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0001 #ifndef RecoLuminosity_LumiProducer_genLumiRaw_h
0002 #define RecoLuminosity_LumiProducer_genLumiRaw_h
0003 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
0004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Run.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlock.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0009 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0010 #include "RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/interface/LumiRawDataStructures.h"
0011 #include "TFile.h"
0012 #include "TTree.h"
0013 #include "TBranch.h"
0014 #include <iostream>
0015 #include <cstring>
0016 #include <cstdio>
0017 /**
0018    this program is to generate fake lumi raw data samples with desired run/lumi section parameters controlled by EmptySource parameters.
0019    one job can generate data for at most 1 run and unlimited number of LS
0020 **/
0022 class genLumiRaw : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::WatchRuns, edm::one::WatchLuminosityBlocks> {
0023 public:
0024   explicit genLumiRaw(edm::ParameterSet const&);
0025   ~genLumiRaw();
0027 private:
0028   void beginJob() override;
0029   void beginRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& c) override;
0030   void beginLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumiBlock, edm::EventSetup const& c) override {}
0031   void analyze(edm::Event const& e, edm::EventSetup const& c) override;
0032   void endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumiBlock, edm::EventSetup const& c) override;
0033   void endRun(edm::Run const&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
0034   void endJob() override;
0036   void generateRunSummary(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int totalCMSls);
0037   void generateHLT(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber);
0038   void generateTRG(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber);
0039   void generateHLX(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber);
0041 private:
0042   static const std::string s_filetype;
0043   static const std::string s_fileprefix;
0045   static const std::string s_runsummaryTree;
0046   static const std::string s_runsummaryBranch;
0047   static const std::string s_runsummaryName;
0049   static const std::string s_hltTree;
0050   static const std::string s_hltBranch;
0051   static const std::string s_hltName;
0053   static const std::string s_trgTree;
0054   static const std::string s_trgBranch;
0055   static const std::string s_trgName;
0057   static const std::string s_hlxTree;
0058   static const std::string s_lumiHeaderBranch;
0059   static const std::string s_lumiHeaderName;
0060   static const std::string s_lumiSummaryBranch;
0061   static const std::string s_lumiSummaryName;
0062   static const std::string s_lumiDetailBranch;
0063   static const std::string s_lumiDetailName;
0065   unsigned int m_nls;
0066   int m_bsize;
0067   int m_splitlevel;
0068   TFile* m_file;
0069   //run summary tree&data structures
0070   TTree* m_runsummaryTree;
0071   HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY* m_runsummary;
0073   //hlx tree& data structures
0074   TTree* m_hlxTree;
0075   HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION* m_lumisection;
0076   HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION_HEADER* m_lumiheader;
0077   HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SUMMARY* m_lumisummary;
0078   HCAL_HLX::LUMI_DETAIL* m_lumidetail;
0079   //trg tree & data structures
0080   TTree* m_trgTree;
0081   HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER* m_trg;
0083   //hlt data structures
0084   TTree* m_hltTree;
0085   HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER* m_hlt;
0087 };  //end class
0089 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_fileprefix = "CMS_LUMI_RAW_00000000_";
0091 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_runsummaryTree = "RunSummary";
0092 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_runsummaryBranch = "RunSummary.";
0093 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_runsummaryName = "HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY";
0095 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_hltTree = "HLTrigger";
0096 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_hltBranch = "HLTrigger.";
0097 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_hltName = "HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER";
0099 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_trgTree = "L1Trigger";
0100 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_trgBranch = "L1Trigger.";
0101 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_trgName = "HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER";
0103 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_hlxTree = "HLXData";
0104 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiHeaderBranch = "Header.";
0105 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiHeaderName = "HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION_HEADER";
0106 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiSummaryBranch = "Summary.";
0107 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiSummaryName = "HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SUMMARY";
0108 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiDetailBranch = "Detail.";
0109 const std::string genLumiRaw::s_lumiDetailName = "HCAL_HLX::LUMI_DETAIL";
