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0001 #include "Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeometry.h"
0002 #include "Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTRecSegment4DCollection.h"
0004 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDet.h"
0005 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/MuonGeometryRecord.h"
0006 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/RectangularStripTopology.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeomServ.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/RPCRecHit/interface/RPCRecHit.h"
0010 #include "DataFormats/RPCRecHit/interface/RPCRecHitCollection.h"
0011 #include "DTSegtoRPC.h"
0012 #include "DTObjectMap.h"
0013 #include "DTStationIndex.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0016 #include <ctime>
0018 int distsector(int sector1, int sector2) {
0019   if (sector1 == 13)
0020     sector1 = 4;
0021   if (sector1 == 14)
0022     sector1 = 10;
0024   if (sector2 == 13)
0025     sector2 = 4;
0026   if (sector2 == 14)
0027     sector2 = 10;
0029   int distance = std::abs(sector1 - sector2);
0030   if (distance > 6)
0031     distance = 12 - distance;
0032   return distance;
0033 }
0035 int distwheel(int wheel1, int wheel2) {
0036   int distance = std::abs(wheel1 - wheel2);
0037   return distance;
0038 }
0040 DTSegtoRPC::DTSegtoRPC(edm::ConsumesCollector iC, const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0041     : rpcGeoToken_(iC.esConsumes()), dtGeoToken_(iC.esConsumes()), dtMapToken_(iC.esConsumes()) {
0042   minPhiBX = iConfig.getParameter<int>("minBX");
0043   maxPhiBX = iConfig.getParameter<int>("maxBX");
0044   incldt = true;
0045   incldtMB4 = true;
0047   //By now hard coded parameters
0048   MinCosAng = 0.85;
0049   MaxD = 80.;
0050   MaxDrb4 = 150.;
0051   MaxDistanceBetweenSegments = 150;
0052 }
0054 std::unique_ptr<RPCRecHitCollection> DTSegtoRPC::thePoints(const DTRecSegment4DCollection* all4DSegments,
0055                                                            const edm::EventSetup& iSetup,
0056                                                            bool debug,
0057                                                            double eyr) {
0058   auto _ThePoints = std::make_unique<RPCRecHitCollection>();
0059   edm::OwnVector<RPCRecHit> RPCPointVector;
0060   std::vector<uint32_t> extrapolatedRolls;
0062   if (all4DSegments->size() > 8) {
0063     if (debug)
0064       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "Too many segments in this event we are not doing the extrapolation" << std::endl;
0065   } else {
0066     edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo = iSetup.getHandle(rpcGeoToken_);
0067     edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeo = iSetup.getHandle(dtGeoToken_);
0068     edm::ESHandle<DTObjectMap> dtMap = iSetup.getHandle(dtMapToken_);
0070     std::map<DTChamberId, int> DTSegmentCounter;
0071     DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segment;
0073     for (segment = all4DSegments->begin(); segment != all4DSegments->end(); ++segment) {
0074       DTSegmentCounter[segment->chamberId()]++;
0075     }
0077     const float bunchCrossTimeDiff = 25.;  // time between bunch crossings
0079     if (incldt) {
0080       for (segment = all4DSegments->begin(); segment != all4DSegments->end(); ++segment) {
0081         DTChamberId DTId = segment->chamberId();
0083         if (debug)
0084           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t This Segment is in Chamber id: " << DTId << std::endl;
0085         if (debug)
0086           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t Number of segments in this DT = " << DTSegmentCounter[DTId] << std::endl;
0087         if (debug)
0088           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t Is the only one in this DT? and is not in the 4th Station?" << std::endl;
0090         if (DTSegmentCounter[DTId] != 1 || DTId.station() == 4) {
0091           if (debug)
0092             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT \t \t More than one segment in this chamber, or we are in Station 4"
0093                                    << std::endl;
0094           continue;
0095         }
0097         int dtWheel = DTId.wheel();
0098         int dtStation = DTId.station();
0099         int dtSector = DTId.sector();
0101         LocalPoint segmentPosition = segment->localPosition();
0102         LocalVector segmentDirection = segment->localDirection();
0104         const GeomDet* gdet = dtGeo->idToDet(segment->geographicalId());
0105         const BoundPlane& DTSurface = gdet->surface();
0107         //check if the dimension of the segment is 4
0109         if (debug)
0110           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t Is the segment 4D?" << std::endl;
0112         if (segment->dimension() != 4) {
0113           if (debug)
0114             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t no" << std::endl;
0115           continue;
0116         }
0118         if (debug)
0119           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0120         if (debug)
0121           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t DT Segment Dimension " << segment->dimension() << std::endl;
0123         float Xo = segmentPosition.x();
0124         float Yo = segmentPosition.y();
0125         float Zo = segmentPosition.z();
0126         float dx = segmentDirection.x();
0127         float dy = segmentDirection.y();
0128         float dz = segmentDirection.z();
0130         float myPhiTime = -9999.;
0131         float myPhiTimeErr = -9999.;
0132         int myPhiBx = -99;
0134         if (segment->hasPhi()) {
0135           myPhiTime = segment->phiSegment()->t0();
0136           myPhiBx = round(segment->phiSegment()->t0() / bunchCrossTimeDiff);
0137           if (debug)
0138             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "segment t0 = " << myPhiTime << "\tround = " << myPhiBx << std::endl;
0139         }
0140         if (!(myPhiBx <= maxPhiBX && myPhiBx >= minPhiBX))  //limit only to the RPC readout range
