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0001 #
0002 # With this customization the ClusterizerRefinerTagMCmerged module will be substituted
0003 # for the standard clusterizer.  If a cluster is matched to more than one simTrack
0004 # its "merged" bit will be set, so that SiStripCluster::isMerged() will return true.
0005 #
0006 # If pileup is present, add the following line so that only in-time simTracks will
0007 # be counted, and make sure that process.mix is on the path. 
0008 # process.siStripClusters.ClusterRefiner.associateRecoTracks = cms.bool(False)
0009 #
0011 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0013 def tagMCmerged(process):
0015   process.siStripClustersUntagged = process.siStripClusters.clone()
0016   stripClusIndex = process.striptrackerlocalreco.index(process.siStripClusters)                                                                   
0017   process.striptrackerlocalreco.remove(process.siStripClusters)
0018   del process.siStripClusters
0019   process.load('RecoLocalTracker.SiStripClusterizer.test.ClusterRefinerTagMCmerged_cfi')
0020   process.siStripClustersTagged = cms.Sequence(process.siStripClustersUntagged*process.siStripClusters)
0021   process.striptrackerlocalreco.insert(stripClusIndex,process.siStripClustersTagged)
0023 # Override the chargePerCM cut in stripCPE and use cluster::isMerged() instead.
0024   process.StripCPEfromTrackAngleESProducer.parameters.maxChgOneMIP = cms.double(-6000.)                                                                   
0026   return(process)