File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:27:23
0001 #ifndef __RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_RealisticHitToClusterAssociator_H__
0002 #define __RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_RealisticHitToClusterAssociator_H__
0008 #include <vector>
0009 #include <cmath>
0010 #include <unordered_map>
0011 #include "RealisticCluster.h"
0013 class RealisticHitToClusterAssociator {
0014 using Hit3DPosition = std::array<float, 3>;
0016 public:
0017 struct RealisticHit {
0018 struct HitToCluster {
0019 unsigned int simClusterId_;
0020 float mcEnergyFraction_;
0021 float distanceFromMaxHit_;
0022 float realisticEnergyFraction_;
0023 };
0025 Hit3DPosition hitPosition_;
0026 float totalEnergy_;
0027 unsigned int layerId_;
0028 std::vector<HitToCluster> hitToCluster_;
0029 };
0031 void init(std::size_t numberOfHits, std::size_t numberOfSimClusters, std::size_t numberOfLayers) {
0032 realisticHits_.resize(numberOfHits);
0033 realisticSimClusters_.resize(numberOfSimClusters);
0034 for (auto& sc : realisticSimClusters_)
0035 sc.setLayersNum(numberOfLayers);
0036 }
0038 void insertHitPosition(float x, float y, float z, unsigned int hitIndex) {
0039 realisticHits_[hitIndex].hitPosition_ = {{x, y, z}};
0040 }
0042 void insertLayerId(unsigned int layerId, unsigned int hitIndex) { realisticHits_[hitIndex].layerId_ = layerId; }
0044 void insertHitEnergy(float energy, unsigned int hitIndex) { realisticHits_[hitIndex].totalEnergy_ = energy; }
0046 void insertSimClusterIdAndFraction(unsigned int scIdx, float fraction, unsigned int hitIndex, float associatedEnergy) {
0047 realisticHits_[hitIndex].hitToCluster_.emplace_back(RealisticHit::HitToCluster{scIdx, fraction, 0.f, 0.f});
0048 realisticSimClusters_[scIdx].setMaxEnergyHit(
0049 realisticHits_[hitIndex].layerId_, associatedEnergy, realisticHits_[hitIndex].hitPosition_);
0050 }
0052 float XYdistanceFromMaxHit(unsigned int hitId, unsigned int clusterId) {
0053 auto l = realisticHits_[hitId].layerId_;
0054 const auto& maxHitPosition = realisticSimClusters_[clusterId].getMaxEnergyPosition(l);
0055 float distanceSquared = std::pow((realisticHits_[hitId].hitPosition_[0] - maxHitPosition[0]), 2) +
0056 std::pow((realisticHits_[hitId].hitPosition_[1] - maxHitPosition[1]), 2);
0057 return std::sqrt(distanceSquared);
0058 }
0060 float XYdistanceFromPointOnSameLayer(unsigned int hitId, const Hit3DPosition& point) {
0061 float distanceSquared = std::pow((realisticHits_[hitId].hitPosition_[0] - point[0]), 2) +
0062 std::pow((realisticHits_[hitId].hitPosition_[1] - point[1]), 2);
0063 return std::sqrt(distanceSquared);
0064 }
0066 void computeAssociation(float exclusiveFraction,
0067 bool useMCFractionsForExclEnergy,
0068 unsigned int fhOffset,
0069 unsigned int bhOffset) {
0071 unsigned int numberOfHits = realisticHits_.size();
0072 std::vector<float> partialEnergies;
0073 for (unsigned int hitId = 0; hitId < numberOfHits; ++hitId) {
0074 partialEnergies.clear();
0075 std::vector<unsigned int> removeAssociation;
0076 auto& realisticHit = realisticHits_[hitId];
0077 unsigned int numberOfClusters = realisticHit.hitToCluster_.size();
0078 if (numberOfClusters == 1) {
0079 unsigned int simClusterId = realisticHit.hitToCluster_[0].simClusterId_;
0080 float assignedFraction = 1.f;
0081 realisticHit.hitToCluster_[0].realisticEnergyFraction_ = assignedFraction;
0082 float assignedEnergy = realisticHit.totalEnergy_;
0083 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterId].increaseEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0084 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterId].addHitAndFraction(hitId, assignedFraction);
0085 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterId].increaseExclusiveEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0086 } else {
0087 partialEnergies.resize(numberOfClusters, 0.f);
0088 unsigned int layer = realisticHit.layerId_;
0089 float sumE = 0.f;
0090 float energyDecayLength = getDecayLength(layer, fhOffset, bhOffset);
0091 for (unsigned int clId = 0; clId < numberOfClusters; ++clId) {
