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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:28:24

0001 #include "PlotValidation.hh"
0003 //////////////////////////////
0004 // Some light documentation //
0005 //////////////////////////////
0007 // Indices are as follows
0008 // e == entries in trees
0009 // i == kinematic variables: pt, phi, eta
0010 // j == reco track collections: seed, build, fit
0011 // k == pt cuts
0012 // l == rates: eff, dupl rate, ineff (efftree), eff, dupl rate, fake rate (print)
0013 // m == eta regions: brl, trans, enc (efftree)
0014 // n == track quality plots: nHits, fracHits, track score (frtree and print)
0015 // o == matched reco collections: all reco, fake, all match, best match (frtree), all reco, fake, and best match (print)
0016 // p == diff of kinematic variables: dnhits, dinvpt, deta, dphi (frtree)
0017 // q == n directories in frtree
0019 // Variable name scheme
0020 // *_var(s)_* == kinematic variables (index i)
0021 // *_trk(s)_* == reco track collections (index j)
0022 // *_ref* == variable associated to reference tracks (CMSSW or Sim)
0023 // kinematic variable name comes before trk name to maintain consistency with branch names
0024 // mask name also obeys this rule: which type of mask, then which reco track collection for association
0025 // in case of "_ref_trk", this means this a reference track variable associated to a given reco track collection
0027 // f* == data member
0028 // s at the start == "string" version of the variable
0029 // h at the start == a different string version
0031 PlotValidation::PlotValidation(const TString& inName,
0032                                const TString& outName,
0033                                const Bool_t cmsswComp,
0034                                const int algo,
0035                                const Bool_t mvInput,
0036                                const Bool_t rmSuffix,
0037                                const Bool_t saveAs,
0038                                const TString& outType)
0039     : fInName(inName),
0040       fOutName(outName),
0041       fCmsswComp(cmsswComp),
0042       fAlgo(algo),
0043       fMvInput(mvInput),
0044       fRmSuffix(rmSuffix),
0045       fSaveAs(saveAs),
0046       fOutType(outType) {
0047   // Setup
0048   PlotValidation::SetupStyle();
0049   if (fAlgo > 0 && !fRmSuffix)
0050     fOutName = fOutName + "_iter" + algo;
0051   PlotValidation::MakeOutDir(fOutName);
0052   PlotValidation::SetupBins();
0053   PlotValidation::SetupCommonVars();
0055   // Get input root file or exit!
0056   fInRoot = TFile::Open(fInName.Data());
0057   if (fInRoot == (TFile*)NULL) {
0058     std::cerr << "File: " << fInName.Data() << " does not exist!!! Exiting..." << std::endl;
0059     exit(1);
0060   }
0061   gROOT->cd();
0062   efftree = (TTree*)fInRoot->Get((fCmsswComp ? "cmsswefftree" : "efftree"));
0063   frtree = (TTree*)fInRoot->Get((fCmsswComp ? "cmsswfrtree" : "frtree"));
0064   if (algo > 0)
0065     frtree = frtree->CopyTree(Form("algorithm==%i", algo));
0066   // make output root file
0067   fOutRoot = new TFile(fOutName + "/plots.root", "RECREATE");
0068 }
0070 PlotValidation::~PlotValidation() {
0071   delete efftree;
0072   delete frtree;
0073   delete fInRoot;
0074   delete fOutRoot;  // will delete all pointers to subdirectory
0075 }
0077 void PlotValidation::Validation(int algo) {
0078   std::cout << "Computing Efficiency, Inefficiency, and Duplicate Rate ..." << std::endl;
0079   PlotValidation::PlotEffTree(algo);
0081   std::cout << "Computing Fake Rate, <nHits/track>, and kinematic diffs to " << fSRefTitle.Data() << " tracks ..."
0082             << std::endl;
0083   PlotValidation::PlotFRTree(algo);
0085   std::cout << "Printing Totals ..." << std::endl;
0086   PlotValidation::PrintTotals(algo);
0088   if (fMvInput)
0089     PlotValidation::MoveInput();
0090 }
0092 // Loop over efficiency tree: produce efficiency, inefficiency per region of tracker, and duplicate rate
0093 void PlotValidation::PlotEffTree(int algo) {
0094   ////////////////////////////////////////////
0095   // Declare strings for branches and plots //
0096   ////////////////////////////////////////////
0098   const TStrVec rates = {"eff", "dr", "ineff"};
0099   const TStrVec srates = {"Efficiency", "Duplicate Rate", "Inefficiency"};
0100   const UInt_t nrates = rates.size();
0102   const TStrVec regs = {"brl", "trans", "ec"};
0103   const TStrVec sregs = {"Barrel", "Transition", "Endcap"};
0104   const FltVec etacuts = {0, 0.9, 1.7, 2.45};
0105   const UInt_t nregs = regs.size();
0107   //////////////////////////
0108   // Create and new plots //
0109   //////////////////////////
0111   TEffRefMap plots;
0112   for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over fVars
0113   {
0114     const auto& var = fVars[i];
0115     const auto& svar = fSVars[i];
0116     const auto& sunit = fSUnits[i];
0118     // get bins for the variable of interest
0119     const auto& varbins = fVarBins[i];
0120     const Double_t* bins = &varbins[0];
0122     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over tracks
0123     {
0124       const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0125       const auto& strk = fSTrks[j];
0127       for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++)  // loop pver pt cuts
0128       {
0129         const auto& sptcut = fSPtCuts[k];
0130         const auto& hptcut = fHPtCuts[k];
0132         for (auto l = 0U; l < nrates; l++)  // loop over which rate
0133         {
0134           const auto& rate = rates[l];
0135           const auto& srate = srates[l];
0137           // plot names and key
0138           const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i_%i", i, j, k, l);
0139           const TString plotname = Form("%s_", fCmsswComp ? "cmssw" : "sim") + var + "_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0140           const TString plottitle = strk + " Track " + srate + " vs " + fSRefTitle + " " + svar + " {" + fSVarPt +
0141                                     " > " + sptcut + " " + fSUnitPt + "};" + svar + sunit + ";" + srate;
0143           // eff and dr not split by region
0144           if (l < 2) {
0145             const TString tmpname = rate + "_" + plotname;
0146             plots[plotkey] = new TEfficiency(tmpname.Data(), plottitle.Data(), varbins.size() - 1, bins);
0147           } else  // ineff split by region
0148           {
0149             for (auto m = 0U; m < nregs; m++)  // loop over regions for inefficiency
0150             {
0151               const auto& reg = regs[m];
