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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 # File:
0003 # Original Author: R. Remington, The University of Florida
0004 # Description: Module to build BeamHaloSummary Object and put into the event
0005 # Date: Oct. 15, 2009
0007 BeamHaloSummary = cms.EDProducer("BeamHaloSummaryProducer",
0008                                  CSCHaloDataLabel = cms.InputTag("CSCHaloData"),
0009                                  EcalHaloDataLabel = cms.InputTag("EcalHaloData"),
0010                                  HcalHaloDataLabel = cms.InputTag("HcalHaloData"),
0011                                  GlobalHaloDataLabel = cms.InputTag("GlobalHaloData"),
0013                                  ## Ecal Loose Id 
0014                                  l_EcalPhiWedgeEnergy = cms.double(10.),
0015                                  l_EcalPhiWedgeConstituents = cms.int32(6),
0016                                  l_EcalPhiWedgeToF = cms.double(-200.),  ### needs to be tuned when absolute timing in  EB/EE is understood w.r.t LHC
0017                                  l_EcalPhiWedgeConfidence = cms.double(.7),
0018                                  l_EcalShowerShapesRoundness = cms.double(.41),
0019                                  l_EcalShowerShapesAngle = cms.double(.51),
0020                                  l_EcalSuperClusterEnergy = cms.double(10.), # This  will be Et
0021                                  l_EcalSuperClusterSize = cms.int32(3),
0023                                  ## Ecal Tight Id
0024                                  t_EcalPhiWedgeEnergy = cms.double(20.),
0025                                  t_EcalPhiWedgeConstituents = cms.int32(8),
0026                                  t_EcalPhiWedgeToF = cms.double(-200.), ### needs to be tuned when absolute timing in  EB/EE is understood w.r.t LHC
0027                                  t_EcalPhiWedgeConfidence = cms.double(0.9),
0028                                  t_EcalShowerShapesRoundness = cms.double(.23),
0029                                  t_EcalShowerShapesAngle = cms.double(0.51),
0030                                  t_EcalSuperClusterEnergy = cms.double(10.), # This will be Et 
0031                                  t_EcalSuperClusterSize = cms.int32(3),
0033                                  ## Hcal Loose Id 
0034                                  l_HcalPhiWedgeEnergy = cms.double(20.),
0035                                  l_HcalPhiWedgeConstituents = cms.int32(6),
0036                                  l_HcalPhiWedgeToF = cms.double(-100.),  ### needs to be tuned when absolute timing in  HB/HE is understood w.r.t LHC
0037                                  l_HcalPhiWedgeConfidence = cms.double(0.7),
0039                                  ## Hcal Tight Id
0040                                  t_HcalPhiWedgeEnergy = cms.double(25.),
0041                                  t_HcalPhiWedgeConstituents = cms.int32(8),
0042                                  t_HcalPhiWedgeToF = cms.double(-100.), ### needs to be tuned when absolute timing in  HB/HE is understood w.r.t LHC
0043                                  t_HcalPhiWedgeConfidence = cms.double(0.9),
0045                                  # strips of problematic cells in HCAL min cut
0046                                  problematicStripMinLength = cms.int32(6)
0048                                  )