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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoTracker.FinalTrackSelectors.trackerTrackHitFilter_cfi import trackerTrackHitFilter as _trackerTrackHitFilter
0004 TrackerTrackHitFilter = _trackerTrackHitFilter.clone(
0005     src = "generalTracks",
0006     minimumHits = 3, ##min number of hits for refit
0007     ## # layers to remove
0008     commands = ["drop PXB",  "drop PXE"],   ### same works for TIB, TID, TOB, TEC,
0009                                             # "drop TIB 3",  ## you can also drop specific layers/wheel/disks
0010                                             # "keep PXB 3",  ## you can also 'keep' some layer after
0011                                             # having dropped the whole structure
0013     ###list of individual detids to turn off, in addition to the structures above
0014     detsToIgnore = [],
0016     ### what to do with invalid hits
0017     replaceWithInactiveHits = False, ## instead of removing hits replace
0018                                      ## them with inactive hits, so you still
0019                                      ## consider the multiple scattering
0021     stripFrontInvalidHits = False,   ## strip invalid & inactive hits from
0022     stripBackInvalidHits = False,    ## any end of the track
0024     stripAllInvalidHits = False, ## not sure if it's better 'true' or 'false'
0025                                  ## might be dangerous to turn on
0026                                  ## as you will forget about MS
0028     ### hit quality cuts
0029     isPhase2 = False,
0030     rejectBadStoNHits = False,
0031     CMNSubtractionMode = "Median", ## "TT6"
0032     StoNcommands = ["TIB 1.0 ", "TOB 1.0 999.0"],
0033     useTrajectories = False,
0034     rejectLowAngleHits = False,
0035     TrackAngleCut = 0.25,       ## in radians
0036     tagOverlaps= False,
0037     usePixelQualityFlag = False,
0038     PxlTemplateProbXYCut = 0.000125,   # recommended by experts
0039     PxlTemplateProbXYChargeCut = -99., # recommended by experts
0040     PxlTemplateqBinCut = [0, 3],       # recommended by experts
0041     PxlCorrClusterChargeCut = -999.0
0042 ) #### end of module
0044 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_tracker_cff import phase2_tracker
0045 phase2_tracker.toModify(TrackerTrackHitFilter,
0046                         isPhase2 = True)