0152               const auto& sreg = sregs[m];
0154               const TString tmpkey = Form("%s_%i", plotkey.Data(), m);
0155               const TString tmpname = rate + "_" + reg + "_" + plotname;
0156               const TString tmptitle = strk + " Track " + srate + " vs " + fSRefTitle + " " + svar + "{" + fSVarPt +
0157                                        " > " + sptcut + " " + fSUnitPt + ", " + sreg + "};" + svar + sunit + ";" +
0158                                        srate;
0160               plots[tmpkey] = new TEfficiency(tmpname.Data(), tmptitle.Data(), varbins.size() - 1, bins);
0161             }  // end loop over regions
0162           }    // end check over plots
0163         }      // end loop over plots
0164       }        // end loop over pt cuts
0165     }          // end loop over tracks
0166   }            // end loop over variables
0168   ////////////////////////////////////////
0169   // Floats/Ints to be filled for trees //
0170   ////////////////////////////////////////
0172   // Initialize var arrays, SetBranchAddress
0173   FltVec vars_ref(fNVars);            // first index is var. only for ref values! so no extra index
0174   TBrRefVec vars_ref_br(fNVars);      // tbranch for each var
0175   for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over trks index
0176   {
0177     const auto& var = fVars[i];
0178     auto& var_ref = vars_ref[i];
0179     auto& var_ref_br = vars_ref_br[i];
0181     // initialize var, branches
0182     var_ref = 0.;
0183     var_ref_br = 0;
0185     // Set var branch
0186     efftree->SetBranchAddress(
0187         var + "_" + ((fSRefVar == "cmssw" || var != "nLayers") ? fSRefVar : fSRefVarTrk), &var_ref, &var_ref_br);
0188   }
0190   // Initialize masks, set branch addresses
0191   IntVec refmask_trks(fNTrks);        // need to know if sim track associated to a given reco track type
0192   TBrRefVec refmask_trks_br(fNTrks);  // tbranch for each trk
0194   IntVec duplmask_trks(fNTrks);        // need to know if sim track associated to a given reco track type more than once
0195   TBrRefVec duplmask_trks_br(fNTrks);  // tbranch for each trk
0197   std::vector<ULong64_t> itermask_trks(fNTrks);
0198   TBrRefVec itermask_trks_br(fNTrks);
0200   std::vector<ULong64_t> iterduplmask_trks(fNTrks);
0201   TBrRefVec iterduplmask_trks_br(fNTrks);
0203   ULong64_t algoseed_trk;  // for SIMVALSEED
0204   TBranch* algoseed_trk_br;
0206   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks index
0207   {
0208     const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0209     auto& refmask_trk = refmask_trks[j];
0210     auto& refmask_trk_br = refmask_trks_br[j];
0211     auto& duplmask_trk = duplmask_trks[j];
0212     auto& duplmask_trk_br = duplmask_trks_br[j];
0213     auto& itermask_trk = itermask_trks[j];
0214     auto& itermask_trk_br = itermask_trks_br[j];
0216     auto& iterduplmask_trk = iterduplmask_trks[j];
0217     auto& iterduplmask_trk_br = iterduplmask_trks_br[j];
0219     // initialize mcmask, branches
0220     refmask_trk = 0;
0221     refmask_trk_br = 0;
0223     // initialize duplmask, branches
0224     duplmask_trk = 0;
0225     duplmask_trk_br = 0;
0227     // initialize itermask, branches
0228     itermask_trk = 0;
0229     itermask_trk_br = 0;
0231     iterduplmask_trk = 0;
0232     iterduplmask_trk_br = 0;
0234     algoseed_trk = 0;
0235     algoseed_trk_br = 0;
0237     // Set branches
0238     efftree->SetBranchAddress(fSRefMask + "mask_" + trk, &refmask_trk, &refmask_trk_br);
0239     efftree->SetBranchAddress("duplmask_" + trk, &duplmask_trk, &duplmask_trk_br);
0240     efftree->SetBranchAddress("itermask_" + trk, &itermask_trk, &itermask_trk_br);
0241     efftree->SetBranchAddress("iterduplmask_" + trk, &iterduplmask_trk, &iterduplmask_trk_br);
0242   }
0243   efftree->SetBranchAddress("algo_seed", &algoseed_trk, &algoseed_trk_br);
0244   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
0245   // Fill histos, compute rates from tree branches //
0246   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
0248   // loop over entries
0249   const auto nentries = efftree->GetEntries();
0250   for (auto e = 0U; e < nentries; e++) {
0251     // get branches
0252     for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++) {
0253       auto& var_ref_br = vars_ref_br[i];
0255       var_ref_br->GetEntry(e);
0256     }
0257     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0258       auto& refmask_trk_br = refmask_trks_br[j];
0259       auto& duplmask_trk_br = duplmask_trks_br[j];
0260       auto& itermask_trk_br = itermask_trks_br[j];
0261       auto& iterduplmask_trk_br = iterduplmask_trks_br[j];
0263       refmask_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0264       duplmask_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0265       itermask_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0266       iterduplmask_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0267     }
0268     algoseed_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0269     // use for cuts
0270     const auto pt_ref = vars_ref[0];
0272     // loop over plot indices
0273     for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++)  // loop over pt cuts
0274     {
0275       const auto ptcut = fPtCuts[k];
0277       if (pt_ref < ptcut)
0278         continue;  // cut on tracks with a low pt
0280       for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over vars index
0281       {
0282         const auto var_ref = vars_ref[i];
0284         for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks index
0285         {
0286           const auto refmask_trk = refmask_trks[j];
0287           const auto duplmask_trk = duplmask_trks[j];
0288           const auto itermask_trk = itermask_trks[j];
0289           const auto iterduplmask_trk = iterduplmask_trks[j];
0291           const auto effIteration = algo > 0 ? ((itermask_trk >> algo) & 1) : 1;
0292           const auto oneIteration = algo > 0 ? ((iterduplmask_trk >> algo) & 1) : 1;
0293           const auto ineffIteration = algo > 0 ? (((itermask_trk >> algo) & 1) == 0) : (refmask_trk == 0);
0294           const auto seedalgo_flag = (algoseed_trk > 0 && algo > 0) ? ((algoseed_trk >> algo) & 1) : 1;
0296           // plot key base
0297           const TString basekey = Form("%i_%i_%i", i, j, k);
0299           // efficiency calculation: need ref track to be findable
0300           if (refmask_trk != -1 && seedalgo_flag)
0301             plots[basekey + "_0"]->Fill((refmask_trk == 1) && effIteration,
