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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 import RecoTauTag.RecoTau.RecoTauCleanerPlugins as cleaners
0005 RecoTauCleaner = cms.EDProducer("RecoTauCleaner",
0006     src = cms.InputTag("combinatoricRecoTaus"),
0007     cleaners = cms.VPSet(
0008         # Reject taus that have charge == 3
0009         cleaners.charge,
0010         # Reject taus that are not within DR<0.1 of the jet axis
0011         #cleaners.matchingConeCut,
0012         # Reject taus that fail HPS selections
0013         cms.PSet(
0014             name = cms.string("HPS_Select"),
0015             plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminantCleanerPlugin"),
0016             src = cms.InputTag("hpsSelectionDiscriminator"),
0017             tolerance = cms.double(0),
0018         ),
0019         # CV: Reject 2-prong candidates in which one of the tracks has low pT,
0020         #     in order to reduce rate of 1-prong taus migrating to 2-prong decay mode
0021         cleaners.killSoftTwoProngTaus,                                    
0022         # CV: prefer 3-prong candidates over 2-prong candidates and 2-prong candidates over 1-prong candidates 
0023         cleaners.chargedHadronMultiplicity,                                    
0024         # CV: Take highest pT tau (use for testing of new high pT tau reconstruction and check if it can become the new default)
0026         # CV: in case two candidates have the same Pt,
0027         #     prefer candidates in which PFGammas are part of strips (rather than being merged with PFRecoTauChargedHadrons)
0028         cleaners.stripMultiplicity,
0029         # Take most isolated tau
0030         cleaners.combinedIsolation,
0031     ),
0032     outputSelection = cms.string(""), # empty string is special value for doing nothing in the plugin
0033     verbosity = cms.int32(0)
0034 )