0141           continue;
0143         if (debug)
0144           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "Creating the DTIndex" << std::endl;
0145         DTStationIndex theindex(0, dtWheel, dtSector, dtStation);
0146         if (debug)
0147           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "Getting the Rolls for the given index" << std::endl;
0148         std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisDT = dtMap->getRolls(theindex);
0150         if (debug)
0151           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t Number of rolls for this DT = " << rollsForThisDT.size() << std::endl;
0153         assert(!rollsForThisDT.empty());
0155         if (debug)
0156           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t Loop over all the rolls asociated to this DT" << std::endl;
0157         for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisDT.begin(); iteraRoll != rollsForThisDT.end();
0158              iteraRoll++) {
0159           const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);
0160           RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
0161           const BoundPlane& RPCSurface = rollasociated->surface();
0163           RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
0164           std::string nameRoll =;
0166           if (debug)
0167             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t RollName: " << nameRoll << std::endl;
0168           if (debug)
0169             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Doing the extrapolation to this roll" << std::endl;
0170           if (debug)
0171             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t DT Segment Direction in DTLocal " << segmentDirection << std::endl;
0172           if (debug)
0173             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t DT Segment Point in DTLocal " << segmentPosition << std::endl;
0175           GlobalPoint CenterPointRollGlobal = RPCSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0, 0, 0));
0177           LocalPoint CenterRollinDTFrame = DTSurface.toLocal(CenterPointRollGlobal);
0179           if (debug)
0180             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) Roll In DTLocal" << CenterRollinDTFrame << std::endl;
0181           if (debug)
0182             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) of the Roll in Global" << CenterPointRollGlobal
0183                                    << std::endl;
0185           float D = CenterRollinDTFrame.z();
0187           float X = Xo + dx * D / dz;
0188           float Y = Yo + dy * D / dz;
0189           float Z = D;
0191           const RectangularStripTopology* top_ =
0192               dynamic_cast<const RectangularStripTopology*>(&(rollasociated->topology()));
0193           LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
0194           if (debug)
0195             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t xmin of this  Roll " << xmin << "cm" << std::endl;
0196           LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)rollasociated->nstrips());
0197           if (debug)
0198             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t xmax of this  Roll " << xmax << "cm" << std::endl;
0199           float rsize = fabs(xmax.x() - xmin.x());
0200           if (debug)
0201             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Roll Size " << rsize << "cm" << std::endl;
0202           float stripl = top_->stripLength();
0204           float stripw = top_->pitch();
0206           if (debug)
0207             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Strip Lenght " << stripl << "cm" << std::endl;
0208           if (debug)
0209             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Strip Width " << stripw << "cm" << std::endl;
0210           if (debug)
0211             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t X Predicted in DTLocal= " << X << "cm" << std::endl;
0212           if (debug)
0213             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Y Predicted in DTLocal= " << Y << "cm" << std::endl;
0214           if (debug)
0215             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Z Predicted in DTLocal= " << Z << "cm" << std::endl;
0217           float extrapolatedDistance = sqrt((X - Xo) * (X - Xo) + (Y - Yo) * (Y - Yo) + (Z - Zo) * (Z - Zo));
0219           if (debug)
0220             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Is the distance of extrapolation less than MaxD? ="
0221                                    << extrapolatedDistance << "cm"
0222                                    << "MaxD=" << MaxD << "cm" << std::endl;
0224           if (extrapolatedDistance <= MaxD) {
0225             if (debug)
0226               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0227             GlobalPoint GlobalPointExtrapolated = DTSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(X, Y, Z));
0228             if (debug)
0229               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Point ExtraPolated in Global" << GlobalPointExtrapolated
0230                                      << std::endl;
0231             LocalPoint PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame = RPCSurface.toLocal(GlobalPointExtrapolated);
0233             if (debug)
0234               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Point Extrapolated in RPCLocal" << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame
0235                                      << std::endl;
0236             if (debug)
0237               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Corner of the Roll = (" << rsize * eyr << "," << stripl * eyr
0238                                      << ")" << std::endl;
0239             if (debug)
0240               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT \t \t \t Info About the Point Extrapolated in X Abs ("
0241                                      << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) << ","