0302                                         var_ref);  // ref track must be associated to enter numerator (==1)
0304           // duplicate rate calculation: need ref track to be matched at least once
0305           if (duplmask_trk != -1 && effIteration && seedalgo_flag)
0306             plots[basekey + "_1"]->Fill((duplmask_trk == 1) && oneIteration,
0307                                         var_ref);  // ref track is matched at least twice
0309           // inefficiency calculation: need ref track to be findable
0310           if (refmask_trk != -1) {
0311             for (auto m = 0U; m < regs.size(); m++) {
0312               const auto eta_ref = std::abs(vars_ref[1]);
0313               const auto etalow = etacuts[m];
0314               const auto etaup = etacuts[m + 1];
0316               // ref track must be UNassociated (==0) to enter numerator of inefficiency
0317               if ((eta_ref >= etalow) && (eta_ref < etaup))
0318                 plots[Form("%s_2_%i", basekey.Data(), m)]->Fill(ineffIteration, var_ref);
0319             }  // end loop over regions
0320           }    // end check over ref tracks being findable
0322         }  // end loop over fPtCuts
0323       }    // end loop over fTrks
0324     }      // end loop over fVars
0325   }        // end loop over entry in tree
0327   /////////////////
0328   // Make output //
0329   /////////////////
0331   // make subdirs
0332   TStrVec dirnames = {"efficiency", "duplicaterate", "inefficiency"};
0333   for (auto& dirname : dirnames)
0334     dirname += fSRefDir;
0336   TDirRefVec subdirs(nrates);
0337   for (auto l = 0U; l < nrates; l++)
0338     subdirs[l] = PlotValidation::MakeSubDirs(dirnames[l]);
0340   // Draw, divide, and save efficiency plots
0341   for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++) {
0342     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0343       for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++) {
0344         for (auto l = 0U; l < nrates; l++) {
0345           const auto& dirname = dirnames[l];
0346           auto& subdir = subdirs[l];
0348           const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i_%i", i, j, k, l);
0349           if (l < 2)  // efficiency and duplicate rate
0350           {
0351             PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(plots[plotkey], subdir, dirname, "AP");
0352             delete plots[plotkey];
0353           } else {
0354             for (auto m = 0U; m < nregs; m++) {
0355               const TString tmpkey = Form("%s_%i", plotkey.Data(), m);
0356               PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(plots[tmpkey], subdir, dirname, "AP");
0357               delete plots[tmpkey];
0358             }  // end loop over regions
0359           }    // end check over plots
0360         }      // end loop over plots
0361       }        // end loop over pt cuts
0362     }          // end loop over tracks
0363   }            // end loop over variables
0364 }
0366 // loop over fake rate tree, producing fake rate, nHits/track, score, and kinematic diffs to cmssw
0367 void PlotValidation::PlotFRTree(int algo) {
0368   ////////////////////////////////////////////
0369   // Declare strings for branches and plots //
0370   ////////////////////////////////////////////
0372   // info for quality info (nHits,score), kinematic diffs
0373   const TStrVec colls = {"allreco", "fake", "allmatch", "bestmatch"};
0374   const TStrVec scolls = {"All Reco", "Fake", "All Match", "Best Match"};
0375   const UInt_t ncolls = colls.size();
0377   // get bins ready
0378   const DblVecVec trkqualbins = {fNHitsBins, fFracHitsBins, fScoreBins};
0380   // diffs
0381   const TStrVec dvars = {"dnHits", "dinvpt", "deta", "dphi"};
0382   const TStrVec sdvars = {"nHits", "1/p_{T}", "#eta", "#phi"};
0383   const UInt_t ndvars = dvars.size();
0385   // get bins ready
0386   const DblVecVec dvarbins = {fDNHitsBins, fDInvPtBins, fDEtaBins, fDPhiBins};
0388   //////////////////////////
0389   // Create and new plots //
0390   //////////////////////////
0392   TEffRefMap plots;
0393   TH1FRefMap hists;
0394   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over track collection
0395   {
0396     const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0397     const auto& strk = fSTrks[j];
0399     for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++)  // loop over pt cuts
0400     {
0401       const auto& sptcut = fSPtCuts[k];
0402       const auto& hptcut = fHPtCuts[k];
0404       // initialize efficiency plots
0405       for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over vars
0406       {
0407         const auto& var = fVars[i];
0408         const auto& svar = fSVars[i];
0409         const auto& sunit = fSUnits[i];
0411         // plot names and key
0412         const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i", i, j, k);
0413         const TString plotname = "fr_reco_" + var + "_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0414         const TString plottitle = strk + " Track Fake Rate vs Reco " + svar + " {" + fSVarPt + " > " + sptcut + " " +
0415                                   fSUnitPt + "};" + svar + sunit + ";Fake Rate";
0417         // get bins for the variable of interest
0418         const auto& varbins = fVarBins[i];
0419         const Double_t* bins = &varbins[0];
0421         plots[plotkey] = new TEfficiency(plotname.Data(), plottitle.Data(), varbins.size() - 1, bins);
0422       }  // end loop over vars for efficiency
0424       // initialize track quality plots
0425       for (auto n = 0U; n < fNTrkQual; n++)  // loop over quality vars
0426       {
0427         const auto& trkqual = fTrkQual[n];
0428         const auto& strkqual = fSTrkQual[n];
0430         // get bins for the variable of interest
0431         const auto& varbins = trkqualbins[n];
0432         const Double_t* bins = &varbins[0];
0434         for (auto o = 0U; o < ncolls; o++)  // loop over collection of tracks
0435         {
0436           const auto& coll = colls[o];
0437           const auto& scoll = scolls[o];
0439           // plot names and key
0440           const TString histkey = Form("%i_%i_%i_%i", j, k, n, o);
0441           const TString histname = "h_" + trkqual + "_" + coll + "_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0442           const TString histtitle = scoll + " " + strk + " Track vs " + strkqual + " {" + fSVarPt + " > " + sptcut +
0443                                     " " + fSUnitPt + "};" + strkqual + ";nTracks";
0445           // Numerator only type plots only!
