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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ME0SegmentAlgorithm = cms.PSet(
0004     algo_name = cms.string("ME0SegmentAlgorithm"),                             
0005     algo_pset = cms.PSet(
0006         ME0Debug = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0007         minHitsPerSegment = cms.uint32(3),
0008         preClustering = cms.bool(True),
0009         dXclusBoxMax = cms.double(1.),
0010         dYclusBoxMax = cms.double(5.),
0011         preClusteringUseChaining = cms.bool(True),
0012         dPhiChainBoxMax = cms.double(.02),
0013         dEtaChainBoxMax = cms.double(.05),
0014         dTimeChainBoxMax = cms.double(15.0), # 1ns, +/- time to fly through 30cm thick ME0
0015         maxRecHitsInCluster = cms.int32(6)
0016     )
0017 )