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0001 /**  \class Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3
0002  * 
0003  *   Phase-2 L3 selector for Muons
0004  *   This module allows to choose whether to perform 
0005  *   Inside-Out or Outside-In reconstruction first for L3 Muons, 
0006  *   performing the second pass only on candidates that were not
0007  *   reconstructed or whose quality was not good enough. Required 
0008  *   quality criteria are configurable, the default parameters 
0009  *   match the requests of HLT Muon ID. 
0010  *   When Inside-Out reconstruction is performed first, the resulting
0011  *   L3 Tracks are filtered and geometrically matched with L2
0012  *   Standalone Muons. If either the match is unsuccessful, or 
0013  *   the L3 track is not of good-enough quality, the associated 
0014  *   Standalone Muon will be re-used to seed the Outside-In step.
0015  *   The Outside-In first approach follows a similar logic by 
0016  *   matching the L3 tracks directly with L1 Tracker Muons. 
0017  *   Then, when either the match fails or the track is not of 
0018  *   good-enough quality, the L1 Tracker Muon is re-used to seed
0019  *   the Inside-Out reconstruction.
0020  *
0021  *   \author Luca Ferragina (INFN BO), 2024
0022  */
0024 #include "DataFormats/L1TMuonPhase2/interface/TrackerMuon.h"
0025 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
0026 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonFwd.h"
0027 #include "DataFormats/MuonSeed/interface/L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection.h"
0028 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
0029 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
0030 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ConsumesCollector.h"
0031 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
0032 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0033 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0034 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
0035 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0036 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
0037 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0038 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
0039 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0040 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESGetToken.h"
0041 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
0043 #include <unordered_set>
0045 class Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3 : public edm::stream::EDProducer<> {
0046 public:
0047   // Constructor
0048   Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0050   // Destructor
0051   ~Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3() override = default;
0053   // Default values
0054   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0056   // Select objects to be reused
0057   void produce(edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
0059 private:
0060   const edm::EDGetTokenT<l1t::TrackerMuonCollection> l1TkMuCollToken_;
0061   const edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::TrackCollection> l2MuCollectionToken_;
0062   const edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::TrackCollection> l3TrackCollectionToken_;
0064   const bool IOFirst_;
0065   const double matchingDr_;
0066   const bool applyL3Filters_;
0067   const double maxNormalizedChi2_, maxPtDifference_;
0068   const int minNhits_, minNhitsMuons_, minNhitsPixel_, minNhitsTracker_;
0070   // Check L3 inner track quality parameters
0071   const bool rejectL3Track(l1t::TrackerMuonRef l1TkMuRef, reco::TrackRef l3TrackRef) const;
0072 };
0074 // Constructor
0075 Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3::Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0076     : l1TkMuCollToken_(consumes<l1t::TrackerMuonCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l1TkMuons"))),
0077       l2MuCollectionToken_(consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l2MuonsUpdVtx"))),
0078       l3TrackCollectionToken_(consumes<reco::TrackCollection>(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l3Tracks"))),
0079       IOFirst_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("IOFirst")),
0080       matchingDr_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("matchingDr")),
0081       applyL3Filters_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("applyL3Filters")),
0082       maxNormalizedChi2_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("MaxNormalizedChi2")),
0083       maxPtDifference_(iConfig.getParameter<double>("MaxPtDifference")),
0084       minNhits_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("MinNhits")),
0085       minNhitsMuons_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("MinNhitsMuons")),
