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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 L3MuonIsolations = cms.EDProducer("L3MuonIsolationProducer",
0004     inputMuonCollection = cms.InputTag("L3Muons"),
0005     CutsPSet = cms.PSet(
0006         ConeSizes = cms.vdouble(0.24),
0007         ComponentName = cms.string('SimpleCuts'),
0008         Thresholds = cms.vdouble(2.0),
0009         maxNTracks = cms.int32(-1),
0010         EtaBounds = cms.vdouble(999.9),
0011         applyCutsORmaxNTracks = cms.bool(False)
0012     ),
0013     #make it tighter if desired (if(>Pt_Min) sumPt +=;)
0014     #applied after MuIsoDeposits are extracted
0015     TrackPt_Min = cms.double(-1.0),
0016     # Uncomment to set the cut based on nominal efficiency
0017     # lookup table
0018     #      PSet CutsPSet = {
0019     #        string ComponentName = "L3NominalEfficiencyCuts_PXLS"
0020     #        string LumiOption = "2E33"
0021     #        double NominalEfficiency = 0.97
0022     #      }
0023     OutputMuIsoDeposits = cms.bool(False),
0024     ExtractorPSet = cms.PSet(
0025         Diff_z = cms.double(0.2),
0026         inputTrackCollection = cms.InputTag("pixelTracks"),
0027         BeamSpotLabel = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
0028         ComponentName = cms.string('TrackExtractor'),
0029         DR_Max = cms.double(1.0),
0030         Diff_r = cms.double(0.1),
0031         Chi2Prob_Min = cms.double(-1.0),
0032         DR_Veto = cms.double(0.01),
0033         NHits_Min = cms.uint32(0),
0034         Chi2Ndof_Max = cms.double(1e+64),
0035         Pt_Min = cms.double(-1.0),
0036         DepositLabel = cms.untracked.string('PXLS'),
0037         BeamlineOption = cms.string('BeamSpotFromEvent')
0038     )
0039 )