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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 _thresholdsHB = cms.vdouble(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
0004 _thresholdsHE = cms.vdouble(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
0005 _thresholdsHBphase1 = cms.vdouble(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3)
0006 _thresholdsHEphase1 = cms.vdouble(0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
0007 #updated HB RecHit threshold for 2023
0008 _thresholdsHBphase1_2023 = cms.vdouble(0.4, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3)
0010 particleFlowRecHitHBHE = cms.EDProducer("PFRecHitProducer",
0011     navigator = cms.PSet(
0012             name = cms.string("PFRecHitHCALDenseIdNavigator"),
0013             hcalEnums = cms.vint32(1,2)
0014     ),
0015     producers = cms.VPSet(
0016            cms.PSet(
0017              name = cms.string("PFHBHERecHitCreator"),
0018              src  = cms.InputTag("hbhereco",""),
0019              qualityTests = cms.VPSet(
0020                   cms.PSet(
0021                   name = cms.string("PFRecHitQTestHCALThresholdVsDepth"),
0022                   usePFThresholdsFromDB = cms.bool(False),
0023                   cuts = cms.VPSet(
0024                         cms.PSet(
0025                             depth=cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4),
0026                             threshold = _thresholdsHB,
0027                             detectorEnum = cms.int32(1)
0028                             ),
0029                         cms.PSet(
0030                             depth=cms.vint32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
0031                             threshold = _thresholdsHE,
0032                             detectorEnum = cms.int32(2)
0033                             )
0034                         )
0035                   ),
0036                   cms.PSet(
0037                       name = cms.string("PFRecHitQTestHCALChannel"),
0038                       maxSeverities      = cms.vint32(11),
0039                       cleaningThresholds = cms.vdouble(0.0),
0040                       flags              = cms.vstring('Standard')
0041                   )
0042              )
0043            ),
0044     )
0045 )
0047 # offline 2018 -- uncollapsed
0048 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run2_HE_2018_cff import run2_HE_2018
0049 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.run2_HECollapse_2018_cff import run2_HECollapse_2018
0050 (run2_HE_2018 & ~run2_HECollapse_2018).toModify(particleFlowRecHitHBHE,
0051     producers = {0 : dict(qualityTests = {0 : dict(cuts = {1 : dict(threshold = _thresholdsHEphase1) } ) } ) },
0052 )
0054 # offline 2021
0055 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_HB_cff import run3_HB
0056 run3_HB.toModify(particleFlowRecHitHBHE,
0057     producers = {0 : dict(qualityTests = {0 : dict(cuts = {0 : dict(threshold = _thresholdsHBphase1) } ) } ) },
0058 )
0060 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_egamma_2023_cff import run3_egamma_2023
0061 run3_egamma_2023.toModify(particleFlowRecHitHBHE,
0062     producers = {0 : dict(qualityTests = {0 : dict(cuts = {0 : dict(threshold = _thresholdsHBphase1_2023) } ) } ) },
0063 )
0065 #--- Use DB conditions for cuts&seeds for Run3 and Phase2
0066 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_hcalPfCutsFromDB_cff import hcalPfCutsFromDB
0067 hcalPfCutsFromDB.toModify( particleFlowRecHitHBHE,
0068     producers = {0 : dict(qualityTests = {0 : dict(usePFThresholdsFromDB = True) } ) },
0069 )
0071 # HCALonly WF
0072 particleFlowRecHitHBHEOnly = particleFlowRecHitHBHE.clone(
0073     producers = { 0: dict(src = "hbheprereco") }
0074 )
0075 run3_HB.toModify(particleFlowRecHitHBHEOnly,
0076     producers = { 0: dict(src = "hbhereco") }
0077 )