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0001 #ifndef Navigation_MuonNavigationPrinter_H
0002 #define Navigation_MuonNavigationPrinter_H
0004 /** \class MuonNavigationPrinter
0005  *
0006  * Description:
0007  *  class to print the MuonNavigationSchool
0008  *
0009  *
0010  * \author : Stefano Lacaprara - INFN Padova <>
0011  *
0012  * Modification:
0013  *
0014  * Chang Liu:
0015  * The class prints nextLayers and compatibleLayers
0016  * Add new constructor for MuonTkNavigationSchool
0017  *
0018  * Cesare Calabria:
0019  * GEMs implementation.
0021  * David Nash:
0022  * ME0s implementation
0023  */
0025 class DetLayer;
0026 class MuonDetLayerGeometry;
0027 class GeometricSearchTracker;
0028 class MuonNavigationSchool;
0030 #include <vector>
0031 #include <string>
0033 class MuonNavigationPrinter {
0034 public:
0035   MuonNavigationPrinter(const MuonDetLayerGeometry *,
0036                         MuonNavigationSchool const &,
0037                         bool enableRPC = true,
0038                         bool enableCSC = true,
0039                         bool enableGEM = false,
0040                         bool enableME0 = false);
0041   MuonNavigationPrinter(const MuonDetLayerGeometry *, MuonNavigationSchool const &, const GeometricSearchTracker *);
0043 private:
0044   void printLayer(const DetLayer *) const;
0045   void printLayers(const std::vector<const DetLayer *> &) const;
0046   /// return detector part (barrel, forward, backward)
0047   //    std::string layerPart(const DetLayer*) const;
0048   /// return detector module (pixel, silicon, msgc, dt, csc, rpc)
0049   //    std::string layerModule(const DetLayer*) const;
0051   MuonNavigationSchool const *school = nullptr;
0052 };
0053 #endif