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0001 #ifndef HLTDEDxFilter_h
0002 #define HLTDEDxFilter_h
0004 /** \class HLTDeDxFilter
0005  *
0006  *  \author Gheorghe Lungu
0007  *
0008  */
0010 #include "HLTrigger/HLTcore/interface/HLTFilter.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/EDGetToken.h"
0013 namespace edm {
0014   class ConfigurationDescriptions;
0015 }
0017 //
0018 // class declaration
0019 //
0021 class HLTDeDxFilter : public HLTFilter {
0022 public:
0023   explicit HLTDeDxFilter(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0024   ~HLTDeDxFilter() override;
0025   static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);
0026   bool hltFilter(edm::Event&,
0027                  const edm::EventSetup&,
0028                  trigger::TriggerFilterObjectWithRefs& filterproduct) const override;
0030 private:
0031   bool saveTags_;  // whether to save this tag
0032   double minDEDx_;
0033   double minPT_;
0034   double minNOM_;
0035   double minETA_;
0036   double maxETA_;
0037   double minNumValidHits_;
0038   double maxNHitMissIn_;
0039   double maxNHitMissMid_;
0040   double maxRelTrkIsoDeltaRp3_;
0041   double relTrkIsoDeltaRSize_;
0042   double maxAssocCaloE_;
0043   double maxAssocCaloEDeltaRSize_;
0044   edm::EDGetToken inputTracksToken_;
0045   edm::EDGetToken caloTowersToken_;
0046   edm::EDGetToken inputdedxToken_;
0047   edm::InputTag caloTowersTag_;
0048   edm::InputTag inputTracksTag_;
0049   edm::InputTag inputdedxTag_;
0050   edm::InputTag thisModuleTag_;
0051 };
0053 #endif  //HLTDeDxFilter_h