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0001 '''
0003 Multiplex a cut on a PATTauDiscriminator using another PATTauDiscriminator as the
0004 index.
0006 Used by the anti-electron MVA, which needs to choose what cut to apply on the
0007 MVA output depending on what the category is.
0009 '''
0011 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0013 patTauDiscriminantCutMultiplexer = cms.EDProducer(
0014     "PATTauDiscriminantCutMultiplexer",
0015     PATTauProducer = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
0016     toMultiplex = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
0017     Prediscriminants = cms.PSet(
0018         BooleanOperator = cms.string("and"),
0019         decayMode = cms.PSet(
0020             Producer = cms.InputTag("fixme"),
0021             cut = cms.double(0.)
0022             )
0023         ),
0024     loadMVAfromDB = cms.bool(True),
0025     inputFileName = cms.FileInPath("RecoTauTag/RecoTau/data/emptyMVAinputFile"), # the filename for MVA if it is not loaded from DB
0026     mvaOutput_normalization = cms.string(""), # the special value for not using a string parameter is empty string ""
0027     # it's the same value as the atribute of this plugin class is initialized with anyway
0028     # and throughout configs this parameter is everywhere set to non-empty value
0030     mapping = cms.VPSet(
0031         cms.PSet(
0032             category = cms.uint32(0),
0033             cut = cms.double(0.5),
0034         ),
0035         cms.PSet(
0036             category = cms.uint32(1),
0037             cut = cms.double(0.2),
0038         ),
0039     ),
0040     workingPoints = cms.vstring(),
0041     verbosity = cms.int32(0)
0042 )