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0001 #include "RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/interface/MeasurementTrackerEvent.h"
0002 #include "RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h"
0004 MeasurementTrackerEvent::~MeasurementTrackerEvent() {
0005   if (theOwner) {
0006     //std::cout << "Deleting owned MT @" << this << " (strip data @ " << theStripData << ")" << std::endl;
0007     delete theStripData;
0008     theStripData = nullptr;  // also sets to zero since sometimes the FWK seems
0009     delete thePixelData;
0010     thePixelData = nullptr;  // to double-delete the same object (!!!)
0011     delete thePhase2OTData;
0012     thePhase2OTData = nullptr;  // to double-delete the same object (!!!)
0013   }
0014 }
0016 MeasurementTrackerEvent::MeasurementTrackerEvent(MeasurementTrackerEvent &&other) {
0017   theTracker = other.theTracker;
0018   theStripData = other.theStripData;
0019   thePixelData = other.thePixelData;
0020   thePhase2OTData = other.thePhase2OTData;
0021   thePhase2OTVectorHits = other.thePhase2OTVectorHits;
0022   thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej = other.thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej;
0023   theOwner = other.theOwner;
0024   other.theOwner = false;  // make sure to fully transfer the ownership
0025   theStripClustersToSkip = std::move(other.theStripClustersToSkip);
0026   thePixelClustersToSkip = std::move(other.thePixelClustersToSkip);
0027 }
0028 MeasurementTrackerEvent &MeasurementTrackerEvent::operator=(MeasurementTrackerEvent &&other) {
0029   theTracker = other.theTracker;
0030   theStripData = other.theStripData;
0031   thePixelData = other.thePixelData;
0032   thePhase2OTData = other.thePhase2OTData;
0033   thePhase2OTVectorHits = other.thePhase2OTVectorHits;
0034   thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej = other.thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej;
0035   theOwner = other.theOwner;
0036   other.theOwner = false;  // make sure to fully transfer the ownership
0037   theStripClustersToSkip = std::move(other.theStripClustersToSkip);
0038   thePixelClustersToSkip = std::move(other.thePixelClustersToSkip);
0039   return *this;
0040 }
0042 MeasurementTrackerEvent::MeasurementTrackerEvent(
0043     const MeasurementTrackerEvent &trackerEvent,
0044     const edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > &stripClustersToSkip,
0045     const edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > &pixelClustersToSkip)
0046     : theTracker(trackerEvent.theTracker),
0047       theStripData(trackerEvent.theStripData),
0048       thePixelData(trackerEvent.thePixelData),
0049       thePhase2OTData(nullptr),
0050       thePhase2OTVectorHits(nullptr),
0051       thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej(nullptr),
0052       theOwner(false) {
0053   //std::cout << "Creatign non-owned MT @ " << this << " from @ " << & trackerEvent << " (strip data @ " << trackerEvent.theStripData << ")" << std::endl;
0054   if (stripClustersToSkip.refProd().id() != theStripData->handle().id()) {
0055     edm::LogError("ProductIdMismatch") << "The strip masking does not point to the strip collection of clusters: "
0056                                        << stripClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << theStripData->handle().id();
0057     throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0058         << "The strip masking does not point to the strip collection of clusters: "
0059         << stripClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << theStripData->handle().id() << "\n";
0060   }
0062   if (pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() != thePixelData->handle().id()) {
0063     edm::LogError("ProductIdMismatch") << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0064                                        << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id();
0065     throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0066         << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0067         << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id() << "\n";
0068   }
0070   theStripClustersToSkip.resize(stripClustersToSkip.size());
0071   stripClustersToSkip.copyMaskTo(theStripClustersToSkip);
0073   thePixelClustersToSkip.resize(pixelClustersToSkip.size());
0074   pixelClustersToSkip.copyMaskTo(thePixelClustersToSkip);
0075 }
0077 //FIXME:just temporary solution for phase2!
0078 MeasurementTrackerEvent::MeasurementTrackerEvent(
0079     const MeasurementTrackerEvent &trackerEvent,
0080     const edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiPixelCluster> > &pixelClustersToSkip,
0081     const edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<Phase2TrackerCluster1D> > &phase2OTClustersToSkip)
0082     : theTracker(trackerEvent.theTracker),
0083       theStripData(nullptr),
0084       thePixelData(trackerEvent.thePixelData),
0085       thePhase2OTData(trackerEvent.thePhase2OTData),
0086       thePhase2OTVectorHits(trackerEvent.thePhase2OTVectorHits),
0087       thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej(trackerEvent.thePhase2OTVectorHitsRej),
0088       theOwner(false) {
0089   if (pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() != thePixelData->handle().id()) {
0090     edm::LogError("ProductIdMismatch") << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0091                                        << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id();
0092     throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0093         << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0094         << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id() << "\n";
0095   }
0097   if (phase2OTClustersToSkip.refProd().id() != thePhase2OTData->handle().id()) {
0098     edm::LogError("ProductIdMismatch") << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0099                                        << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id();
0100     throw cms::Exception("Configuration")
0101         << "The pixel masking does not point to the proper collection of clusters: "
0102         << pixelClustersToSkip.refProd().id() << "!=" << thePixelData->handle().id() << "\n";
0103   }
0105   thePixelClustersToSkip.resize(pixelClustersToSkip.size());
0106   pixelClustersToSkip.copyMaskTo(thePixelClustersToSkip);
0108   thePhase2OTClustersToSkip.resize(phase2OTClustersToSkip.size());
0109   phase2OTClustersToSkip.copyMaskTo(thePhase2OTClustersToSkip);
0110 }