0242                                      << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) << ","
0243                                      << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) << ")" << std::endl;
0244             if (debug)
0245               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t Does the extrapolation go inside this roll?" << std::endl;
0247             if (fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) < 1. && fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) < rsize * eyr &&
0248                 fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) < stripl * eyr) {
0249               if (debug)
0250                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0251               if (debug)
0252                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t \t Creating the RecHit" << std::endl;
0254               RPCRecHit RPCPoint(rpcId, myPhiBx, PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame);
0255               RPCPoint.setTimeAndError(myPhiTime, myPhiTimeErr);
0257               if (debug)
0258                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t \t Clearing the vector" << std::endl;
0259               RPCPointVector.clear();
0260               if (debug)
0261                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t \t Pushing back" << std::endl;
0262               RPCPointVector.push_back(RPCPoint);
0263               if (debug)
0264                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT  \t \t \t \t Putting the vector" << std::endl;
0265               _ThePoints->put(rpcId, RPCPointVector.begin(), RPCPointVector.end());
0267               if (debug)
0268                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT \t \t \t \t Filling container with " << nameRoll
0269                                        << " Point.x=" << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()
0270                                        << " Point.y=" << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()
0271                                        << " size=" << RPCPointVector.size() << std::endl;
0273             } else {
0274               if (debug)
0275                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT \t \t \t \t No the prediction is outside of this roll" << std::endl;
0276             }  //Condition for the right match
0277           } else {
0278             if (debug)
0279               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "DT \t \t \t No, Exrtrapolation too long!, canceled" << std::endl;
0280           }  //D so big
0281         }  //loop over all the rolls asociated
0282       }
0283     }
0285     if (incldtMB4) {
0286       if (all4DSegments->size() > 0) {
0287         if (debug)
0288           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t Loop Over all4DSegments " << all4DSegments->size() << std::endl;
0289         extrapolatedRolls.clear();
0290         for (segment = all4DSegments->begin(); segment != all4DSegments->end(); ++segment) {
0291           DTChamberId DTId = segment->chamberId();
0293           float myPhiTime = -9999.;
0294           float myPhiTimeErr = -9999.;
0295           int myPhiBx = -99;
0297           if (segment->hasPhi()) {
0298             myPhiTime = segment->phiSegment()->t0();
0299             myPhiBx = round(segment->phiSegment()->t0() / bunchCrossTimeDiff);
0300             if (debug)
0301               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "segment t0 = " << myPhiTime << "\tround = " << myPhiBx << std::endl;
0302           }
0303           if (!(myPhiBx <= maxPhiBX && myPhiBx >= minPhiBX))  //limit only to the RPC readout range
0304             continue;
0306           if (debug)
0307             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t This Segment is in Chamber id: " << DTId << std::endl;
0308           if (debug)
0309             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t Number of segments in this DT = " << DTSegmentCounter[DTId]
0310                                    << std::endl;
0311           if (debug)
0312             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Is the only one in this DT? and is in the Station 4?" << std::endl;
0314           if (DTSegmentCounter[DTId] == 1 && DTId.station() == 4) {
0315             if (debug)
0316               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0317             int dtWheel = DTId.wheel();
0318             int dtStation = DTId.station();
0319             int dtSector = DTId.sector();
0321             LocalPoint segmentPosition = segment->localPosition();
0322             LocalVector segmentDirection = segment->localDirection();
0324             if (debug)
0325               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t The Segment in MB4 is 2D?" << std::endl;
0326             if (segment->dimension() == 2) {
0327               if (debug)
0328                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0329               const LocalVector& segmentDirectionMB4 = segmentDirection;
0330               const LocalPoint& segmentPositionMB4 = segmentPosition;
0332               const BoundPlane& DTSurface4 = dtGeo->idToDet(DTId)->surface();
0334               DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segMB3;
0336               if (debug)
0337                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0338                     << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Loop on segments in =sector && MB3 && adjacent sectors && y dim=4" << std::endl;
0339               for (segMB3 = all4DSegments->begin(); segMB3 != all4DSegments->end(); ++segMB3) {
0340                 DTChamberId dtid3 = segMB3->chamberId();
0342                 if (debug)
0343                   LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4  \t \t \t \t Segment in Chamber =" << dtid3 << std::endl;
0345                 if (distsector(dtid3.sector(), DTId.sector()) <=
0346                         1  //The DT sector could be 13 or 14 and because is corrected in the calculation of the distance.
