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0001 #! /bin/bash
0003 ## input
0004 suite=${1:-"forPR"}
0005 useARCH=${2:-0}
0006 lnxuser=${3:-${USER}}
0008 ## In case this is run separately from the main script
0009 source xeon_scripts/ ${suite} ${useARCH} ${lnxuser}
0010 source xeon_scripts/
0012 for archV in "${arch_array_benchmark[@]}" 
0013 do echo ${archV} | while read -r archN archO
0014     do
0015         for build in "${ben_builds[@]}"
0016         do echo ${!build} | while read -r bN bO
0017             do
0018                 # see if a test was run for this build routine
0019                 vu_check=$( CheckIfVU ${build} )
0020                 th_check=$( CheckIfTH ${build} )
0022                 echo "Extract benchmarking results for" ${bN} "on" ${archN}
0023                 python plotting/ ${archN} ${sample} ${bN} ${vu_check} ${th_check}
0024             done
0025         done
0027         echo "Make final plot comparing different build options for" ${archN}
0028         root -b -q -l plotting/makeBenchmarkPlots.C\(\"${archN}\",\"${sample}\",\"${suite}\"\)
0030         for build in "${meif_builds[@]}"
0031         do echo ${!build} | while read -r bN bO
0032             do
0033                 echo "Extract multiple events in flight benchmark results for" ${bN} "on" ${archN}
0034                 python plotting/ ${archN} ${sample} ${bN}
0036                 echo "Make final plot comparing multiple events in flight for" ${bN} "on" ${archN}
0037                 root -b -q -l plotting/makeMEIFBenchmarkPlots.C\(\"${archN}\",\"${sample}\",\"${bN}\"\)
0038             done
0039         done
0040     done
0041 done