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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # The services
0004 from RecoMuon.TrackingTools.MuonServiceProxy_cff import *
0005 # parametrization for initial pT
0006 from RecoMuon.MuonSeedGenerator.ptSeedParameterization_38T_cfi import ptSeedParameterization
0007 from RecoMuon.MuonSeedGenerator.MuonSeedPtScale_cfi import dphiScale
0009 SETMuonSeed  = cms.EDProducer("SETMuonSeedProducer",
0010     MuonServiceProxy,
0011     beamSpotTag = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"), 
0012     SETTrajBuilderParameters = cms.PSet(
0013         ptSeedParameterization, 
0014         dphiScale,
0015         scaleDT = cms.bool(True),
0016         Apply_prePruning = cms.bool(True),
0017 # Careful - next is used together with useSubRecHits in (for now)
0018 #   UseSegmentsInTrajectory = cms.bool(True),
0019     UseSegmentsInTrajectory = cms.bool(False),
0020         FilterParameters = cms.PSet(
0021             DTRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("dt4DSegments"),
0022             CSCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("cscSegments"),
0023             RPCRecSegmentLabel = cms.InputTag("rpcRecHits"),
0024             Propagator = cms.string('SteppingHelixPropagatorAny'),
0025 # DT + CSC chambers here           
0026             maxActiveChambers = cms.int32(100),   
0027             EnableRPCMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
0028 # Check the position of the segment including errors 
0029             OutsideChamberErrorScale = cms.double(1.0), 
0030 # The segment should not be parallel to the chamber 
0031             MinLocalSegmentAngle = cms.double(0.09),
0032 # NOT USED for now
0033             EnableDTMeasurement = cms.bool(True),
0034             EnableCSCMeasurement = cms.bool(True)       
0035         )
0036     )
0037 )