0092 auto simClusterId = realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].simClusterId_;
0093 realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].distanceFromMaxHit_ = XYdistanceFromMaxHit(hitId, simClusterId);
0096 auto maxEnergyOnLayer = realisticSimClusters_[simClusterId].getMaxEnergy(layer);
0097 if (maxEnergyOnLayer > 0.f) {
0098 partialEnergies[clId] =
0099 maxEnergyOnLayer * std::exp(-realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].distanceFromMaxHit_ / energyDecayLength);
0100 }
0101 sumE += partialEnergies[clId];
0102 }
0103 if (sumE > 0.f) {
0104 float invSumE = 1.f / sumE;
0105 for (unsigned int clId = 0; clId < numberOfClusters; ++clId) {
0106 unsigned int simClusterIndex = realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].simClusterId_;
0107 float assignedFraction = partialEnergies[clId] * invSumE;
0108 if (assignedFraction > 1e-3) {
0109 realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].realisticEnergyFraction_ = assignedFraction;
0110 float assignedEnergy = assignedFraction * realisticHit.totalEnergy_;
0111 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].increaseEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0112 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].addHitAndFraction(hitId, assignedFraction);
0116 if ((useMCFractionsForExclEnergy and
0117 realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clId].mcEnergyFraction_ > exclusiveFraction) or
0118 (!useMCFractionsForExclEnergy and assignedFraction > exclusiveFraction)) {
0119 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].increaseExclusiveEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0120 }
0121 } else {
0122 removeAssociation.push_back(simClusterIndex);
0123 }
0124 }
0125 }
0126 }
0128 while (!removeAssociation.empty()) {
0129 auto clusterToRemove = removeAssociation.back();
0130 removeAssociation.pop_back();
0132 realisticHit.hitToCluster_.erase(std::remove_if(realisticHit.hitToCluster_.begin(),
0133 realisticHit.hitToCluster_.end(),
0134 [clusterToRemove](const RealisticHit::HitToCluster& x) {
0135 return x.simClusterId_ == clusterToRemove;
0136 }),
0137 realisticHit.hitToCluster_.end());
0138 }
0139 }
0140 }
0142 void findAndMergeInvisibleClusters(float invisibleFraction, float exclusiveFraction) {
0143 unsigned int numberOfRealSimClusters = realisticSimClusters_.size();
0145 for (unsigned int clId = 0; clId < numberOfRealSimClusters; ++clId) {
0146 if (realisticSimClusters_[clId].getExclusiveEnergyFraction() < invisibleFraction) {
0147 realisticSimClusters_[clId].setVisible(false);
0148 auto& hAndF = realisticSimClusters_[clId].hitsIdsAndFractions();
0149 std::unordered_map<unsigned int, float> energyInNeighbors;
0150 float totalSharedEnergy = 0.f;
0152 for (auto& elt : hAndF) {
0153 unsigned int hitId = elt.first;
0154 float fraction = elt.second;
0155 auto& realisticHit = realisticHits_[hitId];
0157 if (realisticHit.hitToCluster_.size() > 1 && fraction < 1.f) {
0158 float correction = 1.f - fraction;
0159 unsigned int numberOfClusters = realisticHit.hitToCluster_.size();
0160 int clusterToRemove = -1;
0161 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfClusters; ++i) {
0162 auto simClusterIndex = realisticHit.hitToCluster_[i].simClusterId_;
0163 if (simClusterIndex == clId) {
0164 clusterToRemove = i;
0165 } else if (realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].isVisible()) {
0166 float oldFraction = realisticHit.hitToCluster_[i].realisticEnergyFraction_;
0167 float newFraction = oldFraction / correction;
0168 float oldEnergy = oldFraction * realisticHit.totalEnergy_;
0169 float newEnergy = newFraction * realisticHit.totalEnergy_;
0170 float sharedEnergy = newEnergy - oldEnergy;
0171 energyInNeighbors[simClusterIndex] += sharedEnergy;
0172 totalSharedEnergy += sharedEnergy;
0173 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].increaseEnergy(sharedEnergy);
0174 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].modifyFractionForHitId(newFraction, hitId);
0175 realisticHit.hitToCluster_[i].realisticEnergyFraction_ = newFraction;
0176 if (newFraction > exclusiveFraction) {