0446           hists[histkey] = new TH1F(histname.Data(), histtitle.Data(), varbins.size() - 1, bins);
0447           hists[histkey]->Sumw2();
0448         }  // end loop over tracks collections
0449       }    // end loop over hit plots
0451       // initialize diff plots
0452       for (auto p = 0U; p < ndvars; p++)  // loop over kin diff vars
0453       {
0454         const auto& dvar = dvars[p];
0455         const auto& sdvar = sdvars[p];
0457         // get bins for the variable of interest
0458         const auto& varbins = dvarbins[p];
0459         const Double_t* bins = &varbins[0];
0461         // loop over collection of tracks for only matched tracks
0462         for (auto o = 2U; o < ncolls; o++) {
0463           const auto& coll = colls[o];
0464           const auto& scoll = scolls[o];
0466           // plot names and key
0467           const TString histkey = Form("%i_%i_d_%i_%i", j, k, p, o);
0468           const TString histname = "h_" + dvar + "_" + coll + "_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0469           const TString histtitle = "#Delta" + sdvar + "(" + scoll + " " + strk + "," + fSRefTitle + ") {" + fSVarPt +
0470                                     " > " + sptcut + " " + fSUnitPt + "};" + sdvar + "^{" + scoll + " " + strk + "}-" +
0471                                     sdvar + "^{" + fSRefTitle + "};nTracks";
0473           // Numerator only type plots only!
0474           hists[histkey] = new TH1F(histname.Data(), histtitle.Data(), varbins.size() - 1, bins);
0475           hists[histkey]->Sumw2();
0476         }  // end loop over track collections
0477       }    // end loop over diff plots
0479     }  // end loop over pt cuts
0480   }    // end loop over tracks
0482   ////////////////////////////////////////
0483   // Floats/Ints to be filled for trees //
0484   ////////////////////////////////////////
0486   // Initialize var_trk arrays, SetBranchAddress
0487   FltVecVec vars_trks(fNVars);        // first index is var, second is type of reco track
0488   TBrRefVecVec vars_trks_br(fNVars);  // tbranch for each var
0489   for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over vars index
0490   {
0491     const auto& var = fVars[i];
0492     auto& var_trks = vars_trks[i];
0493     auto& var_trks_br = vars_trks_br[i];
0495     var_trks.resize(fNTrks);
0496     var_trks_br.resize(fNTrks);
0498     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks index
0499     {
0500       const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0501       auto& var_trk = var_trks[j];
0502       auto& var_trk_br = var_trks_br[j];
0504       // initialize var, branches
0505       var_trk = 0.;
0506       var_trk_br = 0;
0508       //Set var+trk branch
0509       frtree->SetBranchAddress(var + "_" + trk, &var_trk, &var_trk_br);
0510     }  // end loop over tracks
0511   }    // end loop over vars
0513   // Initialize masks
0514   IntVec refmask_trks(fNTrks);           // need to know if ref track associated to a given reco track type
0515   TBrRefVec refmask_trks_br(fNTrks);     // tbranch for each trk
0516   IntVec iTkMatches_trks(fNTrks);        // want which matched track!
0517   TBrRefVec iTkMatches_trks_br(fNTrks);  // tbranch for each trk
0519   // Initialize nhits_trk branches
0520   IntVec nHits_trks(fNTrks);           // nHits / track
0521   TBrRefVec nHits_trks_br(fNTrks);     // branch per track
0522   FltVec fracHits_trks(fNTrks);        // fraction of hits matched (most) / track
0523   TBrRefVec fracHits_trks_br(fNTrks);  // branch per track
0524   IntVec score_trks(fNTrks);           // track score
0525   TBrRefVec score_trks_br(fNTrks);     // branch per track
0527   // Initialize diff branches
0528   FltVec nLayers_ref_trks(fNTrks);  // sim/cmssw nUnique layers
0529   TBrRefVec nLayers_ref_trks_br(fNTrks);
0530   FltVec pt_ref_trks(fNTrks);  // sim/cmssw pt
0531   TBrRefVec pt_ref_trks_br(fNTrks);
0532   FltVec eta_ref_trks(fNTrks);  // cmssw eta
0533   TBrRefVec eta_ref_trks_br(fNTrks);
0534   FltVec dphi_trks(fNTrks);  // dphi between reco track and sim/cmssw (computed during matching --> not 100% ideal)
0535   TBrRefVec dphi_trks_br(fNTrks);
0537   // Set branches for tracks
0538   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks index
0539   {
0540     const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0541     auto& refmask_trk = refmask_trks[j];
0542     auto& refmask_trk_br = refmask_trks_br[j];
0543     auto& iTkMatches_trk = iTkMatches_trks[j];
0544     auto& iTkMatches_trk_br = iTkMatches_trks_br[j];
0545     auto& nHits_trk = nHits_trks[j];
0546     auto& nHits_trk_br = nHits_trks_br[j];
0547     auto& fracHits_trk = fracHits_trks[j];
0548     auto& fracHits_trk_br = fracHits_trks_br[j];
0549     auto& score_trk = score_trks[j];
0550     auto& score_trk_br = score_trks_br[j];
0551     auto& nLayers_ref_trk = nLayers_ref_trks[j];
0552     auto& nLayers_ref_trk_br = nLayers_ref_trks_br[j];
0553     auto& pt_ref_trk = pt_ref_trks[j];
0554     auto& pt_ref_trk_br = pt_ref_trks_br[j];
0555     auto& eta_ref_trk = eta_ref_trks[j];
0556     auto& eta_ref_trk_br = eta_ref_trks_br[j];
0557     auto& dphi_trk = dphi_trks[j];
0558     auto& dphi_trk_br = dphi_trks_br[j];
0560     // initialize masks, branches
0561     refmask_trk = 0;
0562     refmask_trk_br = 0;
0563     iTkMatches_trk = 0;
0564     iTkMatches_trk_br = 0;
0566     // initialize nHits, branches
0567     nHits_trk = 0;
0568     nHits_trk_br = 0;
0569     fracHits_trk = 0.f;
0570     fracHits_trk_br = 0;
0571     score_trk = 0;
0572     score_trk_br = 0;
0574     // initialize diff branches
0575     nLayers_ref_trk = 0;
0576     nLayers_ref_trk_br = 0;
0577     pt_ref_trk = 0.f;
0578     pt_ref_trk_br = 0;
0579     eta_ref_trk = 0.f;
0580     eta_ref_trk_br = 0;
0581     dphi_trk = 0.f;
0582     dphi_trk_br = 0;
0584     // Set Branches
0585     frtree->SetBranchAddress(fSRefMask + "mask_" + trk, &refmask_trk, &refmask_trk_br);
0586     frtree->SetBranchAddress("iTkMatches_" + trk, &iTkMatches_trk, &iTkMatches_trk_br);
0588     frtree->SetBranchAddress("nHits_" + trk, &nHits_trk, &nHits_trk_br);
0589     frtree->SetBranchAddress("fracHitsMatched_" + trk, &fracHits_trk, &fracHits_trk_br);
0590     frtree->SetBranchAddress("score_" + trk, &score_trk, &score_trk_br);
0592     frtree->SetBranchAddress("nLayers_" + fSRefVarTrk + "_" + trk, &nLayers_ref_trk, &nLayers_ref_trk_br);
0593     frtree->SetBranchAddress("pt_" + fSRefVarTrk + "_" + trk, &pt_ref_trk, &pt_ref_trk_br);
0594     frtree->SetBranchAddress("eta_" + fSRefVarTrk + "_" + trk, &eta_ref_trk, &eta_ref_trk_br);
0595     frtree->SetBranchAddress("dphi_" + trk, &dphi_trk, &dphi_trk_br);