0347                     && distwheel(dtid3.wheel(), DTId.wheel()) <=
0348                            1  //The we could have segments in neighbohr wheels in pp collisions
0349                     && dtid3.station() == 3 && DTSegmentCounter[dtid3] == 1 && segMB3->dimension() == 4) {
0350                   if (debug)
0351                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0352                         << "MB4  \t \t \t \t distsector =" << distsector(dtid3.sector(), DTId.sector()) << std::endl;
0353                   if (debug)
0354                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0355                         << "MB4  \t \t \t \t distwheel =" << distwheel(dtid3.wheel(), DTId.wheel()) << std::endl;
0357                   const GeomDet* gdet3 = dtGeo->idToDet(segMB3->geographicalId());
0358                   const BoundPlane& DTSurface3 = gdet3->surface();
0360                   LocalVector segmentDirectionMB3 = segMB3->localDirection();
0361                   GlobalPoint segmentPositionMB3inGlobal = DTSurface3.toGlobal(segMB3->localPosition());
0362                   GlobalPoint segmentPositionMB4inGlobal = DTSurface4.toGlobal(segmentPosition);
0364                   LocalVector segDirMB3inMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(DTSurface3.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB3));
0366                   GlobalVector segDirMB4inGlobalFrame = DTSurface4.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB4);
0367                   GlobalVector segDirMB3inGlobalFrame = DTSurface3.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB3);
0369                   float dx = segDirMB4inGlobalFrame.x();
0370                   float dy = segDirMB4inGlobalFrame.y();
0372                   float dx3 = segDirMB3inGlobalFrame.x();
0373                   float dy3 = segDirMB3inGlobalFrame.y();
0375                   double cosAng = fabs(dx * dx3 + dy * dy3 / sqrt((dx3 * dx3 + dy3 * dy3) * (dx * dx + dy * dy)));
0377                   if (debug)
0378                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0379                         << "MB4 \t \t \t \t cosAng" << cosAng << "Beetween " << dtid3 << " and " << DTId << std::endl;
0381                   if (debug) {
0382                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t dx=" << dx << " dy=" << dy << std::endl;
0383                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t dx3=" << dx3 << " dy3=" << dy << std::endl;
0384                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t cosAng=" << cosAng << std::endl;
0385                   }
0387                   float DistanceBetweenSegments = ((segmentPositionMB3inGlobal) - (segmentPositionMB4inGlobal)).mag();
0389                   if (cosAng > MinCosAng && DistanceBetweenSegments < MaxDistanceBetweenSegments) {
0390                     if (debug)
0391                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0392                           << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Distance between segments=" << DistanceBetweenSegments << std::endl;
0394                     if (debug)
0395                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0396                           << "MB4 \t \t We found compatible Segments (similar direction and close enough) in " << dtid3
0397                           << " and " << DTId << std::endl;
0399                     if (dtSector == 13) {
0400                       dtSector = 4;
0401                     }
0402                     if (dtSector == 14) {
0403                       dtSector = 10;
0404                     }
0406                     if (debug)
0407                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "Creating the DTIndex" << std::endl;
0408                     DTStationIndex theindex(0, dtWheel, dtSector, dtStation);
0409                     if (debug)
0410                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "Getting the Rolls for the given index" << std::endl;
0411                     std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisDT = dtMap->getRolls(theindex);
0413                     if (debug)
0414                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0415                           << "MB4 \t \t Number of rolls for this DT = " << rollsForThisDT.size() << std::endl;
0417                     assert(!rollsForThisDT.empty());
0419                     if (debug)
0420                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4  \t \t Loop over all the rolls asociated to this DT" << std::endl;
0421                     for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisDT.begin();
0422                          iteraRoll != rollsForThisDT.end();
0423                          iteraRoll++) {
0424                       const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);  //roll asociado a MB4
0425                       RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
0426                       const BoundPlane& RPCSurfaceRB4 = rollasociated->surface();  //surface MB4
0428                       RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
0429                       std::string nameRoll =;
0431                       if (debug)
0432                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4  \t \t \t RollName: " << nameRoll << std::endl;
0433                       if (debug)
0434                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4  \t \t \t Doing the extrapolation to this roll" << std::endl;
0436                       GlobalPoint CenterPointRollGlobal = RPCSurfaceRB4.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0, 0, 0));
0437                       LocalPoint CenterRollinMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(CenterPointRollGlobal);  //In MB4
0438                       LocalPoint segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame =
0439                           DTSurface4.toLocal(segmentPositionMB3inGlobal);  //In MB4
