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0001 # import and adjust proton-reconstructions settings
0002 from RecoPPS.ProtonReconstruction.ctppsProtonsDefault_cfi import ctppsProtonsDefault as _ctppsProtonsDefault
0003 ctppsProtons = _ctppsProtonsDefault.clone(
0004      pixelDiscardBXShiftedTracks = True,
0005      default_time = -999.
0006 )
0008 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_common_cff import run3_common
0009 run3_common.toModify(ctppsProtons, useNewLHCInfo = True)
0011 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_ctpps_directSim_cff import ctpps_directSim
0012 ctpps_directSim.toModify(ctppsProtons, useNewLHCInfo = False)