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0001 #ifndef RecoTracker_MkFitCore_interface_IdxChi2List_h
0002 #define RecoTracker_MkFitCore_interface_IdxChi2List_h
0004 namespace mkfit {
0006   struct IdxChi2List {
0007   public:
0008     unsigned int module;  // module id
0009     int hitIdx;           // hit index
0010     int trkIdx;           // candidate index
0011     int nhits;            // number of hits (used for sorting)
0012     int ntailholes;       // number of holes at the end of the track (used for sorting)
0013     int noverlaps;        // number of overlaps (used for sorting)
0014     int nholes;           // number of holes (used for sorting)
0015     float pt;             // pt (used for sorting)
0016     float chi2;           // total chi2 (used for sorting)
0017     float chi2_hit;       // chi2 of the added hit
0018     float score;          // score used for candidate ranking
0020     // Zero initialization
0021     void reset() {
0022       module = 0u;
0023       hitIdx = trkIdx = 0;
0024       nhits = ntailholes = noverlaps = nholes = 0;
0025       pt = chi2 = chi2_hit = score = 0;
0026     }
0027   };
0029 }  // namespace mkfit
0031 #endif