0177 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].increaseExclusiveEnergy(sharedEnergy);
0178 if (oldFraction <= exclusiveFraction) {
0179 realisticSimClusters_[simClusterIndex].increaseExclusiveEnergy(oldEnergy);
0180 }
0181 }
0182 }
0183 }
0184 realisticSimClusters_[realisticHit.hitToCluster_[clusterToRemove].simClusterId_].modifyFractionForHitId(
0185 0.f, hitId);
0186 realisticHit.hitToCluster_.erase(realisticHit.hitToCluster_.begin() + clusterToRemove);
0187 }
0188 }
0190 for (auto& elt : hAndF) {
0191 unsigned int hitId = elt.first;
0192 auto& realisticHit = realisticHits_[hitId];
0193 if (realisticHit.hitToCluster_.size() == 1 and realisticHit.hitToCluster_[0].simClusterId_ == clId and
0194 totalSharedEnergy > 0.f) {
0195 for (auto& pair : energyInNeighbors) {
0198 float sharedFraction = pair.second / totalSharedEnergy;
0199 if (sharedFraction > 1e-6) {
0200 float assignedEnergy = realisticHit.totalEnergy_ * sharedFraction;
0201 realisticSimClusters_[pair.first].increaseEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0202 realisticSimClusters_[pair.first].addHitAndFraction(hitId, sharedFraction);
0203 realisticHit.hitToCluster_.emplace_back(
0204 RealisticHit::HitToCluster{pair.first, 0.f, -1.f, sharedFraction});
0205 if (sharedFraction > exclusiveFraction)
0206 realisticSimClusters_[pair.first].increaseExclusiveEnergy(assignedEnergy);
0207 }
0208 }
0209 }
0210 }
0211 }
0212 }
0213 }
0215 void findCentersOfGravity() {
0216 for (auto& cluster : realisticSimClusters_) {
0217 if (cluster.isVisible()) {
0218 unsigned int layersNum = cluster.getLayersNum();
0219 std::vector<float> totalEnergyPerLayer(layersNum, 0.f);
0220 std::vector<float> xEnergyPerLayer(layersNum, 0.f);
0221 std::vector<float> yEnergyPerLayer(layersNum, 0.f);
0222 std::vector<float> zPositionPerLayer(layersNum, 0.f);
0223 const auto& hAndF = cluster.hitsIdsAndFractions();
0224 for (auto& elt : hAndF) {
0225 auto hitId = elt.first;
0226 auto fraction = elt.second;
0227 const auto& hit = realisticHits_[hitId];
0228 const auto& hitPos = hit.hitPosition_;
0229 auto layerId = hit.layerId_;
0230 auto hitEinCluster = hit.totalEnergy_ * fraction;
0231 totalEnergyPerLayer[layerId] += hitEinCluster;
0232 xEnergyPerLayer[layerId] += hitPos[0] * hitEinCluster;
0233 yEnergyPerLayer[layerId] += hitPos[1] * hitEinCluster;
0234 zPositionPerLayer[layerId] = hitPos[2];
0235 }
0236 Hit3DPosition centerOfGravity;
0237 for (unsigned int layerId = 0; layerId < layersNum; layerId++) {
0238 auto energyOnLayer = totalEnergyPerLayer[layerId];
0239 if (energyOnLayer > 0.f) {
0240 centerOfGravity = {{xEnergyPerLayer[layerId] / energyOnLayer,
0241 yEnergyPerLayer[layerId] / energyOnLayer,
0242 zPositionPerLayer[layerId]}};
0243 cluster.setCenterOfGravity(layerId, centerOfGravity);
0244 }
0245 }
0246 }
0247 }
0248 }
0250 void filterHitsByDistance(float maxDistance) {
0251 for (auto& cluster : realisticSimClusters_) {
0252 if (cluster.isVisible()) {
0253 auto& hAndF = cluster.hitsIdsAndFractions();
0254 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hAndF.size(); ++i) {
0255 auto hitId = hAndF[i].first;
0256 const auto& hit = realisticHits_[hitId];
0257 auto layerId = hit.layerId_;
0258 if (XYdistanceFromPointOnSameLayer(hitId, cluster.getCenterOfGravity(layerId)) > maxDistance) {
0259 cluster.increaseEnergy(-hit.totalEnergy_ * hAndF[i].second);
0260 cluster.modifyFractionByIndex(0.f, i);
0261 }
0262 }
0263 }
0264 }
0265 }
0267 const std::vector<RealisticCluster>& realisticClusters() const { return realisticSimClusters_; }
0269 private:
0270 static float getDecayLength(unsigned int layer, unsigned int fhOffset, unsigned int bhOffset) {
0271 constexpr float eeDecayLengthInLayer = 2.f;
0272 constexpr float fhDecayLengthInLayer = 1.5f;
0273 constexpr float bhDecayLengthInLayer = 1.f;
0275 if (layer <= fhOffset)
0276 return eeDecayLengthInLayer;
0277 else if (layer > fhOffset && layer <= bhOffset)
0278 return fhDecayLengthInLayer;
0279 else
0280 return bhDecayLengthInLayer;
0281 }
0284 std::vector<RealisticCluster> realisticSimClusters_;
0286 std::vector<RealisticHit> realisticHits_;
0287 };
0289 #endif