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0001 #ifndef RecoTracker_LSTCore_src_alpaka_Kernels_h
0002 #define RecoTracker_LSTCore_src_alpaka_Kernels_h
0004 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/alpaka/Common.h"
0005 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/ModulesSoA.h"
0006 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/ObjectRangesSoA.h"
0007 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/MiniDoubletsSoA.h"
0008 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/PixelQuintupletsSoA.h"
0009 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/PixelTripletsSoA.h"
0010 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/QuintupletsSoA.h"
0011 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/SegmentsSoA.h"
0012 #include "RecoTracker/LSTCore/interface/TripletsSoA.h"
0015   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void rmQuintupletFromMemory(Quintuplets quintuplets,
0016                                                              unsigned int quintupletIndex,
0017                                                              bool secondpass = false) {
0018     quintuplets.isDup()[quintupletIndex] |= 1 + secondpass;
0019   }
0021   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void rmPixelTripletFromMemory(PixelTriplets pixelTriplets,
0022                                                                unsigned int pixelTripletIndex) {
0023     pixelTriplets.isDup()[pixelTripletIndex] = true;
0024   }
0026   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void rmPixelQuintupletFromMemory(PixelQuintuplets pixelQuintuplets,
0027                                                                   unsigned int pixelQuintupletIndex) {
0028     pixelQuintuplets.isDup()[pixelQuintupletIndex] = true;
0029   }
0031   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void rmPixelSegmentFromMemory(SegmentsPixel segmentsPixel,
0032                                                                unsigned int pixelSegmentArrayIndex,
0033                                                                bool secondpass = false) {
0034     segmentsPixel.isDup()[pixelSegmentArrayIndex] |= 1 + secondpass;
0035   }
0037   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE int checkHitsT5(unsigned int ix, unsigned int jx, QuintupletsConst quintuplets) {
0038     unsigned int hits1[Params_T5::kHits];
0039     unsigned int hits2[Params_T5::kHits];
0041     for (int i = 0; i < Params_T5::kHits; i++) {
0042       hits1[i] = quintuplets.hitIndices()[ix][i];
0043       hits2[i] = quintuplets.hitIndices()[jx][i];
0044     }
0046     int nMatched = 0;
0047     for (int i = 0; i < Params_T5::kHits; i++) {
0048       bool matched = false;
0049       for (int j = 0; j < Params_T5::kHits; j++) {
0050         if (hits1[i] == hits2[j]) {
0051           matched = true;
0052           break;
0053         }
0054       }
0055       if (matched) {
0056         nMatched++;
0057       }
0058     }
0059     return nMatched;
0060   }
0062   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE int checkHitspT5(unsigned int ix,
0063                                                   unsigned int jx,
0064                                                   PixelQuintupletsConst pixelQuintuplets) {
0065     unsigned int hits1[Params_pT5::kHits];
0066     unsigned int hits2[Params_pT5::kHits];
0068     for (int i = 0; i < Params_pT5::kHits; i++) {
0069       hits1[i] = pixelQuintuplets.hitIndices()[ix][i];
0070       hits2[i] = pixelQuintuplets.hitIndices()[jx][i];
0071     }
0073     int nMatched = 0;
0074     for (int i = 0; i < Params_pT5::kHits; i++) {
0075       bool matched = false;
0076       for (int j = 0; j < Params_pT5::kHits; j++) {
0077         if (hits1[i] == hits2[j]) {
0078           matched = true;
0079           break;
0080         }
0081       }
0082       if (matched) {
0083         nMatched++;
0084       }
0085     }
0086     return nMatched;