0086       minNhitsPixel_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("MinNhitsPixel")),
0087       minNhitsTracker_(iConfig.getParameter<int>("MinNhitsTracker")) {
0088   if (IOFirst_) {
0089     produces<reco::TrackCollection>("L2MuToReuse");
0090     produces<reco::TrackCollection>("L3IOTracksFiltered");
0091   } else {
0092     produces<l1t::TrackerMuonCollection>("L1TkMuToReuse");
0093     produces<reco::TrackCollection>("L3OITracksFiltered");
0094   }
0095 }
0097 void Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0098   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0099   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("l1TkMuons", edm::InputTag("l1tTkMuonsGmt"));
0100   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("l2MuonsUpdVtx", edm::InputTag("hltL2MuonsFromL1TkMuon", "UpdatedAtVtx"));
0101   desc.add<edm::InputTag>("l3Tracks", edm::InputTag("hltIter2Phase2L3FromL1TkMuonMerged"));
0102   desc.add<bool>("IOFirst", true);
0103   desc.add<double>("matchingDr", 0.02);
0104   desc.add<bool>("applyL3Filters", true);
0105   desc.add<int>("MinNhits", 1);
0106   desc.add<double>("MaxNormalizedChi2", 5.0);
0107   desc.add<int>("MinNhitsMuons", 0);
0108   desc.add<int>("MinNhitsPixel", 1);
0109   desc.add<int>("MinNhitsTracker", 6);
0110   desc.add<double>("MaxPtDifference", 999.0);  //relative difference
0111   descriptions.add("Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3", desc);
0112 }
0114 // IO first -> collection of L2 muons not already matched to a L3 inner track
0115 // OI first -> collection of L1Tk Muons not matched to a L3 track
0116 void Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3::produce(edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0117   const std::string metname = "RecoMuon|Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3";
0119   // L3 tracks (IO or OI)
0120   auto l3TracksCollectionH = iEvent.getHandle(l3TrackCollectionToken_);
0122   if (IOFirst_) {
0123     LogDebug(metname) << "Inside-Out reconstruction done first, looping over L2 muons";
0125     // L2 Muons collection
0126     auto const l2MuonsCollectionH = iEvent.getHandle(l2MuCollectionToken_);
0128     // Output
0129     std::unique_ptr<reco::TrackCollection> L2MuToReuse = std::make_unique<reco::TrackCollection>();
0130     std::unique_ptr<reco::TrackCollection> L3IOTracksFiltered = std::make_unique<reco::TrackCollection>();
0132     // Indexes of good L3 Tracks
0133     std::unordered_set<size_t> goodL3Indexes;
0135     // Loop over L2 Muons
0136     for (size_t l2MuIndex = 0; l2MuIndex != l2MuonsCollectionH->size(); ++l2MuIndex) {
0137       reco::TrackRef l2MuRef(l2MuonsCollectionH, l2MuIndex);
0138       bool reuseL2 = true;
0140       // Extract L1TkMu from L2 Muon
0141       edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed> seedRef = l2MuRef->seedRef();
0142       edm::Ref<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection> l2Seed = seedRef.castTo<edm::Ref<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection>>();
0143       l1t::TrackerMuonRef l1TkMuRef = l2Seed->l1TkMu();
0145       // Check validity of cast (actually found a L1TkMu)
0146       if (l1TkMuRef.isNonnull()) {
0147         // Loop over L3 tracks
0148         LogDebug(metname) << "Looping over L3 tracks";
0149         for (size_t l3MuIndex = 0; l3MuIndex != l3TracksCollectionH->size(); ++l3MuIndex) {
0150           reco::TrackRef l3TrackRef(l3TracksCollectionH, l3MuIndex);
0151           bool rejectL3 = true;
0152           // Filter L3 Tracks
0153           if (applyL3Filters_) {
0154             LogDebug(metname) << "Checking L3 Track quality";
0155             rejectL3 = rejectL3Track(l1TkMuRef, l3TrackRef);
0156             if (!rejectL3) {
0157               LogDebug(metname) << "Adding good quality L3 IO track to filtered collection";
0158               goodL3Indexes.insert(l3MuIndex);
0159             }
0160           }
0161           // Check match in dR
0162           float dR2 = deltaR2(l1TkMuRef->phEta(), l1TkMuRef->phPhi(), l3TrackRef->eta(), l3TrackRef->phi());
0163           LogDebug(metname) << "deltaR2: " << dR2;
0164           if (dR2 < matchingDr_ * matchingDr_) {
0165             LogDebug(metname) << "Found L2 muon that matches the L3 track";
0166             reuseL2 = applyL3Filters_ ? rejectL3 : false;
0167             LogDebug(metname) << "Reuse L2: " << reuseL2;
0168           }
0169         }  // End loop over L3 Tracks
0170       } else {
0171         LogDebug(metname) << "Found L2 muon without an associated L1TkMu";
0172       }
0173       if (reuseL2) {
0174         LogDebug(metname) << "Found a L2 muon to be reused";
0175         L2MuToReuse->push_back(*l2MuRef);
0176       }
0177     }  // End loop over L2 Muons
0179     // Fill L3 IO Tracks Filtered
