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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # 
0004 # This is the include file with the parameters
0005 # for the DTCombinatorialPatternReco algorithm,
0006 # which is the concrete algo for the DTRecSegment2D production.
0007 # The linear Drift algos is used.
0008 #
0009 # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
0010 from RecoLocalMuon.DTRecHit.DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo_CosmicData_cfi import *
0011 DTCombinatorialPatternReco2DAlgo_LinearDriftFromDB_CosmicData = cms.PSet(
0012     Reco2DAlgoConfig = cms.PSet(
0013         # Parameters for the updator
0014         # this is the RecHit1D algo!!
0015         DTLinearDriftFromDBAlgo_CosmicData,
0016         AlphaMaxPhi = cms.double(100.0),
0017         AlphaMaxTheta = cms.double(100.0),
0018         MaxAllowedHits = cms.uint32(50),
0019         debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0021         # Parameters for the cleaner
0022         segmCleanerMode = cms.int32(1),
0023         nSharedHitsMax = cms.int32(2),
0024         nUnSharedHitsMin = cms.int32(2),
0026         # Parameters for  T0 fit segment in the Updator and
0027         performT0SegCorrection = cms.bool(False),
0028         performT0_vdriftSegCorrection = cms.bool(False),
0029         hit_afterT0_resolution = cms.double(0.03),
0030         perform_delta_rejecting = cms.bool(False)
0031     ),
0032     Reco2DAlgoName = cms.string('DTCombinatorialPatternReco')
0033 )