0087   }
0089   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void checkHitspT3(unsigned int ix,
0090                                                    unsigned int jx,
0091                                                    PixelTripletsConst pixelTriplets,
0092                                                    int* matched) {
0093     int phits1[Params_pLS::kHits];
0094     int phits2[Params_pLS::kHits];
0096     for (int i = 0; i < Params_pLS::kHits; i++) {
0097       phits1[i] = pixelTriplets.hitIndices()[ix][i];
0098       phits2[i] = pixelTriplets.hitIndices()[jx][i];
0099     }
0101     int npMatched = 0;
0102     for (int i = 0; i < Params_pLS::kHits; i++) {
0103       bool pmatched = false;
0104       for (int j = 0; j < Params_pLS::kHits; j++) {
0105         if (phits1[i] == phits2[j]) {
0106           pmatched = true;
0107           break;
0108         }
0109       }
0110       if (pmatched) {
0111         npMatched++;
0112       }
0113     }
0115     int hits1[Params_T3::kHits];
0116     int hits2[Params_T3::kHits];
0118     for (int i = 0; i < Params_T3::kHits; i++) {
0119       hits1[i] = pixelTriplets.hitIndices()[ix][i + 4];  // Omitting the pLS hits
0120       hits2[i] = pixelTriplets.hitIndices()[jx][i + 4];  // Omitting the pLS hits
0121     }
0123     int nMatched = 0;
0124     for (int i = 0; i < Params_T3::kHits; i++) {
0125       bool tmatched = false;
0126       for (int j = 0; j < Params_T3::kHits; j++) {
0127         if (hits1[i] == hits2[j]) {
0128           tmatched = true;
0129           break;
0130         }
0131       }
0132       if (tmatched) {
0133         nMatched++;
0134       }
0135     }
0137     matched[0] = npMatched;
0138     matched[1] = nMatched;
0139   }
0141   struct RemoveDupQuintupletsAfterBuild {
0142     template <typename TAcc>
0143     ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(TAcc const& acc,
0144                                   ModulesConst modules,
0145                                   Quintuplets quintuplets,
0146                                   QuintupletsOccupancyConst quintupletsOccupancy,
0147                                   ObjectRangesConst ranges) const {
0148       auto const globalThreadIdx = alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0149       auto const gridThreadExtent = alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0151       for (unsigned int lowmod = globalThreadIdx[0]; lowmod < modules.nLowerModules(); lowmod += gridThreadExtent[0]) {
0152         unsigned int nQuintuplets_lowmod = quintupletsOccupancy.nQuintuplets()[lowmod];
0153         int quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod = ranges.quintupletModuleIndices()[lowmod];
0155         for (unsigned int ix1 = globalThreadIdx[1]; ix1 < nQuintuplets_lowmod; ix1 += gridThreadExtent[1]) {
0156           unsigned int ix = quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod + ix1;
0157           float eta1 = __H2F(quintuplets.eta()[ix]);
0158           float phi1 = __H2F(quintuplets.phi()[ix]);
0159           float score_rphisum1 = __H2F(quintuplets.score_rphisum()[ix]);
0161           for (unsigned int jx1 = globalThreadIdx[2] + ix1 + 1; jx1 < nQuintuplets_lowmod; jx1 += gridThreadExtent[2]) {
0162             unsigned int jx = quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod + jx1;
0164             float eta2 = __H2F(quintuplets.eta()[jx]);
0165             float phi2 = __H2F(quintuplets.phi()[jx]);
0166             float dEta = alpaka::math::abs(acc, eta1 - eta2);
0167             float dPhi = calculate_dPhi(phi1, phi2);
0168             float score_rphisum2 = __H2F(quintuplets.score_rphisum()[jx]);
0170             if (dEta > 0.1f)
0171               continue;
0173             if (alpaka::math::abs(acc, dPhi) > 0.1f)
0174               continue;
0176             int nMatched = checkHitsT5(ix, jx, quintuplets);
0177             const int minNHitsForDup_T5 = 7;
0178             if (nMatched >= minNHitsForDup_T5) {