0596   }
0598   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
0599   // Fill histos, compute rates from tree branches //
0600   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
0602   // loop over entries
0603   const UInt_t nentries = frtree->GetEntries();
0604   for (auto e = 0U; e < nentries; e++) {
0605     // get branches
0606     for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++) {
0607       auto& var_trks_br = vars_trks_br[i];
0608       for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0609         auto& var_trk_br = var_trks_br[j];
0611         var_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0612       }
0613     }
0614     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0615       auto& refmask_trk_br = refmask_trks_br[j];
0616       auto& iTkMatches_trk_br = iTkMatches_trks_br[j];
0617       auto& nHits_trk_br = nHits_trks_br[j];
0618       auto& fracHits_trk_br = fracHits_trks_br[j];
0619       auto& score_trk_br = score_trks_br[j];
0620       auto& nLayers_ref_trk_br = nLayers_ref_trks_br[j];
0621       auto& pt_ref_trk_br = pt_ref_trks_br[j];
0622       auto& eta_ref_trk_br = eta_ref_trks_br[j];
0623       auto& dphi_trk_br = dphi_trks_br[j];
0625       refmask_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0626       iTkMatches_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0628       nHits_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0629       fracHits_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0630       score_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0632       nLayers_ref_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0633       pt_ref_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0634       eta_ref_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0635       dphi_trk_br->GetEntry(e);
0636     }
0638     // loop over plot indices
0639     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks index
0640     {
0641       const auto pt_trk = vars_trks[0][j];
0642       const auto eta_trk = vars_trks[1][j];
0643       const auto phi_trk = vars_trks[2][j];
0645       const auto refmask_trk = refmask_trks[j];
0646       const auto iTkMatches_trk = iTkMatches_trks[j];
0647       const auto nHits_trk = nHits_trks[j];
0648       const auto fracHits_trk = fracHits_trks[j];
0649       const auto score_trk = score_trks[j];
0651       const auto nLayers_ref_trk = nLayers_ref_trks[j];
0652       const auto pt_ref_trk = pt_ref_trks[j];
0653       const auto eta_ref_trk = eta_ref_trks[j];
0654       const auto dphi_trk = dphi_trks[j];
0656       for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++)  // loop over pt cuts
0657       {
0658         const auto ptcut = fPtCuts[k];
0660         if (pt_trk < ptcut)
0661           continue;  // cut on tracks with a low pt
0663         // fill rate plots
0664         for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over vars index
0665         {
0666           const auto var_trk = vars_trks[i][j];
0668           // plot key
0669           const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i", i, j, k);
0671           // can include masks of 1,0,2 to enter denominator
0672           if (refmask_trk >= 0)
0673             plots[plotkey]->Fill((refmask_trk == 0), var_trk);  // only completely unassociated reco tracks enter FR
0674         }                                                       // end loop over vars
0676         // base hist key
0677         const TString basekey = Form("%i_%i", j, k);  // hist key
0679         // key strings
0680         const TString nhitkey = Form("%s_0", basekey.Data());
0681         const TString frackey = Form("%s_1", basekey.Data());
0682         const TString scorekey = Form("%s_2", basekey.Data());
0684         const TString dnhitkey = Form("%s_d_0", basekey.Data());
0685         const TString dinvptkey = Form("%s_d_1", basekey.Data());
0686         const TString detakey = Form("%s_d_2", basekey.Data());
0687         const TString dphikey = Form("%s_d_3", basekey.Data());
0689         // all reco
0690         hists[Form("%s_0", nhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk);
0691         hists[Form("%s_0", frackey.Data())]->Fill(fracHits_trk);
0692         hists[Form("%s_0", scorekey.Data())]->Fill(score_trk);
0694         if (refmask_trk == 0)  // all fakes
0695         {
0696           hists[Form("%s_1", nhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk);
0697           hists[Form("%s_1", frackey.Data())]->Fill(fracHits_trk);
0698           hists[Form("%s_1", scorekey.Data())]->Fill(score_trk);
0699         } else if (refmask_trk == 1)  // all matches
0700         {
0701           hists[Form("%s_2", nhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk);
0702           hists[Form("%s_2", frackey.Data())]->Fill(fracHits_trk);
0703           hists[Form("%s_2", scorekey.Data())]->Fill(score_trk);
0705           hists[Form("%s_2", dnhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk - (Int_t)nLayers_ref_trk);
0706           hists[Form("%s_2", dinvptkey.Data())]->Fill(1.f / pt_trk - 1.f / pt_ref_trk);
0707           hists[Form("%s_2", detakey.Data())]->Fill(eta_trk - eta_ref_trk);
0708           hists[Form("%s_2", dphikey.Data())]->Fill(dphi_trk);
0710           if (iTkMatches_trk == 0)  // best matches only
0711           {
0712             hists[Form("%s_3", nhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk);
0713             hists[Form("%s_3", frackey.Data())]->Fill(fracHits_trk);
0714             hists[Form("%s_3", scorekey.Data())]->Fill(score_trk);
0716             hists[Form("%s_3", dnhitkey.Data())]->Fill(nHits_trk - (Int_t)nLayers_ref_trk);
0717             hists[Form("%s_3", dinvptkey.Data())]->Fill(1.f / pt_trk - 1.f / pt_ref_trk);
0718             hists[Form("%s_3", detakey.Data())]->Fill(eta_trk - eta_ref_trk);
0719             hists[Form("%s_3", dphikey.Data())]->Fill(dphi_trk);
0720           }  // end check over best matches
0721         }    // end check over all matches
0722       }      // end loop over pt cuts
0723     }        // end loop over trks
0724   }          // end loop over entry in tree
0726   /////////////////
0727   // Make output //
0728   /////////////////
0730   // make subdirs
0731   TStrVec dirnames = {"fakerate", "quality", "kindiffs"};
0732   for (auto& dirname : dirnames)
0733     dirname += fSRefDir;
0734   const UInt_t ndirs = dirnames.size();
0736   TDirRefVec subdirs(ndirs);
0737   for (auto q = 0U; q < ndirs; q++)
0738     subdirs[q] = PlotValidation::MakeSubDirs(dirnames[q]);
0740   // Draw, divide, and save fake rate plots --> then delete!
