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0001 #ifndef RecoParticleFlow_PFRecHitProducer_interface_alpaka_CalorimeterDefinitions_h
0002 #define RecoParticleFlow_PFRecHitProducer_interface_alpaka_CalorimeterDefinitions_h
0004 #include <limits>
0006 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/EcalDetId/interface/EcalSubdetector.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHit.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
0010 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalSubdetector.h"
0011 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HBHERecHit.h"
0012 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/CaloRecHitHostCollection.h"
0013 #include "DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/alpaka/CaloRecHitDeviceCollection.h"
0014 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRecHitProducer/interface/PFRecHitTopologyHostCollection.h"
0015 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRecHitProducer/interface/alpaka/PFRecHitParamsDeviceCollection.h"
0016 #include "RecoParticleFlow/PFRecHitProducer/interface/alpaka/PFRecHitTopologyDeviceCollection.h"
0018 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitHostCollection.h"
0019 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/alpaka/HcalRecHitDeviceCollection.h"
0021 // Forward declaration of EventSetup records, to avoid propagating the dependency on framework headers to device code
0022 class PFRecHitHCALParamsRecord;
0023 class PFRecHitHCALTopologyRecord;
0024 class EcalPFRecHitThresholdsRcd;
0025 class PFRecHitECALTopologyRecord;
0027 // This file defines two structs:
0028 // 1) ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::particleFlowRecHitProducer::HCAL
0029 // 2) ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::particleFlowRecHitProducer::ECAL
0030 // These are used as template arguments of the PFRecHitSoAProducer class and
0031 // related classes. This allows to specialise behaviour for the two calorimeter
0032 // types.
0033 namespace ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::particleFlowRecHitProducer {
0035   // Get subdetector encoded in detId to narrow the range of reference table values to search
0036   constexpr inline uint32_t getSubdet(uint32_t detId) { return DetId(detId).subdetId(); }
0038   struct HCAL {
0039     using CaloRecHitType = HBHERecHit;
0040     using CaloRecHitSoATypeHost = hcal::RecHitHostCollection;
0041     using CaloRecHitSoATypeDevice = hcal::RecHitDeviceCollection;
0042     using ParameterType = reco::PFRecHitHCALParamsDeviceCollection;
0043     using ParameterRecordType = PFRecHitHCALParamsRecord;
0044     using TopologyTypeHost = reco::PFRecHitHCALTopologyHostCollection;
0045     using TopologyTypeDevice = reco::PFRecHitHCALTopologyDeviceCollection;
0046     using TopologyRecordType = PFRecHitHCALTopologyRecord;
0048     static constexpr DetId::Detector kDetectorId = DetId::Detector::Hcal;
0049     static constexpr int kSubdetectorBarrelId = HcalSubdetector::HcalBarrel;
0050     static constexpr int kSubdetectorEndcapId = HcalSubdetector::HcalEndcap;
0052     static constexpr uint32_t kMaxDepthHB = 4;
0053     static constexpr uint32_t kMaxDepthHE = 7;
0054     static constexpr uint32_t kFirstHBRing = 1;
0055     static constexpr uint32_t kLastHBRing = 16;
0056     static constexpr uint32_t kFirstHERing = 16;
0057     static constexpr uint32_t kLastHERing = 29;
0058     static constexpr uint32_t kMaxIPhi = 72;
0059     static constexpr uint32_t kSizeBarrel = kMaxDepthHB * (kLastHBRing - kFirstHBRing + 1) * kMaxIPhi * 2;
0060     static constexpr uint32_t kSizeEndcap = kMaxDepthHE * (kLastHERing - kFirstHERing + 1) * kMaxIPhi * 2;
0061     static constexpr uint32_t kSize = kSizeBarrel + kSizeEndcap;  // maximum possible HCAL denseId (=23328)
0063     static constexpr bool detIdInRange(uint32_t detId) {
0064       return detId != 0 && DetId(detId).det() == DetId::Detector::Hcal &&
0065              (getSubdet(detId) == HcalSubdetector::HcalBarrel || getSubdet(detId) == HcalSubdetector::HcalEndcap);
0066     }
