File indexing completed on 2024-08-29 02:17:07
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 ## The iso-based HBHE noise filter ___________________________________________|| 0004 from CommonTools.RecoAlgos.HBHENoiseFilterResultProducer_cfi import * 0005 from CommonTools.RecoAlgos.HBHENoiseFilter_cfi import * 0006 0007 ## The CSC beam halo tight filter ____________________________________________|| 0008 from RecoMET.METFilters.CSCTightHaloFilter_cfi import * 0009 0010 ## The CSC beam halo tight filter ____________________________________________|| 0011 from RecoMET.METFilters.CSCTightHaloTrkMuUnvetoFilter_cfi import * 0012 0013 ## The CSC beam halo tight filter ____________________________________________|| 0014 from RecoMET.METFilters.CSCTightHalo2015Filter_cfi import * 0015 0016 ## The hcal problematic strip halo filter ____________________________________________|| 0017 from RecoMET.METFilters.HcalStripHaloFilter_cfi import * 0018 0019 ## The Global TightHaloFilter2016 0020 from RecoMET.METFilters.globalTightHalo2016Filter_cfi import * 0021 0022 ## The Global SuperTightHaloFilter2016 0023 from RecoMET.METFilters.globalSuperTightHalo2016Filter_cfi import * 0024 0025 ## The HCAL laser filter _____________________________________________________|| 0026 from RecoMET.METFilters.hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi import * 0027 0028 ## The ECAL dead cell trigger primitive filter _______________________________|| 0029 from RecoMET.METFilters.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter_cfi import * 0030 0031 ## The ECAL dead cell trigger primitive filter _______________________________|| 0032 from RecoMET.METFilters.EcalDeadCellBoundaryEnergyFilter_cfi import * 0033 0034 ## The EE bad SuperCrystal filter ____________________________________________|| 0035 from RecoMET.METFilters.eeBadScFilter_cfi import * 0036 0037 ## The ECAL laser correction filter 0038 from RecoMET.METFilters.ecalLaserCorrFilter_cfi import * 0039 0040 ## The ECAL bad calibration filter ____________________________________________|| 0041 from RecoMET.METFilters.ecalBadCalibFilter_cfi import * 0042 0043 ## The Good vertices collection needed by the tracking failure filter ________|| 0044 goodVertices = cms.EDFilter( 0045 "VertexSelector", 0046 filter = cms.bool(True), 0047 src = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"), 0048 cut = cms.string("!isFake && ndof > 4 && abs(z) <= 24 && position.rho < 2") 0049 ) 0050 0051 ## The tracking failure filter _______________________________________________|| 0052 from RecoMET.METFilters.trackingFailureFilter_cfi import * 0053 0054 ##noscraping (outdated)_______________________________________________________|| 0055 from RecoMET.METFilters.scrapingFilter_cfi import * 0056 0057 ## The primary vertex filter__ _______________________________________________|| 0058 from RecoMET.METFilters.primaryVertexFilter_cfi import * 0059 0060 ## The tracking POG filters __________________________________________________|| 0061 from RecoMET.METFilters.trackingPOGFilters_cff import * 0062 ## NOTE: to make tagging mode of the tracking POG filters (three of them), please do: 0063 ## manystripclus53X.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True) 0064 ## manystripclus53X.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False) 0065 ## toomanystripclus53X.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True) 0066 ## toomanystripclus53X.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False) 0067 ## logErrorTooManyClusters.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True) 0068 ## logErrorTooManyClusters.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False) 0069 ## Also the stored boolean for the three filters is opposite to what we usually 0070 ## have for other filters, i.e., true means rejected bad events while false means 0071 ## good events. 0072 0073 ## The charged hadron track resolution filter _______________________________|| 0074 from RecoMET.METFilters.chargedHadronTrackResolutionFilter_cfi import * 0075 0076 ## The muon bad track filter ________________________________________________|| 0077 from RecoMET.METFilters.muonBadTrackFilter_cfi import * 0078 0079 ## The charged hadron track track filter (2016) ____________________________________|| 0080 from RecoMET.METFilters.BadChargedCandidateSummer16Filter_cfi import * 0081 0082 ## The muon bad track filter (2016) ________________________________________________|| 0083 from RecoMET.METFilters.BadPFMuonSummer16Filter_cfi import * 0084 0085 ## The charged hadron track track filter (2016) ____________________________________|| 0086 from RecoMET.METFilters.BadChargedCandidateFilter_cfi import * 0087 0088 ## The muon bad track filter (2016) ________________________________________________|| 0089 from RecoMET.METFilters.BadPFMuonFilter_cfi import * 0090 0091 ## The muon bad track filter with Dz cut (2020) _____________________________________|| 0092 from RecoMET.METFilters.BadPFMuonDzFilter_cfi import * 0093 0094 #HF noise filter 0095 from RecoMET.METFilters.hfNoisyHitsFilter_cfi import *
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