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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Module for 2D rechit building 
0004 # The algo uses the Linear Drift Velocity (which is a 1D rec hit algo)
0005 # The block of the reconstruction
0006 from RecoLocalMuon.DTSegment.DTCombinatorialPatternReco2DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData_cfi import *
0007 dt2DSegments = cms.EDProducer("DTRecSegment2DProducer",
0008     # The reconstruction algo and its parameter set
0009     DTCombinatorialPatternReco2DAlgo_NoDrift_CosmicData,
0010     # debuggin opt
0011     debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0012     # name of the rechit 1D collection in the event
0013     recHits1DLabel = cms.InputTag("dt1DRecHits")
0014 )