File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:26:17
0001 #include "RecoLocalTracker/SiPhase2VectorHitBuilder/interface/VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
0003 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
0004 #include "RecoLocalTracker/Records/interface/TkPhase2OTCPERecord.h"
0006 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"
0007 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDet.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0012 VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase::VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase(
0013 const edm::ParameterSet& conf,
0014 const TrackerGeometry* tkGeomProd,
0015 const TrackerTopology* tkTopoProd,
0016 const ClusterParameterEstimator<Phase2TrackerCluster1D>* cpeProd)
0017 : tkGeom_(tkGeomProd),
0018 tkTopo_(tkTopoProd),
0019 cpe_(cpeProd),
0020 nMaxVHforeachStack_(conf.getParameter<int>("maxVectorHitsInAStack")),
0021 barrelCut_(conf.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("BarrelCut")),
0022 endcapCut_(conf.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("EndcapCut")),
0023 cpeTag_(conf.getParameter<edm::ESInputTag>("CPE")) {}
0025 double VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase::computeParallaxCorrection(const PixelGeomDetUnit* geomDetUnit_low,
0026 const Point3DBase<float, LocalTag>& lPosClu_low,
0027 const PixelGeomDetUnit* geomDetUnit_upp,
0028 const Point3DBase<float, LocalTag>& lPosClu_upp) const {
0029 double parallCorr = 0.0;
0030 Global3DPoint origin(0, 0, 0);
0031 Global3DPoint gPosClu_low = geomDetUnit_low->surface().toGlobal(lPosClu_low);
0032 GlobalVector gV = gPosClu_low - origin;
0033 LogTrace("VectorHitsBuilderValidation") << " global vector passing to the origin:" << gV;
0035 LocalVector lV = geomDetUnit_low->surface().toLocal(gV);
0036 LogTrace("VectorHitsBuilderValidation")
0037 << " local vector passing to the origin (in the lower detector system of reference):" << lV;
0038 LocalVector lV_norm = lV / lV.z();
0039 LogTrace("VectorHitsBuilderValidation")
0040 << " normalized local vector passing to the origin (in low the lower detector system of reference):" << lV_norm;
0042 Global3DPoint gPosClu_upp = geomDetUnit_upp->surface().toGlobal(lPosClu_upp);
0043 Local3DPoint lPosClu_uppInLow = geomDetUnit_low->surface().toLocal(gPosClu_upp);
0044 parallCorr = lV_norm.x() * lPosClu_uppInLow.z();
0046 return parallCorr;
0047 }
0049 void VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase::printClusters(const edmNew::DetSetVector<Phase2TrackerCluster1D>& clusters) const {
0050 int nCluster = 0;
0051 for (const auto& DSViter : clusters) {
0053 for (const auto& clustIt : DSViter) {
0054 nCluster++;
0056 const GeomDetUnit* geomDetUnit(tkGeom_->idToDetUnit(DSViter.detId()));
0057 if (!geomDetUnit)
0058 return;
0059 printCluster(geomDetUnit, &clustIt);
0060 }
0061 }
0062 LogDebug("VectorHitBuilder") << " Number of input clusters: " << nCluster << std::endl;
0063 }
0065 void VectorHitBuilderAlgorithmBase::printCluster(const GeomDet* geomDetUnit,
0066 const Phase2TrackerCluster1D* clustIt) const {
0067 if (!geomDetUnit)
0068 return;
0069 const PixelGeomDetUnit* pixelGeomDetUnit = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(geomDetUnit);
0070 const PixelTopology& topol = pixelGeomDetUnit->specificTopology();
0071 if (!pixelGeomDetUnit)
0072 return;
0074 unsigned int layer = tkTopo_->layer(geomDetUnit->geographicalId());
0075 unsigned int module = tkTopo_->module(geomDetUnit->geographicalId());
0076 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "Layer:" << layer << " and DetId: " << geomDetUnit->geographicalId().rawId()
0077 << std::endl;
0078 TrackerGeometry::ModuleType mType = tkGeom_->getDetectorType(geomDetUnit->geographicalId());
0079 if (mType == TrackerGeometry::ModuleType::Ph2PSP)
0080 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "Pixel cluster (module:" << module << ") " << std::endl;
0081 else if (mType == TrackerGeometry::ModuleType::Ph2SS || mType == TrackerGeometry::ModuleType::Ph2PSS)
0082 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "Strip cluster (module:" << module << ") " << std::endl;
0083 else
0084 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "no module?!" << std::endl;
0085 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "with pitch:" << topol.pitch().first << " , " << topol.pitch().second << std::endl;
0086 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << " and width:" << pixelGeomDetUnit->surface().bounds().width()
0087 << " , lenght:" << pixelGeomDetUnit->surface().bounds().length() << std::endl;
0089 auto&& lparams = cpe_->localParameters(*clustIt, *pixelGeomDetUnit);
0090 Global3DPoint gparams = pixelGeomDetUnit->surface().toGlobal(lparams.first);
0092 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "\t global pos " << gparams << std::endl;
0093 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << "\t local pos " << lparams.first << "with err " << lparams.second << std::endl;
0094 LogTrace("VectorHitBuilder") << std::endl;
0096 return;
0097 }