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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 ## This configuration might NOT run directly using cmsRun ____________________||
0002 ## It is just to show example configuration of the MET filters for ICHEP 2012 ||
0003 from PhysicsTools.PatAlgos.patTemplate_cfg import *
0005 ## The good primary vertex filter ____________________________________________||
0006 process.primaryVertexFilter = cms.EDFilter(
0007     "VertexSelector",
0008     src = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0009     cut = cms.string("!isFake && ndof > 4 && abs(z) <= 24 && position.Rho <= 2"),
0010     filter = cms.bool(True)
0011     )
0013 ## The beam scraping filter __________________________________________________||
0014 process.noscraping = cms.EDFilter(
0015     "FilterOutScraping",
0016     applyfilter = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0017     debugOn = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0018     numtrack = cms.untracked.uint32(10),
0019     thresh = cms.untracked.double(0.25)
0020     )
0022 ## The iso-based HBHE noise filter ___________________________________________||
0023 process.load('CommonTools.RecoAlgos.HBHENoiseFilter_cfi')
0025 ## The CSC beam halo tight filter ____________________________________________||
0026 process.load('RecoMET.METAnalyzers.CSCHaloFilter_cfi')
0028 ## The HCAL laser filter _____________________________________________________||
0029 process.load("RecoMET.METFilters.hcalLaserEventFilter_cfi")
0031 ## The ECAL dead cell trigger primitive filter _______________________________||
0032 process.load('RecoMET.METFilters.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter_cfi')
0034 ## The EE bad SuperCrystal filter ____________________________________________||
0035 process.load('RecoMET.METFilters.eeBadScFilter_cfi')
0037 ## The ECAL laser correction filter
0038 process.load('RecoMET.METFilters.ecalLaserCorrFilter_cfi')
0040 ## The Good vertices collection needed by the tracking failure filter ________||
0041 process.goodVertices = cms.EDFilter(
0042   "VertexSelector",
0043   filter = cms.bool(False),
0044   src = cms.InputTag("offlinePrimaryVertices"),
0045   cut = cms.string("!isFake && ndof > 4 && abs(z) <= 24 && position.rho < 2")
0046 )
0048 ## The tracking failure filter _______________________________________________||
0049 process.load('RecoMET.METFilters.trackingFailureFilter_cfi')
0051 ## The tracking POG filters __________________________________________________||
0052 process.load('RecoMET.METFilters.trackingPOGFilters_cff')
0053 ## NOTE: to make tagging mode of the tracking POG filters (three of them), please do:
0054 ##    process.manystripclus53X.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0055 ##    process.manystripclus53X.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0056 ##    process.toomanystripclus53X.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0057 ##    process.toomanystripclus53X.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0058 ##    process.logErrorTooManyClusters.taggedMode = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0059 ##    process.logErrorTooManyClusters.forcedValue = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0060 ## Also the stored boolean for the three filters is opposite to what we usually
0061 ## have for other filters, i.e., true means rejected bad events while false means 
0062 ## good events.
0064 process.filtersSeq = cms.Sequence(
0065    process.primaryVertexFilter *
0066    process.noscraping *
0067    process.HBHENoiseFilter *
0068    process.CSCTightHaloFilter *
0069    process.hcalLaserEventFilter *
0070    process.EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter *
0071    process.goodVertices * process.trackingFailureFilter *
0072    process.eeBadScFilter *
0073    process.ecalLaserCorrFilter *
0074    process.trkPOGFilters
0075 )