0741   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++)  // loop over trks
0742   {
0743     for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++)  // loop over pt cuts
0744     {
0745       // fake rate plots
0746       for (auto i = 0U; i < fNVars; i++)  // loop over vars
0747       {
0748         const Int_t diridx = 0;
0749         const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i", i, j, k);
0750         PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(plots[plotkey], subdirs[diridx], dirnames[diridx], "AP");
0751         delete plots[plotkey];
0752       }
0754       // track quality plots
0755       for (auto n = 0U; n < fNTrkQual; n++)  // loop over track quality vars
0756       {
0757         for (auto o = 0U; o < ncolls; o++)  // loop over collection of tracks
0758         {
0759           const Int_t diridx = 1;
0760           const TString histkey = Form("%i_%i_%i_%i", j, k, n, o);
0761           PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(hists[histkey], subdirs[diridx], dirnames[diridx], "");
0762           delete hists[histkey];
0763         }  // end loop over track collections
0764       }    // end loop over hit vars
0766       // kinematic diff plots
0767       for (auto p = 0U; p < ndvars; p++)  // loop over diff vars
0768       {
0769         for (auto o = 2U; o < ncolls; o++)  // loop over collection of tracks for only matched tracks
0770         {
0771           const Int_t diridx = 2;
0772           const TString histkey = Form("%i_%i_d_%i_%i", j, k, p, o);
0773           PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(hists[histkey], subdirs[diridx], dirnames[diridx], "");
0774           delete hists[histkey];
0775         }  // end loop over track collections
0776       }    // end loop over diff plots
0778     }  // end loop over pt cuts
0779   }    // end loop over tracks
0780 }
0782 void PlotValidation::PrintTotals(int algo) {
0783   ///////////////////////////////////////////////
0784   // Get number of events and number of tracks //
0785   ///////////////////////////////////////////////
0787   Int_t Nevents = 0;
0788   Int_t evtID = 0;
0789   TBranch* b_evtID = 0;
0790   efftree->SetBranchAddress("evtID", &evtID, &b_evtID);
0791   const UInt_t nentries = efftree->GetEntries();
0792   for (auto e = 0U; e < nentries; e++) {
0793     b_evtID->GetEntry(e);
0794     if (evtID > Nevents)
0795       Nevents = evtID;
0796   }
0798   const Int_t NtracksMC = efftree->GetEntries();
0799   const Float_t ntkspevMC = Float_t(NtracksMC) / Float_t(Nevents);
0800   const Int_t NtracksReco = frtree->GetEntries();
0801   const Float_t ntkspevReco = Float_t(NtracksReco) / Float_t(Nevents);
0803   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0804   // Print out totals of nHits, frac of Hits shared, track score, eff, FR, DR rate of seeds, build, fit //
0805   //                --> numer/denom plots for phi, know it will be in the bounds.                       //
0806   ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0808   const TStrVec rates = {"eff", "fr", "dr"};
0809   const TStrVec srates = {"Efficiency", "Fake Rate", "Duplicate Rate"};
0810   const TStrVec dirnames = {"efficiency", "fakerate", "duplicaterate"};
0811   const TStrVec types = (fCmsswComp ? TStrVec{"cmssw", "reco", "cmssw"}
0812                                     : TStrVec{"sim", "reco", "sim"});  // types will be same size as rates!
0813   const UInt_t nrates = rates.size();
0815   const TStrVec snumers = {
0816       fSRefTitle + " Tracks Matched", "Unmatched Reco Tracks", fSRefTitle + " Tracks Matched (nTimes>1)"};
0817   const TStrVec sdenoms = {
0818       "Eligible " + fSRefTitle + " Tracks", "Eligible Reco Tracks", "Eligible " + fSRefTitle + " Tracks"};
0820   TEffRefMap plots;
0821   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0822     const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0824     for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++) {
0825       const auto& hptcut = fHPtCuts[k];
0827       for (auto l = 0U; l < nrates; l++) {
0828         const auto& rate = rates[l];
0829         const auto& type = types[l];
0830         const auto& dirname = dirnames[l];
0832         const TString plotkey = Form("%i_%i_%i", j, k, l);
0833         const TString plotname = dirname + fSRefDir + "/" + rate + "_" + type + "_phi_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0834         plots[plotkey] = (TEfficiency*)fOutRoot->Get(plotname.Data());
0835       }
0836     }
0837   }
0839   // want nHits plots for (nearly) all types of tracks
0840   const TStrVec colls = {"allreco", "fake", "bestmatch"};
0841   const TStrVec scolls = {"All Reco", "Fake", "Best Match"};
0842   const UInt_t ncolls = colls.size();
0844   TH1FRefMap hists;
0845   for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0846     const auto& trk = fTrks[j];
0848     for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++) {
0849       const auto& hptcut = fHPtCuts[k];
0851       for (auto n = 0U; n < fNTrkQual; n++) {
0852         const auto& trkqual = fTrkQual[n];
0854         for (auto o = 0U; o < ncolls; o++) {
0855           const auto& coll = colls[o];
0857           const TString histkey = Form("%i_%i_%i_%i", j, k, n, o);
0858           const TString histname = "quality" + fSRefDir + "/h_" + trkqual + "_" + coll + "_" + trk + "_pt" + hptcut;
0859           hists[histkey] = (TH1F*)fOutRoot->Get(histname.Data());
0860         }
0861       }
0862     }
0863   }
0865   // setup output stream
0866   const TString outfilename = fOutName + "/totals_" + fOutName + fSRefOut + ".txt";
0867   std::ofstream totalsout(outfilename.Data());
0869   std::cout << "--------Track Reconstruction Summary--------" << std::endl;
0870   std::cout << "nEvents: " << Nevents << Form(" n%sTracks/evt: ", fSRefTitle.Data()) << ntkspevMC
