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0002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0004 eeBadScFilter = cms.EDFilter(
0005   "EEBadScFilter",
0006   # the EE rechit collection found in AOD
0007   EERecHitSource = cms.InputTag('reducedEcalRecHitsEE'),
0008   # minimum rechit energy used for rechit flag check 
0009   EminHit        = cms.double(1000.),
0010   # minimum transverse energy of the 5x5 array for each bad SC 
0011   EtminSC        = cms.double(1000.),
0012   # size of the crystal array (default = 5 -> 5x5 array)
0013   SCsize         = cms.int32(5),
0014   # minimum number of hits above EminHit with !kGood flags
0015   nBadHitsSC     = cms.int32(2),
0016   #coordinates of the crystals in the centre of each bad supercrystal
0017   # packed into a single integer in the form  iz,ix,iy
0018   #   for instance -1023023 ->  ix=23, iy=23, iz=-1
0019   badscEE        = cms.vint32(-1023023,1048098,-1078063,-1043093),
0020   taggingMode = cms.bool(False),
0021   #prints debug info for each supercrystal if set to true
0022   debug = cms.bool(False),
0023 )