0180     for (const size_t index : goodL3Indexes) {
0181       L3IOTracksFiltered->push_back(*(reco::TrackRef(l3TracksCollectionH, index)));
0182     }
0184     LogDebug(metname) << "Placing L2 Muons to be reused in the event";
0185     iEvent.put(std::move(L2MuToReuse), "L2MuToReuse");
0186     LogDebug(metname) << "Placing good quality L3 IO Tracks in the event";
0187     iEvent.put(std::move(L3IOTracksFiltered), "L3IOTracksFiltered");
0188   } else {
0189     LogDebug(metname) << "Outside-In reconstruction done first, looping over L1Tk muons";
0191     // L1Tk Muons collection
0192     auto const l1TkMuonsCollectionH = iEvent.getHandle(l1TkMuCollToken_);
0194     // Output
0195     std::unique_ptr<l1t::TrackerMuonCollection> L1TkMuToReuse = std::make_unique<l1t::TrackerMuonCollection>();
0196     std::unique_ptr<reco::TrackCollection> L3OITracksFiltered = std::make_unique<reco::TrackCollection>();
0198     // Indexes of good L3 Tracks
0199     std::unordered_set<size_t> goodL3Indexes;
0201     // Loop over L1Tk Muons
0202     for (size_t l1TkMuIndex = 0; l1TkMuIndex != l1TkMuonsCollectionH->size(); ++l1TkMuIndex) {
0203       l1t::TrackerMuonRef l1TkMuRef(l1TkMuonsCollectionH, l1TkMuIndex);
0204       bool reuseL1TkMu = true;
0206       // Loop over L3 tracks
0207       LogDebug(metname) << "Looping over L3 tracks";
0208       for (size_t l3MuIndex = 0; l3MuIndex != l3TracksCollectionH->size(); ++l3MuIndex) {
0209         reco::TrackRef l3TrackRef(l3TracksCollectionH, l3MuIndex);
0210         bool rejectL3 = true;
0211         // Filter L3 Tracks
0212         if (applyL3Filters_) {
0213           LogDebug(metname) << "Checking L3 Track quality";
0214           rejectL3 = rejectL3Track(l1TkMuRef, l3TrackRef);
0215           if (!rejectL3) {
0216             LogDebug(metname) << "Adding good quality L3 OI track to filtered collection";
0217             goodL3Indexes.insert(l3MuIndex);
0218           }
0219         }
0220         // Check match in dR
0221         float dR2 = deltaR2(l1TkMuRef->phEta(), l1TkMuRef->phPhi(), l3TrackRef->eta(), l3TrackRef->phi());
0222         LogDebug(metname) << "deltaR2: " << dR2;
0223         if (dR2 < matchingDr_ * matchingDr_) {
0224           LogDebug(metname) << "Found L1TkMu that matches the L3 track";
0225           reuseL1TkMu = applyL3Filters_ ? rejectL3 : false;
0226           LogDebug(metname) << "Reuse L1TkMu: " << reuseL1TkMu;
0227         }
0228       }  // End loop over L3 Tracks
0229       if (reuseL1TkMu) {
0230         LogDebug(metname) << "Found a L1TkMu to be reused";
0231         L1TkMuToReuse->push_back(*l1TkMuRef);
0232       }
0233     }  // End loop over L1Tk Muons
0235     // Fill L3 OI Tracks Filtered
0236     for (const size_t index : goodL3Indexes) {
0237       L3OITracksFiltered->push_back(*(reco::TrackRef(l3TracksCollectionH, index)));
0238     }
0240     LogDebug(metname) << "Placing L1Tk Muons to be reused in the event";
0241     iEvent.put(std::move(L1TkMuToReuse), "L1TkMuToReuse");
0242     LogDebug(metname) << "Placing good quality L3 OI Tracks in the event";
0243     iEvent.put(std::move(L3OITracksFiltered), "L3OITracksFiltered");
0244   }
0245 }
0247 const bool Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3::rejectL3Track(l1t::TrackerMuonRef l1TkMuRef, reco::TrackRef l3TrackRef) const {
0248   const std::string metname = "RecoMuon|Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3";
0250   bool nHitsCut = l3TrackRef->numberOfValidHits() < minNhits_;
0251   bool chi2Cut = l3TrackRef->normalizedChi2() > maxNormalizedChi2_;
0252   bool nHitsMuonsCut = l3TrackRef->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits() < minNhitsMuons_;
0253   bool nHitsPixelCut = l3TrackRef->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits() < minNhitsPixel_;
0254   bool nHitsTrackerCut = l3TrackRef->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement() < minNhitsTracker_;
0255   bool ptCut = std::abs(l3TrackRef->pt() - l1TkMuRef->phPt()) > maxPtDifference_ * l3TrackRef->pt();
0257   bool reject = nHitsCut or chi2Cut or nHitsMuonsCut or nHitsPixelCut or nHitsTrackerCut or ptCut;
0259   LogDebug(metname) << "nHits: " << l3TrackRef->numberOfValidHits() << " | chi2: " << l3TrackRef->normalizedChi2()
0260                     << " | nHitsMuon: " << l3TrackRef->hitPattern().numberOfValidMuonHits()
0261                     << " | nHitsPixel: " << l3TrackRef->hitPattern().numberOfValidPixelHits()
0262                     << " | nHitsTracker: " << l3TrackRef->hitPattern().trackerLayersWithMeasurement();
0263   LogDebug(metname) << "Reject L3 Track: " << reject;
0264   return reject;
0265 }
0267 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0268 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(Phase2HLTMuonSelectorForL3);