0871             << " nRecoTracks/evt: " << ntkspevReco << std::endl;
0872   std::cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
0873   std::cout << std::endl;
0875   totalsout << "--------Track Reconstruction Summary--------" << std::endl;
0876   totalsout << "nEvents: " << Nevents << Form(" n%sTracks/evt: ", fSRefTitle.Data()) << ntkspevMC
0877             << " nRecoTracks/evt: " << ntkspevReco << std::endl;
0878   totalsout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl;
0879   totalsout << std::endl;
0881   for (auto k = 0U; k < fNPtCuts; k++) {
0882     const auto& ptcut = fPtCuts[k];
0884     std::cout << Form("xxxxxxxxxx Track pT > %3.1f Cut xxxxxxxxxx", ptcut) << std::endl;
0885     std::cout << std::endl;
0887     totalsout << Form("xxxxxxxxxx Track pT > %3.1f Cut xxxxxxxxxx", ptcut) << std::endl;
0888     totalsout << std::endl;
0890     for (auto j = 0U; j < fNTrks; j++) {
0891       const auto& strk = fSTrks[j];
0893       std::cout << strk.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0894       std::cout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl << std::endl;
0895       std::cout << "Quality Info for " << strk.Data() << " Track Collections" << std::endl;
0896       std::cout << "==========================================" << std::endl;
0898       totalsout << strk.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0899       totalsout << "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" << std::endl << std::endl;
0900       totalsout << "Quality Info for " << strk.Data() << " Track Collections" << std::endl;
0901       totalsout << "==========================================" << std::endl;
0902       for (auto o = 0U; o < ncolls; o++) {
0903         const auto& scoll = scolls[o];
0905         const Float_t nHits_mean = hists[Form("%i_%i_0_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMean(1);           // 1 is mean of x-axis
0906         const Float_t nHits_mean_unc = hists[Form("%i_%i_0_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMeanError(1);  // 1 is mean of x-axis
0907         const Float_t fracHits_mean = hists[Form("%i_%i_1_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMean(1);
0908         const Float_t fracHits_mean_unc = hists[Form("%i_%i_1_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMeanError(1);
0909         const Float_t score_mean = hists[Form("%i_%i_2_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMean(1);
0910         const Float_t score_mean_unc = hists[Form("%i_%i_2_%i", j, k, o)]->GetMeanError(1);
0912         std::cout << scoll.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0913         std::cout << "Mean nHits / Track = " << nHits_mean << " +/- " << nHits_mean_unc << std::endl;
0914         std::cout << "Mean Shared Hits / Track = " << fracHits_mean << " +/- " << fracHits_mean_unc << std::endl;
0915         std::cout << "Mean Track Score = " << score_mean << " +/- " << score_mean_unc << std::endl;
0916         std::cout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0918         totalsout << scoll.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0919         totalsout << "Mean nHits / Track = " << nHits_mean << " +/- " << nHits_mean_unc << std::endl;
0920         totalsout << "Mean Shared Hits / Track = " << fracHits_mean << " +/- " << fracHits_mean_unc << std::endl;
0921         totalsout << "Mean Track Score = " << score_mean << " +/- " << score_mean_unc << std::endl;
0922         totalsout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0923       }
0925       std::cout << std::endl << "Rates for " << strk.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0926       std::cout << "==========================================" << std::endl;
0928       totalsout << std::endl << "Rates for " << strk.Data() << " Tracks" << std::endl;
0929       totalsout << "==========================================" << std::endl;
0930       for (auto l = 0U; l < nrates; l++) {
0931         const auto& snumer = snumers[l];
0932         const auto& sdenom = sdenoms[l];
0933         const auto& srate = srates[l];
0935         EffStruct effs;
0936         PlotValidation::GetTotalEfficiency(plots[Form("%i_%i_%i", j, k, l)], effs);
0938         std::cout << snumer.Data() << ": " << effs.passed_ << std::endl;
0939         std::cout << sdenom.Data() << ": " << effs.total_ << std::endl;
0940         std::cout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0941         std::cout << srate.Data() << ": " << effs.eff_ << ", -" << effs.elow_ << ", +" << effs.eup_ << std::endl;
0942         std::cout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0944         totalsout << snumer.Data() << ": " << effs.passed_ << std::endl;
0945         totalsout << sdenom.Data() << ": " << effs.total_ << std::endl;
0946         totalsout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0947         totalsout << srate.Data() << ": " << effs.eff_ << ", -" << effs.elow_ << ", +" << effs.eup_ << std::endl;
0948         totalsout << "------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
0949       }
0950       std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
0951       totalsout << std::endl << std::endl;
0952     }
0953   }
0955   // delete everything
0956   for (auto& hist : hists)
0957     delete hist.second;
0958   for (auto& plot : plots)
0959     delete plot.second;
0960 }
0962 template <typename T>
0963 void PlotValidation::DrawWriteSavePlot(T*& plot, TDirectory*& subdir, const TString& subdirname, const TString& option) {
0964   // cd into root subdir and save
0965   subdir->cd();
0966   plot->SetDirectory(subdir);
0967   plot->Write(plot->GetName(), TObject::kWriteDelete);
0969   // draw it
0970   if (fSaveAs) {
0971     auto canv = new TCanvas();
0972     canv->cd();
0973     plot->Draw(option.Data());
0975     // first save log
0976     canv->SetLogy(1);