0179               if (score_rphisum1 >= score_rphisum2) {
0180                 rmQuintupletFromMemory(quintuplets, ix);
0181               } else {
0182                 rmQuintupletFromMemory(quintuplets, jx);
0183               }
0184             }
0185           }
0186         }
0187       }
0188     }
0189   };
0191   struct RemoveDupQuintupletsBeforeTC {
0192     template <typename TAcc>
0193     ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(TAcc const& acc,
0194                                   Quintuplets quintuplets,
0195                                   QuintupletsOccupancyConst quintupletsOccupancy,
0196                                   ObjectRangesConst ranges) const {
0197       auto const globalThreadIdx = alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0198       auto const gridThreadExtent = alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0200       for (unsigned int lowmodIdx1 = globalThreadIdx[1]; lowmodIdx1 < ranges.nEligibleT5Modules();
0201            lowmodIdx1 += gridThreadExtent[1]) {
0202         uint16_t lowmod1 = ranges.indicesOfEligibleT5Modules()[lowmodIdx1];
0203         unsigned int nQuintuplets_lowmod1 = quintupletsOccupancy.nQuintuplets()[lowmod1];
0204         if (nQuintuplets_lowmod1 == 0)
0205           continue;
0207         unsigned int quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod1 = ranges.quintupletModuleIndices()[lowmod1];
0209         for (unsigned int lowmodIdx2 = globalThreadIdx[2] + lowmodIdx1; lowmodIdx2 < ranges.nEligibleT5Modules();
0210              lowmodIdx2 += gridThreadExtent[2]) {
0211           uint16_t lowmod2 = ranges.indicesOfEligibleT5Modules()[lowmodIdx2];
0212           unsigned int nQuintuplets_lowmod2 = quintupletsOccupancy.nQuintuplets()[lowmod2];
0213           if (nQuintuplets_lowmod2 == 0)
0214             continue;
0216           unsigned int quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod2 = ranges.quintupletModuleIndices()[lowmod2];
0218           for (unsigned int ix1 = 0; ix1 < nQuintuplets_lowmod1; ix1 += 1) {
0219             unsigned int ix = quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod1 + ix1;
0220             if (quintuplets.isDup()[ix] & 1)
0221               continue;
0223             bool isPT5_ix = quintuplets.partOfPT5()[ix];
0225             for (unsigned int jx1 = 0; jx1 < nQuintuplets_lowmod2; jx1++) {
0226               unsigned int jx = quintupletModuleIndices_lowmod2 + jx1;
0227               if (ix == jx)
0228                 continue;
0230               if (quintuplets.isDup()[jx] & 1)
0231                 continue;
0233               bool isPT5_jx = quintuplets.partOfPT5()[jx];
0235               if (isPT5_ix && isPT5_jx)
0236                 continue;
0238               float eta1 = __H2F(quintuplets.eta()[ix]);
0239               float phi1 = __H2F(quintuplets.phi()[ix]);
0240               float score_rphisum1 = __H2F(quintuplets.score_rphisum()[ix]);
0242               float eta2 = __H2F(quintuplets.eta()[jx]);
0243               float phi2 = __H2F(quintuplets.phi()[jx]);
0244               float score_rphisum2 = __H2F(quintuplets.score_rphisum()[jx]);
0246               float dEta = alpaka::math::abs(acc, eta1 - eta2);
0247               float dPhi = calculate_dPhi(phi1, phi2);
0249               if (dEta > 0.1f)
0250                 continue;
0252               if (alpaka::math::abs(acc, dPhi) > 0.1f)
0253                 continue;
0255               float dR2 = dEta * dEta + dPhi * dPhi;
0256               int nMatched = checkHitsT5(ix, jx, quintuplets);
0257               const int minNHitsForDup_T5 = 5;
0258               if (dR2 < 0.001f || nMatched >= minNHitsForDup_T5) {
0259                 if (isPT5_jx || score_rphisum1 > score_rphisum2) {
0260                   rmQuintupletFromMemory(quintuplets, ix, true);
0261                 } else if (isPT5_ix || score_rphisum1 < score_rphisum2) {
