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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:27:27

0001 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/BlockElementImporterBase.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFCluster.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFBlockElementGsfTrack.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFBlockElementBrem.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/GsfPFRecTrack.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrack.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/SuperCluster.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/ElectronSeed.h"
0009 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/PFBlockElementSCEqual.h"
0011 class GSFTrackImporter : public BlockElementImporterBase {
0012 public:
0013   GSFTrackImporter(const edm::ParameterSet& conf, edm::ConsumesCollector& cc)
0014       : BlockElementImporterBase(conf, cc),
0015         _src(cc.consumes<reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection>(conf.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("source"))),
0016         _isSecondary(conf.getParameter<bool>("gsfsAreSecondary")),
0017         _superClustersArePF(conf.getParameter<bool>("superClustersArePF")) {}
0019   void importToBlock(const edm::Event&, ElementList&) const override;
0021 private:
0022   edm::EDGetTokenT<reco::GsfPFRecTrackCollection> _src;
0023   const bool _isSecondary, _superClustersArePF;
0024 };
0026 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(BlockElementImporterFactory, GSFTrackImporter, "GSFTrackImporter");
0028 void GSFTrackImporter::importToBlock(const edm::Event& e, BlockElementImporterBase::ElementList& elems) const {
0029   auto gsftracks = e.getHandle(_src);
0030   elems.reserve(elems.size() + gsftracks->size());
0031   // setup our elements so that all the SCs are grouped together
0032   auto SCs_end =
0033       std::partition(elems.begin(), elems.end(), [](const auto& a) { return a->type() == reco::PFBlockElement::SC; });
0034   // insert gsf tracks and SCs, binding pre-existing SCs to ECAL-Driven GSF
0035   auto bgsf = gsftracks->cbegin();
0036   auto egsf = gsftracks->cend();
0037   for (auto gsftrack = bgsf; gsftrack != egsf; ++gsftrack) {
0038     reco::GsfPFRecTrackRef gsfref(gsftracks, std::distance(bgsf, gsftrack));
0039     const reco::GsfTrackRef& basegsfref = gsftrack->gsfTrackRef();
0040     const auto& gsfextraref = basegsfref->extra();
0041     // import associated super clusters
0042     if (gsfextraref.isAvailable() && gsfextraref->seedRef().isAvailable()) {
0043       reco::ElectronSeedRef seedref = gsfextraref->seedRef().castTo<reco::ElectronSeedRef>();
0044       if (seedref.isAvailable() && seedref->isEcalDriven()) {
0045         reco::SuperClusterRef scref = seedref->caloCluster().castTo<reco::SuperClusterRef>();
0046         if (scref.isNonnull()) {
0047           // explicitly veto HGCal super clusters
0048           if (scref->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalEE || scref->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalHSi ||
0049               scref->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::HGCalHSc || scref->seed()->seed().det() == DetId::Forward)
0050             continue;
0051           PFBlockElementSCEqual myEqual(scref);
0052           auto sc_elem = std::find_if(elems.begin(), SCs_end, myEqual);
0053           if (sc_elem != SCs_end) {
0054             reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster* scbe = static_cast<reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster*>(sc_elem->get());
0055             scbe->setFromGsfElectron(true);
0056           } else {
0057             reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster* scbe = new reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster(scref);
0058             scbe->setFromGsfElectron(true);
0059             scbe->setFromPFSuperCluster(_superClustersArePF);
0060             SCs_end = elems.emplace(SCs_end, scbe);
0061             ++SCs_end;  // point to element *after* the new one
0062           }
0063         }
0064       }
0065     }  // gsf extra ref?
0066     // cache the SC_end offset
0067     size_t SCs_end_position = std::distance(elems.begin(), SCs_end);
0068     // get track momentum information
0069     const std::vector<reco::PFTrajectoryPoint>& PfGsfPoint = gsftrack->trajectoryPoints();
0070     unsigned int c_gsf = 0;
0071     bool PassTracker = false;
0072     unsigned int IndexPout = 0;
0073     for (const auto& pfGsfPoint : PfGsfPoint) {
0074       if (pfGsfPoint.isValid()) {
0075         int layGsfP = pfGsfPoint.layer();
0076         if (layGsfP == -1)
0077           PassTracker = true;
0078         else if (PassTracker && layGsfP > 0) {
0079           IndexPout = c_gsf - 1;
0080           break;
0081         }
0082         ++c_gsf;
0083       }
0084     }
0085     const math::XYZTLorentzVector& pin = PfGsfPoint[0].momentum();
0086     const math::XYZTLorentzVector& pout = PfGsfPoint[IndexPout].momentum();
0087     reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack* temp = new reco::PFBlockElementGsfTrack(gsfref, pin, pout);
0088     if (_isSecondary) {
0089       temp->setTrackType(reco::PFBlockElement::T_FROM_GAMMACONV, true);
0090     }
0091     elems.emplace_back(temp);
0092     // import brems from this primary gsf
0093     for (const auto& brem : gsfref->PFRecBrem()) {
0094       const unsigned TrajP = brem.indTrajPoint();
0095       if (TrajP != 99) {
0096         const double DP = brem.DeltaP();
0097         const double sDP = brem.SigmaDeltaP();
0098         elems.emplace_back(new reco::PFBlockElementBrem(gsfref, DP, sDP, TrajP));
0099       }
0100     }
0101     // protect against reallocations, create a fresh iterator
0102     SCs_end = elems.begin() + SCs_end_position;
0103   }  // loop on gsf tracks
0104   elems.shrink_to_fit();
0105 }