Warning, /RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers/doc/MuonIsolationProducers.doc is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0002 /*!
0004 \page RecoMuon_MuonIsolationProducers Package RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers
0006 <center>
0007 <small>
0009 <!-- @CVS_TAG@ will be substituted at build time, no need to touch -->
0010 <a href=http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/CMSSW/RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers/?cvsroot=CMSSW&only_with_tag=@CVS_TAG@>Source code (CVS tag: @CVS_TAG@)</a> -
0011 <a href=http://cmssw.cvs.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cmssw.cgi/CMSSW/RecoMuon/MuonIsolationProducers/.admin/developers?rev=HEAD&cvsroot=CMSSW&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup>Administrative privileges</a>
0012 </small>
0013 </center>
0015 \section desc Description
0016 <!-- Short description of what this package is supposed to provide -->
0017 This package contains producers of muon isolation related objects for offline.
0019 \subsection interface Public interface
0020 <!-- List the classes that are provided for use in other packages (if any) -->
0021 None: modules only.
0023 \subsection modules Modules
0024 <!-- Describe modules implemented in this package and their parameter set -->
0026 - MuIsoDepositProducer: produce MuIsoDepositAssociationMap(s) using an extractor (ExtractorPSet.ComponentName)
0027 - MuIsolatorResultProducer: produce iso results, like sums, counts, flags using an isolator [e.g., sumPt (tracks) or sumEt (calo)]
0028 uses MuIsoDepositAssociationMap(s) on input;
0029 can also exclude deposits in veto-cones of other muons (key-objects of the input maps).
0031 \subsection configuration Configuration files
0032 - \b muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorHits.cfi : configure MuIsoDepositProducer:muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorHits.
0033 With recoTracks_globalMuons on input this will use CaloExtractorByAssociator and recoHits (ee, eb, hbhe, ho) to produce 3 MuIsoDeposits (ecal, hcal, ho) per muon.
0034 Everything above 3*sigmaNoiseEnergy and etThreshold in cone R<1 is collected. Veto cone sizes are 0.07, 0.1, 0.1 for ecal, hcal, ho.
0035 - \b muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers.cfi
0036 With recoTracks_globalMuons on input this will use CaloExtractorByAssociator and CaloTowers to produce 3 MuIsoDeposits (ecal, hcal, ho) per muon.
0037 Everything above 3*sigmaNoiseEnergy and etThreshold in cone R<1 is collected. Veto cone sizes are 0.07, 0.1, 0.1 for ecal, hcal, ho.
0038 - \b muIsoDepositCal.cfi
0039 With recoTracks_globalMuons on input this will use CaloExtractor and CaloTowers to produce 1 MuIsoDeposits (Weight_E(=1.5)*ecal+Weight_H(=1)*hcal) per muon.
0040 Everything above 3*sigmaNoiseEnergy and etThreshold in cone R<1 is collected. Veto cone sizes are 0.07, 0.1 for ecal, hcal.
0041 Outer energy (ho) is not considered.
0042 - \b muIsoDepositCtfTk.cfi
0043 With recoTracks_globalMuons on input this will use TrackExtractor and recoTracks_ctfWithMaterialTracks in dR [0.01, 1], |dZ|<0.2, |d_r(xy)|< 0.1
0044 to produce MuIsoDepositAssociationMap.
0045 - \b muIsoDeposits.cff
0046 Based on the above .cfi files defines additional (clone) modules and sequences to be used in a muon isolation path.
0047 Defines additional muIsoDepositCalEcal & muIsoDepositCalHcal: the same as muIsoDepositCal, but with (Weight_E, Weight_H) of (1, 0) and (0, 1) respectively.
0048 \n Defines sequences:
0049 -# sequence muIsoDepositsAssoc = {muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorTowers & muIsoDepositCalByAssociatorHits}
0050 -# sequence muIsoDepositsCal = {muIsoDepositCalEcal & muIsoDepositCalHcal}
0051 -# sequence muIsoDepositsTk = {muIsoDepositCtfTk}
0052 -# sequence muIsoDepositsAll = {muIsoDepositCtfTk & muIsoDepositsAssoc & muIsoDepositsCal}
0055 - \b muIsolation_EventContent.cff
0056 Defines RecoMuonMuonIsolation{FEVT,RECO,AOD} blocks with OutputCommands
0057 containing outputs of the muon isolation producers.
0058 FEVT and RECO and AOD keep all the outputs.
0060 \subsection tests Unit tests and examples
0061 <!-- Describe cppunit tests and example configuration files -->
0062 - IsolationExample : analyze trackSumPt using MuIsoByTrackPt
0063 - MuIsoDepositAnalyzer : printout of all input MuIso*AssociationMap(s)
0064 - isoTest.cfg : use this to run all modules configured in the /data [full-scale test] of the extractors and producers.
0066 \section status Status and planned development
0067 <!-- e.g. completed, stable, missing features -->
0068 Need to implement a producer based on a concrete isolator or on a MuIsoBaseAlgorithm.
0070 <hr>
0071 Last updated:
0072 @DATE@ Author: Slava Krutelyov.
0073 */