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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



Warning, /RecoTracker/PixelLowPtUtilities/data/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ### Cluster shape calibration data files
0003 1. stripShape.par : original strip cluster shape (not used?)
0004 2. pixelShapePhase0.par  : original phase0 pixel calibration
0005 3. pixelShapePhase1_all.par  : pixel cluster shape for Phase1 produced with 90K MinBias 930_pre1 relval at 99.5%
0006 4. pixelShapePhase1_noL1.par : same w/o considering BPIX1
0007 5. ITShapePhase2_all.par : Inner Tracker pixel cluster shape for Phase2 produced with 90K MinBias 930_pre2 relval at 99.9%  
0008 6. ITShapePhase2_noL1.par : same w/o considering BPIX1