0111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0113 genLumiRaw::genLumiRaw(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig)
0114     : m_nls(0),
0115       m_bsize(64000),
0116       m_splitlevel(2),
0117       m_file(0),
0118       m_runsummary(new HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY),
0119       m_lumisection(new HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION),
0120       m_lumiheader(0),
0121       m_lumisummary(0),
0122       m_lumidetail(0),
0123       m_trg(new HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER),
0124       m_hlt(new HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER) {}
0126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0128 genLumiRaw::~genLumiRaw() {
0129   delete m_runsummary;
0130   delete m_lumisection;
0131   delete m_trg;
0132   delete m_hlt;
0133 }
0135 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0137 void genLumiRaw::analyze(edm::Event const& e, edm::EventSetup const&) {
0138   //std::cout<<"testEvtLoop::analyze"<<std::endl;
0139 }
0141 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0142 void genLumiRaw::endLuminosityBlock(edm::LuminosityBlock const& lumiBlock, edm::EventSetup const& c) {
0143   ++m_nls;
0144   std::cout << "I'm in run " << << " lumi block " << << std::endl;
0145   generateHLT(,;
0146   generateTRG(,;
0147   generateHLX(,;
0148 }
0150 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0152 void genLumiRaw::beginJob() {}
0154 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0156 void genLumiRaw::beginRun(const edm::Run& run, const edm::EventSetup& c) {
0157   //generate file name
0158   std::cout << "in generate filename " << << std::endl;
0159   char runnumber[15];
0160   ::snprintf(runnumber, sizeof(runnumber), "%09d",;
0161   std::string filename = s_fileprefix + runnumber + "_0000" + "_0" + ".root";
0162   //std::cout<<"filename "<<filename<<std::endl;
0163   //
0164   //prepare file name, open file,  book root trees
0165   //
0166   //const std::string filename="test.root";
0167   //
0168   m_file = new TFile(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
0170   //book run summary tree
0171   m_runsummaryTree = new TTree(s_runsummaryTree.c_str(), s_runsummaryTree.c_str());
0172   m_runsummaryTree->Branch(s_runsummaryBranch.c_str(), s_runsummaryName.c_str(), &m_runsummary, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0173   //runsummaryBranch->SetAddress(m_runsummary);
0175   //book hlx tree
0176   m_hlxTree = new TTree(s_hlxTree.c_str(), s_hlxTree.c_str());
0178   m_lumiheader = &(m_lumisection->hdr);
0179   m_hlxTree->Branch(s_lumiHeaderBranch.c_str(), s_lumiHeaderName.c_str(), &m_lumiheader, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0180   m_lumisummary = &(m_lumisection->lumiSummary);
0181   m_hlxTree->Branch(s_lumiSummaryBranch.c_str(), s_lumiSummaryName.c_str(), &m_lumisummary, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0182   m_lumidetail = &(m_lumisection->lumiDetail);
0183   m_hlxTree->Branch(s_lumiDetailBranch.c_str(), s_lumiDetailName.c_str(), &m_lumidetail, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0185   //book trg tree
0186   m_trgTree = new TTree(s_trgTree.c_str(), s_trgTree.c_str());
0187   m_trgTree->Branch(s_trgBranch.c_str(), s_trgName.c_str(), &m_trg, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0189   //book hlt tree
0190   m_hltTree = new TTree(s_hltTree.c_str(), s_hltTree.c_str());
0191   m_hltTree->Branch(s_hltBranch.c_str(), s_hltName.c_str(), &m_hlt, m_bsize, m_splitlevel);
0192 }
0194 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0195 void genLumiRaw::endRun(edm::Run const& run, edm::EventSetup const& c) {
0196   std::cout << "run number in endRun " << << " " << m_nls << std::endl;
0197   //std::cout<<"nls "<<m_nls<<std::endl;
0198   generateRunSummary(, m_nls);
0199 }
0201 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0202 void genLumiRaw::endJob() {
0203   std::cout << "genLumiRaw::endJob" << std::endl;
0204   if (m_file) {
0205     m_file->Write();
0206     m_file->Close();
0207     delete m_file;
0208     m_file = 0;
0209   }
0210 }
0212 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0213 void genLumiRaw::generateRunSummary(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int totalCMSls) {
0214   std::cout << "inside generateRunSummary " << runnumber << " " << totalCMSls << std::endl;
0215   HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY localrunsummary;
0216   const char* runsequence = "Fake Run Summary";
0217   std::strncpy(localrunsummary.runSequenceName, runsequence, 128);
0218   localrunsummary.HLTConfigId = 7792;
0219   localrunsummary.timestamp = 2;
0220   localrunsummary.timestamp_micros = 3;
0221   localrunsummary.startOrbitNumber = 4;
0222   localrunsummary.endOrbitnumber = 5;
0223   localrunsummary.runNumber = runnumber;
0224   localrunsummary.fillNumber = 6;
0225   localrunsummary.numberCMSLumiSections = totalCMSls;
0226   localrunsummary.numberLumiDAQLumiSections = totalCMSls + 2;
0227   std::memmove(m_runsummary, &localrunsummary, sizeof(HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY));
0228   m_runsummaryTree->Fill();
0229 }
0230 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0231 void genLumiRaw::generateHLT(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber) {
0232   HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER localhlt;
0233   localhlt.runNumber = runnumber;
0234   localhlt.sectionNumber = lsnumber;
0235   const char* pathname = "Fake Path";