0068     static constexpr uint32_t getDepth(uint32_t detId) { return HcalDetId(detId).depth(); }
0069     static constexpr uint32_t getIetaAbs(uint32_t detId) { return HcalDetId(detId).ietaAbs(); }
0070     static constexpr uint32_t getIphi(uint32_t detId) { return HcalDetId(detId).iphi(); }
0071     static constexpr int getZside(uint32_t detId) { return HcalDetId(detId).zside(); }
0073     //
0074     static constexpr uint32_t detId2denseIdHB(uint32_t detId) {
0075       const uint32_t nEtaHB = (kLastHBRing - kFirstHBRing + 1);
0076       const uint32_t ip = getIphi(detId);
0077       const uint32_t ie = getIetaAbs(detId);
0078       const uint32_t dp = getDepth(detId);
0079       const int zn = getZside(detId);
0080       uint32_t retval = (dp - 1) + kMaxDepthHB * (ip - 1);
0081       if (zn > 0)
0082         retval += kMaxDepthHB * kMaxIPhi * (ie * zn - kFirstHBRing);
0083       else
0084         retval += kMaxDepthHB * kMaxIPhi * (ie * zn + kLastHBRing + nEtaHB);
0086       return retval;
0087     }
0089     //
0090     static constexpr uint32_t detId2denseIdHE(uint32_t detId) {
0091       const uint32_t nEtaHE = (kLastHERing - kFirstHERing + 1);
0092       const uint32_t ip = getIphi(detId);
0093       const uint32_t ie = getIetaAbs(detId);
0094       const uint32_t dp = getDepth(detId);
0095       const int zn = getZside(detId);
0096       uint32_t retval = (dp - 1) + kMaxDepthHE * (ip - 1);
0097       if (zn > 0)
0098         retval += kMaxDepthHE * kMaxIPhi * (ie * zn - kFirstHERing);
0099       else
0100         retval += kMaxDepthHE * kMaxIPhi * (ie * zn + kLastHERing + nEtaHE);
0102       return retval + kSizeBarrel;
0103     }
0105     static constexpr uint32_t kInvalidDenseId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
0107     static constexpr uint32_t detId2denseId(uint32_t detId) {
0108       const uint32_t subdet = getSubdet(detId);
0109       if (subdet == HcalBarrel)
0110         return detId2denseIdHB(detId);
0111       if (subdet == HcalEndcap)
0112         return detId2denseIdHE(detId);
0114       printf("invalid Hcal detId: %u\n", detId);
0115       return kInvalidDenseId;
0116     }
0117   };
0119   struct ECAL {
0120     using CaloRecHitType = EcalRecHit;
0121     using CaloRecHitSoATypeHost = reco::CaloRecHitHostCollection;
0122     using CaloRecHitSoATypeDevice = reco::CaloRecHitDeviceCollection;
0123     using ParameterType = reco::PFRecHitECALParamsDeviceCollection;
0124     using ParameterRecordType = EcalPFRecHitThresholdsRcd;
0125     using TopologyTypeHost = reco::PFRecHitECALTopologyHostCollection;
0126     using TopologyTypeDevice = reco::PFRecHitECALTopologyDeviceCollection;
0127     using TopologyRecordType = PFRecHitECALTopologyRecord;
0129     static constexpr DetId::Detector kDetectorId = DetId::Detector::Ecal;
0130     static constexpr int kSubdetectorBarrelId = EcalSubdetector::EcalBarrel;
0131     static constexpr int kSubdetectorEndcapId = EcalSubdetector::EcalEndcap;
0133     using Flags = EcalRecHit::Flags;
0135     //
0136     struct Barrel {
0137       static constexpr int kMaxIEta = 85;
0138       static constexpr int kMaxIPhi = 360;
0139       static constexpr int kSize = 2 * kMaxIPhi * kMaxIEta;
0141       static constexpr int ietaAbs(uint32_t detId) { return (detId >> 9) & 0x7F; }
0142       static constexpr int iphi(uint32_t detId) { return detId & 0x1FF; }
0143       static constexpr bool positiveZ(uint32_t detId) { return detId & 0x10000; }
0144       static constexpr uint32_t denseIndex(uint32_t detId) {
0145         return (kMaxIEta + (positiveZ(detId) ? ietaAbs(detId) - 1 : -ietaAbs(detId))) * kMaxIPhi + iphi(detId) - 1;
0146       }
0147     };
0149     //
0150     struct Endcap {
0151       static constexpr uint32_t kEEhalf = 7324;
0152       static constexpr uint32_t kSize = kEEhalf * 2;
0154       static constexpr int ix(uint32_t detId) { return (detId >> 7) & 0x7F; }
0155       static constexpr int iy(uint32_t detId) { return detId & 0x7F; }
0156       static constexpr bool positiveZ(uint32_t detId) { return detId & 0x4000; }
0158       static constexpr uint32_t denseIndex(uint32_t detId) {
0159         const unsigned short kxf[] = {