0441                       LocalVector segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(segDirMB3inGlobalFrame);  //In MB4
0443                       //The exptrapolation is done in MB4 frame. for local x and z is done from MB4,
0444                       float Dxz = CenterRollinMB4Frame.z();
0445                       float Xo4 = segmentPositionMB4.x();
0446                       float dxl = segmentDirectionMB4.x();  //dx local for MB4 segment in MB4 Frame
0447                       float dzl = segmentDirectionMB4.z();  //dx local for MB4 segment in MB4 Frame
0449                       float X = Xo4 + dxl * Dxz / dzl;  //In MB4 frame
0450                       float Z = Dxz;                    //In MB4 frame
0452                       //for local y is done from MB3
0453                       float Yo34 = segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame.y();
0454                       float dy34 = segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame.y();
0455                       float dz34 = segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame.z();
0456                       float Dy =
0457                           Dxz -
0458                           (segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame.z());  //Distance beetween the segment in MB3 and the RB4 surface
0460                       if (debug)
0461                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0462                             << "MB4 \t \t \t The distance to extrapolate in Y from MB3 is " << Dy << "cm" << std::endl;
0464                       float Y = Yo34 + dy34 * Dy / dz34;  //In MB4 Frame
0466                       const RectangularStripTopology* top_ = dynamic_cast<const RectangularStripTopology*>(
0467                           &(rollasociated->topology()));  //Topology roll asociated MB4
0468                       LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
0469                       LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)rollasociated->nstrips());
0470                       float rsize = fabs(xmax.x() - xmin.x());
0471                       float stripl = top_->stripLength();
0472                       float stripw = top_->pitch();
0474                       if (debug)
0475                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Strip Lenght " << stripl << "cm" << std::endl;
0476                       if (debug)
0477                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Strip Width " << stripw << "cm" << std::endl;
0479                       if (debug)
0480                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t X Predicted in MB4DTLocal= " << X << "cm" << std::endl;
0481                       if (debug)
0482                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Y Predicted in MB4DTLocal= " << Y << "cm" << std::endl;
0483                       if (debug)
0484                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Z Predicted in MB4DTLocal= " << Z << "cm" << std::endl;
0486                       float extrapolatedDistance = sqrt((Y - Yo34) * (Y - Yo34) + Dy * Dy);
0488                       if (debug)
0489                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0490                             << "MB4 \t \t \t segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame" << segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame << std::endl;
0491                       if (debug)
0492                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0493                             << "MB4 \t \t \t segmentPositionMB4inMB4Frame" << segmentPosition << std::endl;
0495                       if (debug)
0496                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0497                             << "MB4 \t \t \t segmentDirMB3inMB4Frame" << segDirMB3inMB4Frame << std::endl;
0498                       if (debug)
0499                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0500                             << "MB4 \t \t \t segmentDirMB4inMB4Frame" << segmentDirectionMB4 << std::endl;
0502                       if (debug)
0503                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0504                             << "MB4 \t \t \t CenterRB4PositioninMB4Frame" << CenterRollinMB4Frame << std::endl;
0506                       if (debug)
0507                         LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Is the extrapolation distance =" << extrapolatedDistance
0508                                                << "less than " << MaxDrb4 << std::endl;
0510                       if (extrapolatedDistance <= MaxDrb4) {
0511                         if (debug)
0512                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0514                         GlobalPoint GlobalPointExtrapolated = DTSurface4.toGlobal(LocalPoint(X, Y, Z));
0516                         if (debug)
0517                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0518                               << "MB4 \t \t \t Point ExtraPolated in Global" << GlobalPointExtrapolated << std::endl;
0520                         LocalPoint PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame = RPCSurfaceRB4.toLocal(GlobalPointExtrapolated);
0522                         if (debug)
0523                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Point Extrapolated in RPCLocal"
0524                                                  << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame << std::endl;
0525                         if (debug)
0526                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Corner of the Roll = (" << rsize * eyr << ","
0527                                                  << stripl * eyr << ")" << std::endl;
0528                         if (debug)
0529                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0530                               << "MB4 \t \t \t Info About the Point Extrapolated in X Abs ("
