File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:26:38
0001 #include "TFile.h" 0002 #include "TTree.h" 0003 #include "TBranch.h" 0004 #include "RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/interface/LumiRawDataStructures.h" 0005 #include "RecoLuminosity/LumiProducer/interface/LumiCorrector.h" 0006 #include <iostream> 0007 #include <iomanip> 0008 #include <memory> 0009 #include <vector> 0010 #include <map> 0011 //#include <cmath> 0012 #include <algorithm> 0013 #include <fstream> 0014 0015 /** This programm scans a given lumi raw data file and print out the content 0016 **/ 0017 struct beaminfo { 0018 unsigned int bxidx; 0019 unsigned int timestamp; 0020 float lumival; 0021 float beam1_intensity; 0022 float beam2_intensity; 0023 }; 0024 0025 int main(int argc, char **argv) { 0026 const char *filename = "file:test.root"; 0027 //default file to read. file name is taken from command argument 0028 if (argc > 1) { 0029 filename = argv[1]; 0030 } 0031 //TFile *myfile=new TFile(filename,"READ"); 0032 TFile *myfile = TFile::Open(filename); 0033 0034 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION *myLumiSection = new HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION; 0035 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION_HEADER *myLumiHeader = &(myLumiSection->hdr); 0036 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SUMMARY *myLumiSummary = &(myLumiSection->lumiSummary); 0037 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_DETAIL *myLumiDetail = &(myLumiSection->lumiDetail); 0038 0039 TTree *hlxTree = (TTree *)myfile->Get("HLXData"); 0040 if (!hlxTree) 0041 std::cout << "no hlx data" << std::endl; 0042 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Header.", &myLumiHeader); 0043 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Summary.", &myLumiSummary); 0044 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Detail.", &myLumiDetail); 0045 size_t hlxentries = hlxTree->GetEntries(); 0046 //std::cout<<"hlxentries "<<hlxentries<<std::endl; 0047 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<beaminfo> > bxlumis; 0048 std::vector<beaminfo> tmpbx; 0049 unsigned int ncollidingbx = 0; 0050 for (size_t i = 0; i < hlxentries; ++i) { 0051 hlxTree->GetEntry(i); 0052 ncollidingbx = myLumiHeader->numBunches; 0053 //std::cout<<"Lumi summary for run : "<<myLumiHeader->runNumber<<" : LS : "<<myLumiHeader->sectionNumber<<" "<<myLumiHeader->timestamp<<" "<<myLumiHeader->numBunches<<std::endl; 0054 0055 //std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"lumi details : "<<std::endl; 0056 unsigned int hlxls = myLumiHeader->sectionNumber; 0057 unsigned int ts = myLumiHeader->timestamp; 0058 tmpbx.clear(); 0059 for (size_t j = 0; j < 3564; ++j) { 0060 //std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<" BX : "<<j<<" : OccLumi : "<<myLumiDetail->OccLumi[0][j]<<std::endl; 0061 beaminfo b; 0062 b.timestamp = ts; 0063 b.bxidx = j; 0064 b.lumival = myLumiDetail->OccLumi[0][j]; 0065 b.beam1_intensity = 0.; 0066 b.beam2_intensity = 0.; 0067 tmpbx.push_back(b); 0068 } 0069 bxlumis.insert(std::make_pair(hlxls, tmpbx)); 0070 } 0071 0072 LumiCorrector corr; 0073 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<beaminfo> >::iterator mapIt; 0074 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<beaminfo> >::iterator itBeg = bxlumis.begin(); 0075 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<beaminfo> >::iterator itEnd = bxlumis.end(); 0076 0077 for (mapIt = itBeg; mapIt != itEnd; ++mapIt) { 0078 float totlumi = 0.; 0079 std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator thislslumisBeg = mapIt->second.begin(); 0080 std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator thislslumisEnd = mapIt->second.end(); 0081 for (std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator it = thislslumisBeg; it != thislslumisEnd; ++it) { 0082 totlumi += it->lumival; 0083 } 0084 for (std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator it = thislslumisBeg; it != thislslumisEnd; ++it) { 