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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import RecoMuon.L3MuonProducer.L3MuonProducer_cfi as _mod
0003 #this is a dump of the latest configuration of that module
0004 #this is not the actual configuration of HLT
0005 #changing this file will not change the behavior of HLT
0006 #see the actual configuration in confDB
0008 L3Muons = _mod.L3MuonProducer.clone(
0009     ServiceParameters = dict(
0010         Propagators = ['SmartPropagatorAny',
0011             'SteppingHelixPropagatorAny',
0012             'SmartPropagator',
0013             'SteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite'],
0014     ),
0015     TrackLoaderParameters = dict(
0016         PutTkTrackIntoEvent = True,
0017         Smoother = 'KFSmootherForMuonTrackLoader',
0018         MuonUpdatorAtVertexParameters = dict(
0019             Propagator = 'SteppingHelixPropagatorOpposite',
0020         ),
0021         DoSmoothing = True,
0022         beamSpot = "hltOfflineBeamSpot"
0023     ),
0024     L3TrajBuilderParameters = dict(
0025         TrackerRecHitBuilder = 'WithTrackAngle',
0026         MuonTrackingRegionBuilder = dict(
0027             Rescale_Dz = 3.0,
0028             Eta_min = 0.05,
0029             DeltaZ_Region = cms.double(15.9),
0030             DeltaR = 0.2,
0031             UseFixedRegion = cms.bool(False),
0032             Phi_min = 0.05,
0033             beamSpot = "hltOfflineBeamSpot"
0034         ),
0035         GlobalMuonTrackMatcher = dict(
0036             Propagator = 'SmartPropagator'
0037         ),
0038         tkTrajLabel = "hltL3TkTracksFromL2",
0039     tkTrajBeamSpot = "hltOfflineBeamSpot", # add a filter for L3 trajectory
0040     tkTrajMaxChi2 = 999, # add a filter for L3 trajectory
0041     tkTrajMaxDXYBeamSpot = 999, # add a filter for L3 trajectory
0042     tkTrajVertex = "pixelVertices", # add a filter for L3 trajectory
0043     tkTrajUseVertex = False, # add a filter for L3 trajectory
0044         MuonRecHitBuilder = 'MuonRecHitBuilder',
0045         TrackTransformer = dict(
0046             Fitter = 'L3MuKFFitter',
0047             TrackerRecHitBuilder = 'WithTrackAngle',
0048             Smoother = 'KFSmootherForMuonTrackLoader',
0049             MuonRecHitBuilder = 'MuonRecHitBuilder',
0050             Propagator = 'SmartPropagatorAny'
0051         ),
0052         GlbRefitterParameters = dict(
0053             Fitter = 'L3MuKFFitter',
0054             TrackerRecHitBuilder = 'WithTrackAngle',
0055             MuonRecHitBuilder = 'MuonRecHitBuilder',
0056             Propagator = 'SmartPropagatorAny',
0057         )
0058     )
0059 )