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0001 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/interface/BlockElementLinkerBase.h"
0002 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFCluster.h"
0003 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFBlockElementCluster.h"
0004 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterTools/interface/LinkByRecHit.h"
0006 class PreshowerAndECALLinker : public BlockElementLinkerBase {
0007 public:
0008   PreshowerAndECALLinker(const edm::ParameterSet& conf)
0009       : BlockElementLinkerBase(conf),
0010         useKDTree_(conf.getParameter<bool>("useKDTree")),
0011         debug_(conf.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug", false)) {}
0013   bool linkPrefilter(const reco::PFBlockElement*, const reco::PFBlockElement*) const override;
0015   double testLink(const reco::PFBlockElement*, const reco::PFBlockElement*) const override;
0017 private:
0018   bool useKDTree_, debug_;
0019 };
0021 DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN(BlockElementLinkerFactory, PreshowerAndECALLinker, "PreshowerAndECALLinker");
0023 bool PreshowerAndECALLinker::linkPrefilter(const reco::PFBlockElement* elem1, const reco::PFBlockElement* elem2) const {
0024   bool result = false;
0025   // PS-ECAL KDTree multilinks are stored to PS's elem
0026   switch (elem1->type()) {
0027     case reco::PFBlockElement::PS1:
0028     case reco::PFBlockElement::PS2:
0029       result = (elem1->isMultilinksValide(elem2->type()) && !elem1->getMultilinks(elem2->type()).empty() &&
0030                 elem2->isMultilinksValide(elem1->type()));
0031       break;
0032     case reco::PFBlockElement::ECAL:
0033       result = (elem2->isMultilinksValide(elem1->type()) && !elem2->getMultilinks(elem1->type()).empty() &&
0034                 elem1->isMultilinksValide(elem2->type()));
0035       break;
0036     default:
0037       break;
0038   }
0039   return (useKDTree_ ? result : true);
0040 }
0042 double PreshowerAndECALLinker::testLink(const reco::PFBlockElement* elem1, const reco::PFBlockElement* elem2) const {
0043   const reco::PFBlockElementCluster *pselem(nullptr), *ecalelem(nullptr);
0044   double dist(-1.0);
0045   if (elem1->type() < elem2->type()) {
0046     pselem = static_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>(elem1);
0047     ecalelem = static_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>(elem2);
0048   } else {
0049     pselem = static_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>(elem2);
0050     ecalelem = static_cast<const reco::PFBlockElementCluster*>(elem1);
0051   }
0052   const reco::PFClusterRef& psref = pselem->clusterRef();
0053   const reco::PFClusterRef& ecalref = ecalelem->clusterRef();
0054   if (psref.isNull() || ecalref.isNull()) {
0055     throw cms::Exception("BadClusterRefs") << "PFBlockElementCluster's refs are null!";
0056   }
0057   // Check if the linking has been done using the KDTree algo
0058   // Glowinski & Gouzevitch
0059   if (useKDTree_ && pselem->isMultilinksValide(ecalelem->type())) {  // KDTree algo
0060     const reco::PFMultilinksType& multilinks = pselem->getMultilinks(ecalelem->type());
0061     const math::XYZPoint& ecalxyzpos = ecalref->position();
0062     const math::XYZPoint& psxyzpos = psref->position();
0064     // Check if the link PS/Ecal exist
0065     reco::PFMultilinksType::const_iterator mlit = multilinks.begin();
0066     for (; mlit != multilinks.end(); ++mlit)
0067       if (mlit->clusterRef == ecalref)
0068         break;
0070     // If the link exist, we fill dist and linktest.
0071     if (mlit != multilinks.end()) {
0072       dist = LinkByRecHit::computeDist(
0073           ecalxyzpos.X() / 1000., ecalxyzpos.Y() / 1000., psxyzpos.X() / 1000., psxyzpos.Y() / 1000., false);
0074     }
0075   } else {  //Old algorithm
0076     dist = LinkByRecHit::testECALAndPSByRecHit(*ecalref, *psref, debug_);
0077   }
0078   return dist;
0079 }