter set
0055                         string tTrigMode = 'DTTTrigSyncTOFCorr'
0056                         PSet tTrigModeConfig = {
0057                                 untracked bool debug = false
0058                                 # The offset to be subtracted to digi times (ns)
0059                                 double tTrig = 496
0060                                 # The velocity of signal propagation along the wire (cm/ns)
0061                                 double vPropWire = 24.4
0062                                 # The correction type for TOF
0063                                 int32 tofCorrType = 2
0064                                 }
0065                         # Drift velocity (cm/ns)                
0066                         double driftVelocity = 0.00543
0067                         # Times outside this window (ns) are considered 
0068                         # as coming from previous BXs
0069                         double minTime = -3
0070                         double maxTime = 415
0071                         # Cell resolution (cm)
0072                         double hitResolution = 0.02
0073                         untracked bool debug = false
0074                         }
0075         }
0077 \endverbatim
0079 Some predefined configuration files for this module are available:
0080 - <b>dt1DRecHits_LinearDrift.cfi</b>: hit reconstruction using constant drift velocity over the entire cell
0081 - <b>dt1DRecHits_ParamDrift.cfi</b>: reconstruction with GARFIELD parametrization
0082 - <b>dt1DRecHits_LinearDrift_CosmicData.cfi</b>: reconstruction of real data from cosmic test
0083 The name of the module in these cfi files is <i>dt1DRecHits</i>
0085 \subsection tests Unit tests and examples
0086 <!-- Describe cppunit tests and example configuration files -->
0088 Exaple of configuration files for the production of 1D DTRecHits are:
0089 - <b>testDTRecHitProducer.cfg</b>: for rechit building from simulated digis
0090 - <b>testDTRecHitProducer_fromData.cfg</b>:for rechit building from real data
0093 An example EDAnalyzer is implemented in the DTRecHitReader class. This analyzer produces some basic histos comparing the rechits with the simhit information.
0094 Configuration files for this analyzer are:
0095 - <b>DTRecHitReader_fromSimHit.cfg</b>: start from simhits
0096 - <b>DTRecHitReader_fromDigi.cfg</b>: start from digis
0097 - <b>DTRecHitReader_fromRecHit.cfg</b>: start from rechits
0100 \section status Status and planned development
0101 <!-- e.g. completed, stable, missing features -->
0103 The package is under development! Stay tuned!
0105 <hr>
0106 Last updated: @DATE@
0107 Author: G. Cerminara
0108 */