0531                               << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) << "," << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y())
0532                               << "," << fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) << ")" << std::endl;
0534                         if (debug)
0535                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0536                               << "MB4 \t \t \t Does the extrapolation go inside this roll?" << std::endl;
0538                         if (fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) < 5. &&
0539                             fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) < rsize * eyr &&
0540                             fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) < stripl * eyr) {
0541                           if (debug)
0542                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t yes" << std::endl;
0543                           if (debug)
0544                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Creating the RecHit" << std::endl;
0546                           RPCRecHit RPCPointMB4(rpcId, myPhiBx, PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame);
0547                           RPCPointMB4.setTimeAndError(myPhiTime, myPhiTimeErr);
0549                           if (debug)
0550                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Clearing the RPCPointVector" << std::endl;
0551                           RPCPointVector.clear();
0552                           if (debug)
0553                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Pushing Back" << std::endl;
0554                           RPCPointVector.push_back(RPCPointMB4);
0555                           if (debug)
0556                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Putting for " << rpcId << std::endl;
0557                           if (debug)
0558                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Filling container with " << nameRoll
0559                                                    << " Point.x=" << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()
0560                                                    << " Point.y=" << PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()
0561                                                    << " size=" << RPCPointVector.size() << std::endl;
0562                           if (debug)
0563                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Number of rolls already extrapolated in RB4 = "
0564                                                    << extrapolatedRolls.size() << std::endl;
0565                           if (find(extrapolatedRolls.begin(), extrapolatedRolls.end(), rpcId.rawId()) ==
0566                               extrapolatedRolls.end()) {
0567                             extrapolatedRolls.push_back(rpcId.rawId());
0568                             _ThePoints->put(rpcId, RPCPointVector.begin(), RPCPointVector.end());
0569                           } else {
0570                             if (debug)
0571                               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0572                                   << "MB4 \t \t \t \t roll already extrapolated " << rpcId << std::endl;
0573                           }
0574                           if (debug)
0575                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0576                                 << "MB4 \t \t \t \t Extrapolations done after this point = " << extrapolatedRolls.size()
0577                                 << std::endl;
0578                           if (debug)
0579                             for (uint32_t m = 0; m < extrapolatedRolls.size(); m++)
0580                               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t" << << std::endl;
0581                         } else {
0582                           if (debug)
0583                             LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0584                                 << "MB4 \t \t \t \t No the prediction is outside of this roll" << std::endl;
0585                         }
0586                       }  //Condition for the right match
0587                       else {
0588                         if (debug)
0589                           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t No, Exrtrapolation too long!, canceled" << std::endl;
0590                       }
0591                     }  //loop over all the rollsasociated
0592                   } else {
0593                     if (debug)
0594                       LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0595                           << "MB4 \t \t \t \t I found segments in MB4 and MB3 adjacent wheel and/or sector but "
0596                              "not compatibles, Diferent Directions"
0597                           << std::endl;
0598                   }
0599                 } else {
0600                   if (debug)
0601                     LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC")
0602                         << "MB4 \t \t \t No the same station or same wheel or segment dim in mb3 not 4D" << std::endl;
0603                 }
0604               }  //loop over all the segments looking for one in MB3
0605             } else {
0606               if (debug)
0607                 LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t Is NOT a 2D Segment" << std::endl;
0608             }
0609           } else {
0610             if (debug)
0611               LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t \t \t \t There is not just one segment or is not in station 4"
0612                                      << std::endl;
0613           }  //De aca para abajo esta en dtpart.inl
0614         }
0615       } else {
0616         if (debug)
0617           LogDebug("DTSegtoRPC") << "MB4 \t This event doesn't have 4D Segment" << std::endl;
0618       }
0619     }
0620   }
0622   return _ThePoints;
0623 }