0977     canv->SaveAs(Form("%s/%s/log/%s.%s", fOutName.Data(), subdirname.Data(), plot->GetName(), fOutType.Data()));
0979     // then lin
0980     canv->SetLogy(0);
0981     canv->SaveAs(Form("%s/%s/lin/%s.%s", fOutName.Data(), subdirname.Data(), plot->GetName(), fOutType.Data()));
0983     delete canv;
0984   }
0985 }
0987 void PlotValidation::GetTotalEfficiency(const TEfficiency* eff, EffStruct& effs) {
0988   effs.passed_ = eff->GetPassedHistogram()->Integral();
0989   effs.total_ = eff->GetTotalHistogram()->Integral();
0991   auto tmp_eff = new TEfficiency("tmp_eff", "tmp_eff", 1, 0, 1);
0992   tmp_eff->SetTotalEvents(1, effs.total_);
0993   tmp_eff->SetPassedEvents(1, effs.passed_);
0995   effs.eff_ = tmp_eff->GetEfficiency(1);
0996   effs.elow_ = tmp_eff->GetEfficiencyErrorLow(1);
0997   effs.eup_ = tmp_eff->GetEfficiencyErrorUp(1);
0999   delete tmp_eff;
1000 }
1002 void PlotValidation::MakeOutDir(const TString& outdirname) {
1003   // make output directory
1004   FileStat_t dummyFileStat;
1005   if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(outdirname.Data(), dummyFileStat) == 1) {
1006     const TString mkDir = "mkdir -p " + outdirname;
1007     gSystem->Exec(mkDir.Data());
1008   }
1009 }
1011 void PlotValidation::MoveInput() {
1012   const TString mvin = "mv " + fInName + " " + fOutName;
1013   gSystem->Exec(mvin.Data());
1014 }
1016 TDirectory* PlotValidation::MakeSubDirs(const TString& subdirname) {
1017   PlotValidation::MakeOutDir(fOutName + "/" + subdirname);
1018   PlotValidation::MakeOutDir(fOutName + "/" + subdirname + "/lin");
1019   PlotValidation::MakeOutDir(fOutName + "/" + subdirname + "/log");
1021   return fOutRoot->mkdir(subdirname.Data());
1022 }
1024 void PlotValidation::SetupStyle() {
1025   // General style
1026   gROOT->Reset();
1027   gStyle->SetOptStat("emou");
1028   gStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.04);
1029   gStyle->SetOptFit(1011);
1030   gStyle->SetStatX(0.9);
1031   gStyle->SetStatW(0.1);
1032   gStyle->SetStatY(1.0);
1033   gStyle->SetStatH(0.08);
1034 }
1036 void PlotValidation::SetupBins() {
1037   // pt bins
1038   PlotValidation::SetupVariableBins(
1039       "0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 100 200 500 1000", fPtBins);
1041   // eta bins
1042   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(60, -3, 3, fEtaBins);
1044   // phi bins
1045   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(70, -3.5, 3.5, fPhiBins);
1047   // nLayers bins
1048   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(26, -0.5, 25.5, fNLayersBins);
1050   // nHits bins
1051   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(40, 0, 40, fNHitsBins);
1053   // fraction hits matched bins
1054   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(110, 0, 1.1, fFracHitsBins);
1056   // track score bins
1057   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(50, -500, 5000, fScoreBins);
1059   // dNhits
1060   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(40, -20, 20, fDNHitsBins);
1062   // dinvpt
1063   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(45, -1.0, 1.0, fDInvPtBins);
1065   // dphi
1066   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(45, -0.1, 0.1, fDPhiBins);
1068   // deta
1069   PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(45, -0.1, 0.1, fDEtaBins);
1070 }
1072 void PlotValidation::SetupVariableBins(const std::string& s_bins, DblVec& bins) {
1073   std::stringstream ss(s_bins);
1074   Double_t boundary;
1075   while (ss >> boundary)
1076     bins.emplace_back(boundary);
1077 }
1079 void PlotValidation::SetupFixedBins(const UInt_t nBins, const Double_t low, const Double_t high, DblVec& bins) {
1080   const Double_t width = (high - low) / nBins;
1082   for (auto i = 0U; i <= nBins; i++)
1083     bins.emplace_back(i * width + low);
1084 }
1086 void PlotValidation::SetupCommonVars() {
1087   // common kinematic variables
1088   fVars = {"pt", "eta", "phi", "nLayers"};
1089   fSVars = {"p_{T}", "#eta", "#phi", "Number of layers"};  // svars --> labels for histograms for given variable
1090   fSUnits = {"GeV/c", "", "", ""};                         // units --> labels for histograms for given variable
1091   fNVars = fVars.size();
1093   fSVarPt = fSVars[0];
1094   fSUnitPt = fSUnits[0];
1096   // add square brackets around units
1097   for (auto& sunit : fSUnits) {
1098     if (!sunit.EqualTo("")) {
1099       sunit.Prepend(" [");
1100       sunit.Append("]");
1101     }
1102   }
1104   // get bins ready for rate variables
1105   fVarBins = {fPtBins, fEtaBins, fPhiBins, fNLayersBins};
1107   // which tracks to use
1108   fTrks = (fCmsswComp ? TStrVec{"build", "fit"} : TStrVec{"seed", "build", "fit"});
1109   fSTrks = (fCmsswComp ? TStrVec{"Build", "Fit"}
1110                        : TStrVec{"Seed", "Build", "Fit"});  // strk --> labels for histograms for given track type
1111   fNTrks = fTrks.size();
1113   // which pt cuts
1114   fPtCuts = {0.f, 0.9f, 2.f};
1115   for (const auto ptcut : fPtCuts) {
1116     fSPtCuts.emplace_back(Form("%3.1f", ptcut));
1117   }
1118   for (const auto& sptcut : fSPtCuts) {
1119     TString hptcut = sptcut;
1120     hptcut.ReplaceAll(".", "p");
1121     fHPtCuts.emplace_back(hptcut);
1122   }
1123   fNPtCuts = fPtCuts.size();
1125   // quality info
1126   fTrkQual = {"nHits", "fracHitsMatched", "score"};
1127   fSTrkQual = {"nHits / Track", "Highest Fraction of Matched Hits / Track", "Track Score"};
1128   fNTrkQual = fTrkQual.size();
1130   // reference related strings
1131   fSRefTitle = (fCmsswComp ? "CMSSW" : "Sim");
1132   fSRefVar = (fCmsswComp ? "cmssw" : "mc_gen");
1133   fSRefMask = (fCmsswComp ? "cmssw" : "mc");
1134   fSRefVarTrk = (fCmsswComp ? "cmssw" : "mc");
1135   fSRefDir = (fCmsswComp ? "_cmssw" : "");
1136   fSRefOut = (fCmsswComp ? "_cmssw" : "");
1137 }