0236   const char* modulename = "Fake Module";
0237   unsigned int npath = 0;
0238   for (unsigned int iHLT = 0; iHLT < 256; ++iHLT) {
0239     ++npath;
0240     std::strncpy(localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PathName, pathname, 128);
0241     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].L1Pass = iHLT;
0242     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PSPass = iHLT * 2;
0243     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PAccept = iHLT * 3;
0244     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PExcept = iHLT * 4;
0245     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PReject = iHLT * 5;
0246     std::strncpy(localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PrescalerModule, modulename, 64);
0247     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].PSIndex = iHLT;
0248     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].Prescale = iHLT;
0249     localhlt.HLTPaths[iHLT].HLTConfigId = 6785;
0250   }
0251   localhlt.numPaths = npath;
0252   std::memmove(m_hlt, &localhlt, sizeof(HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER));
0253   m_hltTree->Fill();
0254 }
0255 void genLumiRaw::generateTRG(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber) {
0256   HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER localtrg;
0257   const char* algoname = "Fake";
0258   const char* techname = "11";
0259   localtrg.runNumber = runnumber;
0260   localtrg.sectionNumber = lsnumber;
0261   localtrg.deadtimecount = 3;
0262   for (unsigned int iAlgo = 0; iAlgo < 128; ++iAlgo) {
0263     std::strncpy(localtrg.GTAlgo[iAlgo].pathName, algoname, 128);
0264     localtrg.GTAlgo[iAlgo].counts = iAlgo;
0265     localtrg.GTAlgo[iAlgo].prescale = iAlgo;
0266   }
0267   for (unsigned int iTech = 0; iTech < 64; ++iTech) {
0268     std::strncpy(localtrg.GTTech[iTech].pathName, techname, 128);
0269     localtrg.GTTech[iTech].counts = iTech;
0270     localtrg.GTTech[iTech].prescale = iTech;
0271   }
0272   std::memmove(m_trg, &localtrg, sizeof(HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER));
0273   m_trgTree->Fill();
0274 }
0275 void genLumiRaw::generateHLX(unsigned int runnumber, unsigned int lsnumber) {
0276   HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION locallumisection;
0278   locallumisection.hdr.timestamp = 1;
0279   locallumisection.hdr.timestamp_micros = 2;
0280   locallumisection.hdr.runNumber = runnumber;
0281   locallumisection.hdr.sectionNumber = lsnumber;
0282   locallumisection.hdr.startOrbit = 3;
0283   locallumisection.hdr.numOrbits = 4;
0284   locallumisection.hdr.numBunches = 5;
0285   locallumisection.hdr.numHLXs = 6;
0286   locallumisection.hdr.bCMSLive = true;
0287   locallumisection.hdr.bOC0 = false;
0289   // HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SUMMARY locallumisummary;
0290   locallumisection.lumiSummary.DeadTimeNormalization = 1;
0291   locallumisection.lumiSummary.LHCNormalization = 2;
0292   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantLumi = 3;
0293   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantLumiErr = 4;
0294   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantLumiQlty = 5;
0296   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantETLumi = 6;
0297   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantETLumiErr = 7;
0298   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantETLumiQlty = 8;
0299   locallumisection.lumiSummary.ETNormalization = 9;
0301   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[0] = 10;
0302   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[0] = 11;
0303   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiQlty[0] = 12;
0304   locallumisection.lumiSummary.OccNormalization[0] = 13;
0306   locallumisection.lumiSummary.lumiNoise[0] = 14;
0308   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumi[1] = 10;
0309   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiErr[1] = 11;
0310   locallumisection.lumiSummary.InstantOccLumiQlty[1] = 12;
0311   locallumisection.lumiSummary.OccNormalization[1] = 13;
0313   locallumisection.lumiSummary.lumiNoise[1] = 14;
0315   //HCAL_HLX::LUMI_DETAIL localalumidetail;
0316   for (unsigned int iBX = 0; iBX < HCAL_HLX_MAX_BUNCHES; ++iBX) {
0317     locallumisection.lumiDetail.LHCLumi[iBX] = 143;
0318     locallumisection.lumiDetail.ETLumi[iBX] = 143;
0319     locallumisection.lumiDetail.ETLumiErr[iBX] = 143;
0320     locallumisection.lumiDetail.ETLumiQlty[iBX] = 143;
0321     locallumisection.lumiDetail.ETBXNormalization[iBX] = 143;
0322     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumi[0][iBX] = 143;
0323     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[0][iBX] = 143;
0324     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumiQlty[0][iBX] = 143;
0325     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccBXNormalization[0][iBX] = 143;
0326     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumi[1][iBX] = 143;
0327     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumiErr[1][iBX] = 143;
0328     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccLumiQlty[1][iBX] = 143;
0329     locallumisection.lumiDetail.OccBXNormalization[1][iBX] = 143;
0330   }
0331   std::memmove(m_lumisection, &locallumisection, sizeof(HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION));
0332   m_hlxTree->Fill();
0333 }
0335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------
0336 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(genLumiRaw);
0337 #endif