0160             41, 51, 41, 51, 41, 51, 36, 51, 36, 51, 26, 51, 26, 51, 26, 51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 21,
0161             51, 16, 51, 16, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51,
0162             6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 4,  51, 4,  51, 4,
0163             51, 4,  51, 4,  56, 1,  58, 1,  59, 1,  60, 1,  61, 1,  61, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62,
0164             1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  62, 1,  61, 1,  61, 1,  60, 1,  59, 1,  58, 4,  56, 4,  51, 4,
0165             51, 4,  51, 4,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51, 6,  51,
0166             9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 9,  51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 14, 51, 16, 51, 16, 51, 21,
0167             51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 21, 51, 26, 51, 26, 51, 26, 51, 36, 51, 36, 51, 41, 51, 41, 51, 41, 51};
0169         const unsigned short kdi[] = {
0170             0,    10,   20,   30,   40,   50,   60,   75,   90,   105,  120,  145,  170,  195,  220,  245,  270,
0171             300,  330,  360,  390,  420,  450,  480,  510,  540,  570,  605,  640,  675,  710,  747,  784,  821,
0172             858,  895,  932,  969,  1006, 1043, 1080, 1122, 1164, 1206, 1248, 1290, 1332, 1374, 1416, 1458, 1500,
0173             1545, 1590, 1635, 1680, 1725, 1770, 1815, 1860, 1905, 1950, 1995, 2040, 2085, 2130, 2175, 2220, 2265,
0174             2310, 2355, 2400, 2447, 2494, 2541, 2588, 2635, 2682, 2729, 2776, 2818, 2860, 2903, 2946, 2988, 3030,
0175             3071, 3112, 3152, 3192, 3232, 3272, 3311, 3350, 3389, 3428, 3467, 3506, 3545, 3584, 3623, 3662, 3701,
0176             3740, 3779, 3818, 3857, 3896, 3935, 3974, 4013, 4052, 4092, 4132, 4172, 4212, 4253, 4294, 4336, 4378,
0177             4421, 4464, 4506, 4548, 4595, 4642, 4689, 4736, 4783, 4830, 4877, 4924, 4969, 5014, 5059, 5104, 5149,
0178             5194, 5239, 5284, 5329, 5374, 5419, 5464, 5509, 5554, 5599, 5644, 5689, 5734, 5779, 5824, 5866, 5908,
0179             5950, 5992, 6034, 6076, 6118, 6160, 6202, 6244, 6281, 6318, 6355, 6392, 6429, 6466, 6503, 6540, 6577,
0180             6614, 6649, 6684, 6719, 6754, 6784, 6814, 6844, 6874, 6904, 6934, 6964, 6994, 7024, 7054, 7079, 7104,
0181             7129, 7154, 7179, 7204, 7219, 7234, 7249, 7264, 7274, 7284, 7294, 7304, 7314};
0183         const uint32_t jx = ix(detId);
0184         const uint32_t jd = 2 * (iy(detId) - 1) + (jx - 1) / 50;
0185         return ((positiveZ(detId) ? kEEhalf : 0) + kdi[jd] + jx - kxf[jd]);
0186       }
0187     };
0189     static constexpr bool checkFlag(uint32_t flagBits, int flag) { return flagBits & (0x1 << flag); }
0191     static constexpr uint32_t kInvalidDenseId = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
0193     static constexpr uint32_t detId2denseId(uint32_t detId) {
0194       const uint32_t subdet = getSubdet(detId);
0195       if (subdet == EcalBarrel)
0196         return Barrel::denseIndex(detId);
0197       if (subdet == EcalEndcap)
0198         return Barrel::kSize + Endcap::denseIndex(detId);
0200       printf("invalid Ecal detId: %u\n", detId);
0201       return kInvalidDenseId;
0202     }
0204     static constexpr bool detIdInRange(uint32_t detId) {
0205       return detId != 0 && DetId(detId).det() == DetId::Detector::Ecal &&
0206              (getSubdet(detId) == EcalSubdetector::EcalBarrel || getSubdet(detId) == EcalSubdetector::EcalEndcap);
0207     }
0209     static constexpr int getZside(uint32_t detId) {
0210       return ((getSubdet(detId) == EcalSubdetector::EcalBarrel) ? Barrel::positiveZ(detId) : Endcap::positiveZ(detId))
0211                  ? (1)
0212                  : (-1);
0213     }
0215     static constexpr uint32_t kSize = Barrel::kSize + Endcap::kSize;  // maximum possible ECAL denseId (=75848)
0216   };
0218 }  // namespace ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::particleFlowRecHitProducer
0220 #endif  // RecoParticleFlow_PFRecHitProducer_interface_alpaka_CalorimeterDefinitions_h