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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 DefaultAlgorithms = cms.PSet(
0004     doAPVRestore = cms.bool(True),
0005     useCMMeanMap= cms.bool(False),
0006     ## Pedestal subtraction ----------------
0007     PedestalSubtractionFedMode = cms.bool(False),
0009     ## Baseline finder ---------------------
0010     ## Supported CMN modes: Median, Percentile, IteratedMedian, TT6, FastLinear
0011     CommonModeNoiseSubtractionMode = cms.string('IteratedMedian'),     
0013     #CutToAvoidSignal = cms.double(3.0), ## for TT6
0015     #Percentile = cms.double(25.0),      ## for Percentile
0017     CutToAvoidSignal = cms.double(2.0),  ## for IteratedMedian (needed by APVRestorer)
0018     Iterations = cms.int32(3),           ##
0020     ## APV restoration ---------------------
0021     # Supported inspect modes: BaselineFollower, AbnormalBaseline, Null, BaselineAndSaturation
0022     APVInspectMode = cms.string("BaselineFollower"),
0023     ForceNoRestore = cms.bool(False),
0024     useRealMeanCM = cms.bool(False),
0025     DeltaCMThreshold = cms.uint32(20),       # for BaselineFollower inspect
0026     distortionThreshold = cms.uint32(20),    # " "
0027     Fraction = cms.double(0.2),              # for AbnormalBaseline inspect
0028     Deviation = cms.uint32(25),              # " "
0029     restoreThreshold = cms.double(0.5),      # for Null inspect
0030     nSaturatedStrip = cms.uint32(2),         # for BaselineAndSaturation inspect
0032     # Supported restore modes: Flat, BaselineFollower, IterativeMedian
0033     APVRestoreMode = cms.string("BaselineFollower"),
0034     nSigmaNoiseDerTh = cms.uint32(4),        # threshold for rejecting hit strips: nSigma * noise
0035     consecThreshold = cms.uint32(5),         # minimum length of flat region
0036     hitStripThreshold = cms.uint32(40),      # height above median when strip is definitely a hit
0037     nSmooth = cms.uint32(9),                 # for smoothing and local minimum determination (odd number)
0038     minStripsToFit = cms.uint32(4),          # minimum strips to try spline algo (otherwise default to median)
0039     ApplyBaselineCleaner = cms.bool(True),
0040     CleaningSequence = cms.uint32(1),
0041     slopeX=cms.int32(3),
0042     slopeY=cms.int32(4),
0043     ApplyBaselineRejection = cms.bool(True),
0044     MeanCM = cms.int32(0),
0046     # Derivative follower parameters
0047     discontinuityThreshold = cms.int32(12),
0048     lastGradient = cms.int32(10),
0049     sizeWindow = cms.int32(1),
0050     widthCluster = cms.int32(64),
0053     #Parameters for bad APV selector
0054     filteredBaselineMax=cms.double(6),
0055     filteredBaselineDerivativeSumSquare=cms.double(30),
0057     ## Zero suppression --------------------
0058     SiStripFedZeroSuppressionMode = cms.uint32(4),
0059     TruncateInSuppressor = cms.bool(True),      #it truncates at 8 bits if Use10bitsTRuncation is off
0060     Use10bitsTruncation = cms.bool(False)      #it needs to be false in case of 8 bit ZS input or output 
0062     )