0262                   rmQuintupletFromMemory(quintuplets, jx, true);
0263                 } else {
0264                   rmQuintupletFromMemory(quintuplets, (ix < jx ? ix : jx), true);
0265                 }
0266               }
0267             }
0268           }
0269         }
0270       }
0271     }
0272   };
0274   struct RemoveDupPixelTripletsFromMap {
0275     template <typename TAcc>
0276     ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(TAcc const& acc, PixelTriplets pixelTriplets) const {
0277       auto const globalThreadIdx = alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0278       auto const gridThreadExtent = alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0280       for (unsigned int ix = globalThreadIdx[1]; ix < pixelTriplets.nPixelTriplets(); ix += gridThreadExtent[1]) {
0281         for (unsigned int jx = globalThreadIdx[2]; jx < pixelTriplets.nPixelTriplets(); jx += gridThreadExtent[2]) {
0282           if (ix == jx)
0283             continue;
0285           int nMatched[2];
0286           checkHitspT3(ix, jx, pixelTriplets, nMatched);
0287           const int minNHitsForDup_pT3 = 5;
0288           if ((nMatched[0] + nMatched[1]) >= minNHitsForDup_pT3) {
0289             // Check the layers
0290             if (pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[jx][2] < pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[ix][2]) {
0291               rmPixelTripletFromMemory(pixelTriplets, ix);
0292               break;
0293             } else if (pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[ix][2] == pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[jx][2] &&
0294                        __H2F(pixelTriplets.score()[ix]) > __H2F(pixelTriplets.score()[jx])) {
0295               rmPixelTripletFromMemory(pixelTriplets, ix);
0296               break;
0297             } else if (pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[ix][2] == pixelTriplets.logicalLayers()[jx][2] &&
0298                        (__H2F(pixelTriplets.score()[ix]) == __H2F(pixelTriplets.score()[jx])) && (ix < jx)) {
0299               rmPixelTripletFromMemory(pixelTriplets, ix);
0300               break;
0301             }
0302           }
0303         }
0304       }
0305     }
0306   };
0308   struct RemoveDupPixelQuintupletsFromMap {
0309     template <typename TAcc>
0310     ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(TAcc const& acc, PixelQuintuplets pixelQuintuplets) const {
0311       auto const globalThreadIdx = alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0312       auto const gridThreadExtent = alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0314       unsigned int nPixelQuintuplets = pixelQuintuplets.nPixelQuintuplets();
0315       for (unsigned int ix = globalThreadIdx[1]; ix < nPixelQuintuplets; ix += gridThreadExtent[1]) {
0316         float score1 = __H2F(pixelQuintuplets.score()[ix]);
0317         for (unsigned int jx = globalThreadIdx[2]; jx < nPixelQuintuplets; jx += gridThreadExtent[2]) {
0318           if (ix == jx)
0319             continue;
0321           int nMatched = checkHitspT5(ix, jx, pixelQuintuplets);
0322           float score2 = __H2F(pixelQuintuplets.score()[jx]);
0323           const int minNHitsForDup_pT5 = 7;
0324           if (nMatched >= minNHitsForDup_pT5) {
0325             if (score1 > score2 or ((score1 == score2) and (ix > jx))) {
0326               rmPixelQuintupletFromMemory(pixelQuintuplets, ix);
0327               break;
0328             }
0329           }
0330         }
0331       }
0332     }
0333   };
0335   struct CheckHitspLS {
0336     template <typename TAcc>
0337     ALPAKA_FN_ACC void operator()(TAcc const& acc,
0338                                   ModulesConst modules,
0339                                   SegmentsOccupancyConst segmentsOccupancy,
0340                                   SegmentsPixel segmentsPixel,
0341                                   bool secondpass) const {