0085 float thecorrector = corr.TotalNormOcc1(totlumi * 1.0e-3, ncollidingbx); 0086 float correctedbxlumi = thecorrector * (it->lumival); 0087 it->lumival = correctedbxlumi; 0088 } 0089 } 0090 //lsnum++; 0091 //std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"#LS "<<lsnum<<" timestamp "<<thislstimestamp<<std::endl; 0092 0093 TTree *diptree = (TTree *)myfile->Get("DIPCombined"); 0094 0095 if (diptree) { 0096 std::unique_ptr<HCAL_HLX::DIP_COMBINED_DATA> dipdata(new HCAL_HLX::DIP_COMBINED_DATA); 0097 diptree->SetBranchAddress("DIPCombined.", &dipdata); 0098 size_t ndipentries = diptree->GetEntries(); 0099 unsigned int dipls = 0; 0100 if (ndipentries > 0) { 0101 for (size_t i = 0; i < 1; ++i) { 0102 diptree->GetEntry(i); 0103 //unsigned int fillnumber=dipdata->FillNumber; 0104 dipls = dipdata->sectionNumber; 0105 std::map<unsigned int, std::vector<beaminfo> >::iterator dipIt = bxlumis.end(); 0106 if (bxlumis.find(dipls) != dipIt) { 0107 dipIt = bxlumis.find(dipls); 0108 } 0109 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3564; ++i) { 0110 float beam1in = dipdata->Beam[0].averageBunchIntensities[i]; 0111 float beam2in = dipdata->Beam[1].averageBunchIntensities[i]; 0112 if (dipIt != bxlumis.end()) { 0113 dipIt->second[i].beam1_intensity = beam1in; 0114 dipIt->second[i].beam2_intensity = beam2in; 0115 } 0116 } 0117 } 0118 } 0119 } 0120 0121 std::ofstream outfile; 0122 outfile.open("out.txt"); 0123 for (mapIt = itBeg; mapIt != itEnd; ++mapIt) { 0124 outfile << "# " << mapIt->first << std::endl; 0125 std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator thislslumisBeg = mapIt->second.begin(); 0126 std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator thislslumisEnd = mapIt->second.end(); 0127 for (std::vector<beaminfo>::iterator it = thislslumisBeg; it != thislslumisEnd; ++it) { 0128 outfile << it->timestamp << "," << it->bxidx << "," << it->lumival << "," << it->beam1_intensity << "," 0129 << it->beam2_intensity << std::endl; 0130 } 0131 } 0132 outfile.close(); 0133 } 0134 //TFile * myfile=TFile::Open("rfio:/castor/cern.ch/cms/store/lumi/200912/CMS_LUMI_RAW_20091212_000124025_0001_1.root"); 0135 //HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY *myRunSummary = new HCAL_HLX::RUN_SUMMARY; 0136 //TTree *runsummaryTree = (TTree *) myfile->Get("RunSummary"); 0137 //if(!runsummaryTree) std::cout<<"no run summary data"<<std::endl; 0138 //runsummaryTree->SetBranchAddress("RunSummary.",&myRunSummary); 0139 //size_t runsummaryentries=runsummaryTree->GetEntries(); 0140 //std::cout<<"n run summary entries "<<runsummaryentries<<std::endl; 0141 //for(size_t i=0;i<runsummaryentries;++i){ 0142 //runsummaryTree->GetEntry(i); 0143 // std::cout<<"Summary for run : "<<myRunSummary->runNumber<<std::endl; 0144 // std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"timestamp : "<<myRunSummary->timestamp<<" : timestamp micros : "<<myRunSummary->timestamp_micros<<" : start orbit : "<<myRunSummary->startOrbitNumber<<" : end orbit : "<<myRunSummary->endOrbitnumber<<" : fill number : "<<myRunSummary->fillNumber<<" : number CMS LS : "<<myRunSummary->numberCMSLumiSections<<" : number DAQ LS : "<<myRunSummary->numberLumiDAQLumiSections<<std::endl; 0145 //} 0146 /** 0147 HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER *myTRG = new HCAL_HLX::LEVEL1_TRIGGER; 0148 TTree *trgTree = (TTree *) myfile->Get("L1Trigger"); 0149 if(!trgTree) std::cout<<"no trg data"<<std::endl; 0150 trgTree->SetBranchAddress("L1Trigger.",&myTRG); 0151 size_t trgentries=trgTree->GetEntries(); 0152 for(size_t i=0;i<trgentries;++i){ 0153 trgTree->GetEntry(i); 0154 //std::cout<<"trg runnumber "<<myTRG->runNumber<<std::endl; 0155 std::cout<<"TRG for run : "<< myTRG->runNumber<<" : LS : "<<myTRG->sectionNumber<<" : deadtime : "<< myTRG->deadtiecount<<std::endl; 0156 for( unsigned int j=0; j<128; ++j){ 0157 std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"GT Algo "<<j; 0158 std::cout<<" : path : "<< myTRG->GTAlgo[j].pathName<<" : counts : "<< myTRG->GTAlgo[j].counts<<" : prescale : "<< myTRG->GTAlgo[j].prescale<<std::endl; 0159 } 0160 for( unsigned int k=0; k<64; ++k){ 0161 std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"GT Tech : "<<k; 0162 std::cout<<" : path : "<< myTRG->GTTech[k].pathName<<" : counts : "<< myTRG->GTTech[k].counts<<" : prescale : "<< myTRG->GTTech[k].prescale<<std::endl; 0163 } 0164 } 0165 **/ 0166 /** 0167 HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER *myHLT = new HCAL_HLX::HLTRIGGER; 0168 TTree *hltTree = (TTree *) myfile->Get("HLTrigger"); 0169 if(!hltTree) std::cout<<"no hlt data"<<std::endl; 0170 hltTree->SetBranchAddress("HLTrigger.",&myHLT); 0171 size_t hltentries=hltTree->GetEntries(); 0172 for(size_t i=0;i<hltentries;++i){ 0173 hltTree->GetEntry(i); 0174 std::cout<<"HLT for run : "<< myHLT->runNumber<<": LS : "<<myHLT->sectionNumber<<" : total hlt paths : "<<myHLT->numPaths<<std::endl; 0175 for( unsigned int j=0; j<myHLT->numPaths; ++j){ 0176 std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"HLTConfigId : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].HLTConfigId<<"path : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PathName<<" : L1Pass : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].L1Pass<<" : PSPass : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PSPass<<" : PAccept : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PAccept<<" : PExcept : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PExcept<<" : PReject : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PReject<<" : PSIndex : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].PSIndex<<" : Prescale : "<<myHLT->HLTPaths[j].Prescale<<std::endl; 0177 } 0178 } 0179 **/ 0180 /** 0181 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION *myLumiSection=new HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION; 0182 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SECTION_HEADER *myLumiHeader = &(myLumiSection->hdr); 0183 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_SUMMARY *myLumiSummary = &(myLumiSection->lumiSummary); 0184 HCAL_HLX::LUMI_DETAIL *myLumiDetail = &(myLumiSection->lumiDetail); 0185 0186 TTree *hlxTree = (TTree *) myfile->Get("HLXData"); 0187 if(!hlxTree) std::cout<<"no hlx data"<<std::endl; 0188 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Header.",&myLumiHeader); 0189 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Summary.",&myLumiSummary); 0190 hlxTree->SetBranchAddress("Detail.",&myLumiDetail); 0191 size_t hlxentries=hlxTree->GetEntries(); 0192 std::cout<<"hlxentries "<<hlxentries<<std::endl; 0193 for(size_t i=0;i<hlxentries;++i){ 0194 hlxTree->GetEntry(i); 0195 std::cout<<"Lumi summary for run : "<<myLumiHeader->runNumber<<" : LS : "<<myLumiHeader->sectionNumber<<" cmsalive value: "<<myLumiHeader->bCMSLive<<std::endl; 0196 bool a=true; 0197 if(typeid(myLumiHeader->bCMSLive)==typeid(a)){ 0198 std::cout<<"is bool type"<<std::endl; 0199 std::cout<<"normal bool "<<a<<std::endl; 0200 std::cout<<"cms alive bool "<< myLumiHeader->bCMSLive<< std::endl; 0201 }else{ 0202 std::cout<<"not bool type"<<std::endl; 0203 std::cout<<"cms alive"<< myLumiHeader->bCMSLive<< std::endl; 0204 } 0205 //std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"deadtime norm : "<<myLumiSummary->DeadTimeNormalization<<" : LHC norm : "<<myLumiSummary->LHCNormalization<<" : instantlumi : "<<myLumiSummary->InstantLumi<<" : instantlumiErr : "<<myLumiSummary->InstantLumiErr<<" : instantlumiQlty : "<<myLumiSummary->InstantLumiQlty<<std::endl; 0206 //std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<"lumi details : "<<std::endl; 0207 //for(size_t j=0;j<HCAL_HLX_MAX_BUNCHES;++j){ 0208 // std::cout<<std::setw(20)<<" LHCLumi : "<<myLumiDetail->LHCLumi[j]<<" : ETLumi : "<<myLumiDetail->ETLumi[j]<<" : ETLumiErr : "<<myLumiDetail->ETLumiErr[j]<<" : ETLumiQlty : "<<myLumiDetail->ETLumiQlty[j]<<" : ETBXNormalization : "<<myLumiDetail->ETBXNormalization[j]<<std::endl; 0209 //} 0210 } 0211 **/ 0212 //}
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