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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 muonBadTrackFilter = cms.EDFilter(
0004     "MuonBadTrackFilter",
0005     PFCandidates  = cms.InputTag("particleFlow"),   # Collection to test
0006     taggingMode   = cms.bool(False),
0007     ptMin         = cms.double(100.),               # Tracks with pT below this are ignored (will not be checked)
0008     chi2Min       = cms.double(100.),               # global Tracks with normalizeChi2 below this are ignored (will not be checked)
0009     p1            = cms.double(5.),                 # parameter 1 of calo resolution formula
0010     p2            = cms.double(1.2),                # parameter 2 of calo resolution formula
0011     p3            = cms.double(0.06),               # parameter 3 of calo resolution formula
0012     verbose       = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0013     debug         = cms.bool(False),
0014 )