0342       auto const globalThreadIdx = alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0343       auto const gridThreadExtent = alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(acc);
0345       int pixelModuleIndex = modules.nLowerModules();
0346       unsigned int nPixelSegments = segmentsOccupancy.nSegments()[pixelModuleIndex];
0348       if (nPixelSegments > n_max_pixel_segments_per_module)
0349         nPixelSegments = n_max_pixel_segments_per_module;
0351       for (unsigned int ix = globalThreadIdx[1]; ix < nPixelSegments; ix += gridThreadExtent[1]) {
0352         if (secondpass && (!segmentsPixel.isQuad()[ix] || (segmentsPixel.isDup()[ix] & 1)))
0353           continue;
0355         unsigned int phits1[Params_pLS::kHits];
0356         phits1[0] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[ix].x;
0357         phits1[1] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[ix].y;
0358         phits1[2] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[ix].z;
0359         phits1[3] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[ix].w;
0360         float eta_pix1 = segmentsPixel.eta()[ix];
0361         float phi_pix1 = segmentsPixel.phi()[ix];
0363         for (unsigned int jx = ix + 1 + globalThreadIdx[2]; jx < nPixelSegments; jx += gridThreadExtent[2]) {
0364           float eta_pix2 = segmentsPixel.eta()[jx];
0365           float phi_pix2 = segmentsPixel.phi()[jx];
0367           if (alpaka::math::abs(acc, eta_pix2 - eta_pix1) > 0.1f)
0368             continue;
0370           if (secondpass && (!segmentsPixel.isQuad()[jx] || (segmentsPixel.isDup()[jx] & 1)))
0371             continue;
0373           int8_t quad_diff = segmentsPixel.isQuad()[ix] - segmentsPixel.isQuad()[jx];
0374           float score_diff = segmentsPixel.score()[ix] - segmentsPixel.score()[jx];
0375           // Always keep quads over trips. If they are the same, we want the object with better score
0376           int idxToRemove;
0377           if (quad_diff > 0)
0378             idxToRemove = jx;
0379           else if (quad_diff < 0)
0380             idxToRemove = ix;
0381           else if (score_diff < 0)
0382             idxToRemove = jx;
0383           else if (score_diff > 0)
0384             idxToRemove = ix;
0385           else
0386             idxToRemove = ix;
0388           unsigned int phits2[Params_pLS::kHits];
0389           phits2[0] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[jx].x;
0390           phits2[1] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[jx].y;
0391           phits2[2] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[jx].z;
0392           phits2[3] = segmentsPixel.pLSHitsIdxs()[jx].w;
0394           int npMatched = 0;
0395           for (int i = 0; i < Params_pLS::kHits; i++) {
0396             bool pmatched = false;
0397             for (int j = 0; j < Params_pLS::kHits; j++) {
0398               if (phits1[i] == phits2[j]) {
0399                 pmatched = true;
0400                 break;
0401               }
0402             }
0403             if (pmatched) {
0404               npMatched++;
0405               // Only one hit is enough
0406               if (secondpass)
0407                 break;
0408             }
0409           }
0410           const int minNHitsForDup_pLS = 3;
0411           if (npMatched >= minNHitsForDup_pLS) {
0412             rmPixelSegmentFromMemory(segmentsPixel, idxToRemove, secondpass);
0413           }
0414           if (secondpass) {
0415             float dEta = alpaka::math::abs(acc, eta_pix1 - eta_pix2);
0416             float dPhi = calculate_dPhi(phi_pix1, phi_pix2);
0418             float dR2 = dEta * dEta + dPhi * dPhi;
0419             if ((npMatched >= 1) || (dR2 < 1e-5f)) {
0420               rmPixelSegmentFromMemory(segmentsPixel, idxToRemove, secondpass);
0421             }
0422           }
0423         }
0424       }
0425     }
0426   };
0427 }  // namespace ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::lst
0428 #endif